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Reigns' gear looks like a Quasar outfit. That's one of the things that's lacking.


I was into Ambrose before his debut and then liked the other two better after. The thing that let him down was that he was pretty sloppy in singles matches whereas he's now not trying to do anything fancy and his matches, and his character, are aimed at being fun and unpredictable. He's done really well. Rollins is wild and fun to watch too. Reigns is obviously pushed to a more main event style.

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Jesus Christ.  RVD won a match!

2 in 2 nights, after beating Cesaro on the SummerSlam pre-show. On Main Event they announced RVD vs Orton for Smackdown, so it appears to have a reason behind it. I've kept free from spoilers for that so far.

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Not sure about that show. Lot of SummerSlam rehashing and filler. Opening segment was a good idea but it didn't work as well as you'd think. Still it set the scene nicely for Cena's promo. The Lesnar interview was very good too.


I didn't like the Wyatt match as much. I'm not sure what them showing Cena doing what Lesnar did to him to someone who is way below Lesnar's level is supposed to prove.


How lame was that finish to the Swagger match? We just saw the most one sided match perhaps in WWE history and that didn't get stopped. Even if you think the ref would be less likely to stop a title match, it's still stupid.


I liked the Reigns/Rollins/Kane stuff. It's been odd how little Reigns and Rollins have interacted since the split considering Rollins actually turned on Reigns first - and from behind.


Tag title match was disappointing but the post match angle was intriguing. Other than that, I didn't feel a lot of progression. Swagger moving on to a Dallas feud maybe?

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Bloody hell, Cena totally saved that opening segment didn't he? It was awful before his promo. It was laughable hearing Hogan ramble on about how everyone loves John Cena amongst a chorus of "Cena Sucks".


The rest of the show was a bit of a chore as well, besides the Rollins/Reigns stuff.

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Was alright I thought.


Good reaction to Reigns/Rollins,Paige was good again and the Bella confrontation (I wish you died in the womb comment aside) wasn't as awful as I imagined it would be.Nikki heeled it up pretty well,the other one is still rubbish though and shouldn't be allowed to talk.


The Lesnar vignette was class.


Have they fucked off the idea of a new Nation group?Kofi was back doing his usual non-descript jobbing this week.

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Have they fucked off the idea of a new Nation group?Kofi was back doing his usual non-descript jobbing this week.


Yes. It would be insanely bad timing with the whole Ferguson debacle in the news right now. They'd get torn to shreds in the media for it.


One thing I got from reading the results (forgot to tape it - d'oh) is that they have some serious trust in Bray Wyatt. I don't think the Cena beating means they see him as disposable, and nor do I think they've decided he's going to be pushed down the card. More that they think his character can take that and recover quickly. I think that's a good sign.

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They've kept the Rusev/pro Russia/Putin thing going,even with all the shite happening in the Ukraine.Ferguson situation is a bit closer to home I suppose.

They didn't just keep the Rusev thing going, they intentionally changed tack and made him Russian instead of Bulgarian as soon as all that hit the news to capitalise on it.


Anti-Russian sentiment has never been a particularly grey area in the USA.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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This was definitely a return to all those drab shows they were doing post-Mania. Rusev's act and that Lesnar video were the only things worth a coin.


I never ever want to see Cena v a Wyatt again. It's done and I thought Cena mimicking Lesnar was rubbish - it sort of highlighted why Lesnar is so good at what he does.


I had to skip the Bella segment. Cringe.

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