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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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And the perfect waste of Rusev's undefeated streak! He is undefeated still, right?

He's been beaten by DQ on a couple of occasions I'm sure but they still say he's undefeated anyway.


Michael Cole made a point of saying "Nobody has ever pinned or tapped Rusev out" this week, last week they were saying Rusev was undefeated.

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Decent follow-on to Hell in a Cell and nice to see something interesting set-up for Survivor Series. Ryback's return was awesome. Henry turning was cool if predictable. That RKO was a great moment. Wyatt's promo was cool even if it didn't mean anything. Great little promo from Roman Reigns. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when he nailed it. There's hope for Rampage Brown yet!


Couple of moans:


Cena finally got his match with Rollins after a month long chase. Did he mention it? Nope, just went on about Spurs winning their first trophy since 2008 (oddly Talksport aren't even talking about it) and then Steph came out. That was a decent segment. You have to wonder what the plan for Survivor Series would have been if Cena said yes to joining The Authority though? "The Authority always wins" when delivered by Trips is a cool tagline btw.


Ziggler looked like a superstar being Cena's first pick and then beating Kane. Annoying that it takes a match like Survivor Series to get them to pay attention to a mid-carder and give him something meaningful to do. I know there was a big debate about Ziggler recently and I'm somewhere in the middle on it. I think he's got enough talent to do more than they give him and to make his matches mean more and then he can bump around like a good 'un and play on the crowd's sympathy.


Stop making TNA's use of Hulk Hogan look absolute genius by comparison. I hate the old cunt but even I think he's got more value than dancing with cancer survivors and calling Brock Lesnar "stinky".


As good as Henry's turn was, I was hoping we might get new tag champs and a bit of life put into the division again.


Anyway, that Survivor Series tag match is cool. I'm hoping Team Cena is Cena, Ziggler, Ryback, Sheamus and Ambrose. I'd then have Team Authority as Orton, Kane, Rollins, Trips and, for one night only, Bray Wyatt.


In reality, I think they'll go for Cena, Ziggler, Sheamus and The Usos vs. Orton, Kane, Rollins and either the Dusts or a couple of lower card heels like Dallas and Miz.


Either way, if Orton is on Team Authority, he costs them the match and turns baby face.

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Not sure what was actually better now, Hogan being utterly overbaring but actually entertaining and purposeful in TNA, or this "Let me tell YOU something brother!" tribute act they have him doing in WWE. You can't really win.

Edited by Benno
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Nah, it was purposefully left ambiguous with the phrase "future title shot". In a perfect world. I'd have Cena and Lesnar end their feud at Survivor Series, with a newly face Orton challenging Lesnar at the Rumble.


Oh, for ultimate proof Survivor Series is no longer a "Big 4" PPV- it looks like Brock Lesnar will end this WWE run without appearing at one. He's done Rumble, Wrestlemania and Summerslam. He's done Extreme Rules and even Night of Champions. The Series just isn't that big a deal anymore, sadly.

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You could argue they should have rescued/rebranded it with an Elmination Chamber style main event or something, but Survivor Series hasn't mattered in about 10 years, with the multiman elimination format's irrelevance nearing 20.

Edited by Benno
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Brock Lesnar as champion is the worst decision they've made in ages, soiled even further by the fact he exclusively defends it against John Cena.

I'm with you on the Cena thing. I'm not sure it's a bad decision though. To me, the title benefits from not being defended every week against any old challenger. And whoever beats Lesnar is going to get a hell of a leg up (unless it's Cena).


That said, the only way to really tell is the number of people watching the shows he defends the belt on. If they can work it out these days with the change in their business.

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Hey, it's that Raw show! I was actually looking forward to seeing Raw today. I guess that means they dangled enough from the PPV.

Show starts with the Authority in the ring. They talky talky and bring out Seth Rollins. He was awful here, and I don't know what he's going for. Oh, except Cena. He's going for Cena. Tonight. Rush much?

