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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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 Who comes out to the ring shouting 'FELLA'? It's like Wade Barrett coming out shouting 'MAAAATE'

Fortunately, I don't watch very often these days, but when I do, that 'Fella' shit's an awful bugbear of mine. It's ridiculous beyond belief. They've just picked out an utterly meaningless, irrelevant bit of lingo that Sheamus just so happens to use, with absolutely no context for it. It's about as lazy as marketing gets and he looks and sounds absurd coming out shouting it and having it plastered over his clothes.

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I can see he's a big, athletic chap, but he bores the shit out of me.  When he was in that film, The Escapist, he looked like a monster and yet WWE seem to have gone with him as an enlarged version of those troll pencil tops.





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Not a great show really - you'd think after the big Survivor Series result and the "end of an era" stuff they'd have more up their sleeve for the first Raw than weekly guest General Managers. Apparently not. Quite enjoyed Harper and Ambrose battering each other, but that was about it. Was enjoying Rusev's conundrum too, until it emerged he could just refuse to choose and get away with it.

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Daniel Bryan was a nice surprise. He's been away for what seems like forever.


I cringed like f**k at that Ryback and Kane backstage segment though. Horrible attempt at comedy.


Not enough action again for me, but what can they do? If they've got three hours to fill, it's never going to be good from start to finish.

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You know when you buy fireworks for bonfire night, and you dont quite know what firework does what. And you light a nice big rocket, and then the last one you have left is a big let down that leaves everyone feeling flat. That was Raw last night following Survivor Series. Can't believe I stayed up until 4am to watch what essentially was a sitcom at points. Bar a few good moments, with Daniel Bryan, and Ambrose/Harper, it just didn't live up to what could of been a great fall-out/repercussions show.  I don't know what the whole deal with Vince is either. I mean before Survivor Series he was coming off as he was stacking the odd's against the Authority, putting that stipulation on for no reason at all, and then acting disappointed on Raw? It just didn't really make sense to me, and could have been written a lot better. My one other good note is that I'm very much looking for to A New Day on next weeks show. Lets hope that one isn't another shit tesco firework. 

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