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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Back. Yeah.

FFS, these women suck. Emma is awful. Like, what is she? Is she supposed to be shit? I can't imagine her setting out to be anything other than that because the alternative is sweepyface depressing. She's like that one girl who's a bit hot but gets too drunk too often and loses anything she ever had. Paige disapponts me. Alicia saddens me. AJ just annoys me. I totally should have Duggan'd this.


Luke Harper is something something.

The Miz beat Sheamus in a match that would have been too long on a PPV that was running short let alone a prime-time TV show. The     ONLY things worth a damn were how over Mizdow was with the Brooklyn crowd (and the brief look on his face when he realised it), and the guy in the front row with the flat cap and the great facial expressions. Has Sheamus been treading water long?

I'm ashamed to say I did Duggan the cancer bit. I have no idea who that lady was and shamefullly don't care. WEAR PINK & GIVE MONEY, THOUGH!

Kane & Orton & Rollins versus Cena was one long meh, notable only for Kane fucking up two - count 'em - TWO clotheslines. Day one in training. Seventeen years in. Christ.

Then Ambrose came out with a hot dog cart and it got all slapstick and fun. Oh, and HHH and Stackedphanie McMahon made a match for Hell In A Cell - Cena versus Ambrose, and then Cena or Ambrose versus Rollins. This feud must continue~!


This was a better show than last week. Because that sucked. This only mildly sucked. I expect a continual rise in quality. OR ELSE (I'll stop watching).


Last week, and the week before that, the Big Show buried Rusev so badly that he can only have taken a shit in Vince's bag or something. This week, instead of getting the Gaint to do it, they brought in THE ROCK~!. Yeah, that THE ROCK~!. Apart from saying that Lana was gorgeous - and he's not wrong, right kids? - he spent 15 minutes making Rusev look like a massive geek. They could have used him to give a rub but what would be the point when the Big Show has already destroyed him? Instead a man who doesn't wrestle much anymore came out and farted on a guy who is supposedly in tip top shape and ready to destroy. Rusev should chat to Summer Rae about future endeavours.


Completely disagree with this. Rusev getting his arse handed to him by the Rock or even Bigshow on Raw won't harm him in the slightest. He's the man that gets it done when it matters. Its all well and good being able to knock him out of the ring or even KO him, but if he keeps winning whilst the crowds want him to lose so bad, then he'll be fine. After he loses......well that's another story.


I'm not so sure, but I'm a long way out of modern booking. His wins should mean nothing when he's being treated like a chump.

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You know, we can talk about the Rock being lame, or cheesy- I've seen the phrase "catchphrase machine" used to describe him. All that aside, he still comes off a million times more natural than his cuz Roman Reigns.


I think WWE just lucked out by having Rock in the NYC area to appear on Raw. He's not going to work with Rusev, it'd be like if he came back in 2008 to wrestle Kozlov. I think the next time we see Rock will be next year's HOF.


He made an otherwise terrible Raw interesting though.


EDIT: the other good thing about Raw was Dean Ambrose- and I mean more his presence and general charisma rather than his actual actions on the show. First, the slime, and now sauce bottles? He's the lunatic fringe, but he's starting to seem more like a Nickelodeon host. Resembles Doink the Clown more than Steve Austin.


Ambrose is good enough to make the wacky shit acceptable, but there will be a point very soon where it'll jump the shark with the wider audience.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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I think WWE just lucked out by having Rock in the NYC area to appear on Raw. He's not going to work with Rusev, it'd be like if he came back in 2008 to wrestle Kozlov.

That would've done more for Kozlov than if Rock had just trotted out on Raw to do a scripted castration of him.


Far more people will be familiar with Rusev now than they were before Monday, but they won't think highly of him. Lana is probably the big winner, because she'll have gained new fans from it and she doesn't lose anything by being chumped out by Rock.

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It's amazing how over Rock is compared to literally anyone else on the roster, including Cena.


You mean one of the most popular wrestlers of all time who happens to be a genuine Hollywood A-Lister? Yeah, weird that.


I'm not sure where they're going with Reigns, unless they're trying to make him look soft. He's supposed to be this heroic, tough superman, so a couple of weeks ago they show a clip of him spaced out from being anaesthetised, going "uuurgh" and looking really weak, and repeated it a million times. This week it's a cookie cutter 45 second blandathon promo about getting back quickly and kicking nobody in particular's ass, including ***Pauses for effect*** pauses for effect where the crowd are supposed to cheer, and then don't. It made me think of this guy:





And this is the guy they want to beat Lesnar at Mania for the Streak rights/Belt? Man, they need to change something quickly or they're gonna have Daniel Bryan chants hijacking everything again.


Hopefully the endgame for the Mizdow gimmick is that he somehow ends up with the IC title instead of Miz.

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Hopefully the endgame for the Mizdow gimmick is that he somehow ends up with the IC title instead of Miz.



I hope this happens too. Miz could be given a "last chance" match for the IC title, only for him to eat a Brogue Kick/Superkick/Punch to the money maker on the Raw or Smackdown before the PPV, taking him out of the match. Miz gets Sandow to replace him in the title match where he wins the belt, and refuses to hand it over.

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They really do need to unify the US and IC belts and just keep the IC now. Hopefully get Miz or Sandow to get the belt from the awful Sheamus and have a unification match with Ziggler. I know Ziggler and Miz has been done to death over the last few months but they have had some good matches and there is no need for both belts.

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I'd have Rusev win the US title and just retire it/re-christen it the Russian Title or something to that effect. At least for a while you can then have an actual midcard title in the form of the IC belt, and the US Title be a prop to get Rusev extra heat. Fuck it, have Rusev 'melt down' the US title into a trophy to carry round or something to that effect as a way to retire it.

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No ones going to unify the IC and US belts at the moment, as Dolph twitted that United Airlines have lost his bags, one of which has the belt in it


That happened before Raw. They have a spare.


Bet someone at United stole that belt.

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I'd have Rusev win the US title and just retire it/re-christen it the Russian Title or something to that effect. At least for a while you can then have an actual midcard title in the form of the IC belt, and the US Title be a prop to get Rusev extra heat. Fuck it, have Rusev 'melt down' the US title into a trophy to carry round or something to that effect as a way to retire it.


I had the same thought during the PPV match with Mark Henry. I think it would add something to the act if Rusev was walking around with the US championship. Lana screaming that it makes him better than every American and this line of Yanks lining up to try and take it off him.


The only problem being that it's not currently held by an American but you could work around that.

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No ones going to unify the IC and US belts at the moment, as Dolph tweeted that United Airlines have lost his bags, one of which has the belt in it

They have different belts they use just for tv , he likely lost his house shows belt.

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