Hey, it's Randy Orton! He's not very happy. He's blaming his loss to Cena on Rollins kerb stomping him and he's not too happy about the Authority being all ass-kissy to Rollins. He went for Rollins but they got split up. HHH told him they weren't doing this tonight. Orton disagreed and RKO'd Rollins dead. HHH looked like a disappointed father.

Dust Brothers versus Big Show & Mark Henry. We got a new feud! Well, kinda, because this was telegraphed to be the break up of the Show-Henry friendship-partnership thing. Dust Brothers retain the titles when Henry turns on Show after Show had it won. Henry's all heelish over this but I think he has a point. Show worked hard in this. Tag titles further diminished. By the way, are closed fists legal in WWE now?

Hey, remember how bad that Roman Reigns interview was a few weeks back? Someone doesn't because they did it again. Terrible.

Christ, it's women. AJ Lee versus Alicia Fox. Paige is good on commentary, better than she is in the ring here. Paige is all PMSy about her friendship with Fox, and turns on her giving AJ the win. AJ is just a cipher at this point. It's all about how women can't be friends because they're bitches. Sigh.

In a brilliant segment, John Cena does talky talky, and then Stephanie offers him a place in the Authority. They're both awesome here. Cena declines so HHH comes out. When Cena declines again, HHH makes a traditional Survivor Series match for the PPV - Team Authority (which, at the moment, is 2 men) versus Team Cena, and wishes Cena luck in finding anyone to team with him. Jeez, it's not like he's Hideo Itami - he does have friends!

The Usos, fresh from stinking up the Dust Brothers, pour their smell all over Miz & Mizdow, who is comedy enough to save this. Usos win using a twin switch, which is undermined by the "hurt" twin immediately being fine. Mizdow deserves better than this.

Cena and Ziggler are talking! They shake hands!

After the break, Kane tells Ziggler he saw him talking to Cena. Ziggler does not deny it. Kane tells him he will beat him up. School!

Hulk Hogan did some nice things for the breast cancer survivors.

Bo Dallas has issued an open challenge. He may bo-lieve, but he's an idiot. Hey, it's Goldberg! I mean, Ryback! Apropos of nothing, honest, I'm reading old Observers at the moment, and it's in the thick of the steroid era.

Ryback kills Dallas, undermined slightly by Dallas getting some offense in. Fuck parity! I am underwhelmed by my first sight of Ryback.

Hey, it's Taz with AIDS! Cesaro needs to ditch the robe and towel. He's fighting Dean Ambrose because reasons.

Ambrose cuts a promo on Wyatt and then proceded to hit Cesaro lots and lots and lots with the microphone. Cesaro must have cummed in someone's cereal because he's being buried left, right, and centre now.

Ambrose calls out Wyatt, but Wyatt does not come. Instead, he appears on the big screen and said he & Ambrose were the same man. Hmm...

Oh, no, it's the Bella twins. Nikki beat Naomi after some very, very minor interference from Brie. A Bad Match. If this 30 days doesn't end with Brie getting to like being evil and out-evilling Nikki then I will demand my time back.

Dolph Ziggler fought Kane as punishment for talking to Cena. Only Kane 2K14 is a shit enforcer, and Ziggler won. I had to Duggan parts of this, it was too long and too bad. Rollins then attacked Ziggler, and Cena made the save, after what seemed like an eternity.

He demanded the nonsense main event started immediately but Rollins still went to the back to come straight out again because *shrug*?

They had a Good Match, almost PPV-style, which I guess with Raw being 3 hours is now what Raw main events have to be. Hey, do you remember when it was Raw Is War, and the second hour was the Warzone?

Cena was about to win when Kane interfered for the DQ. Rollins's goons got involved as well, and then the entire roster ran out to brawl in the ring, weirdly. Cena cleared the ring and stared down the Authority, who had retreated to the ramp. A Fun Show.

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