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So are we going to end up with Bryan/Kane, Evolution/Shield and Cena/Wyatt as the top three matches again at Payback?


On the topic of Bryan, Sheamus is meant to be turning heel so maybe Bryan/Sheamus for the few months leading up to Summerslam (I guess Sheamus winning the IC title might mean that they will not go that way though). Cesaro would also be a good opponent as well (and as FelatioLips has said it would lead nicely into a match/feud with Lesnar). Anyone who they put Bryan against other than Lesnar will feel like a step down after mixing it up with HHH, Orton and Batista though.

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He should stop knocking about with Brie on screen too.No use having your newly minted champion being outsmarted by Steph every week and then bossed about by his wife less than a month into his reign.

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I'd argue that for the sake of longevity at the top it'll be in Bryan's best interests if they hold back from pushing him too much over the summer. I'm not saying he needs to be made a fool of but he isn't The Undertaker or Steve Austin or John Cena. He's the underdog who beat the odds and won the main event of one of the biggest Wrestlemania's ever. How does he top that? Or how does he keep that momentum going over the next few years? If he's kept at the very top then he's going to crash and burn before this time next year. The YES! chants won't keep him going forever. He needs to take a step back and have fans salivating for him to reach the top again later on.

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That Adam Rose entrance was rubbish. There shouldn't have been two separate entrances and the actual entrance had a verse going on whem it needed the chorus. I don't think Adam Rose plays the role convincingly either. He also doesn't see him as a particularly good worker. And his better theme they can't use. As has been said, shit comedy stuff awaits.

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Well that's Ziggler fucked, suppose the writings been on the wall for ages but considering Sandow was in that battle royal and yet they had (babyface) Ziggler eliminated by (babyface) Santino's cobra, I'd say he's pretty much staying where he is til they eventually release him, shame as he came across well in that Hugh Jackman segment last week


The Los Matadores segment may have been the least over thing I've ever seen on an episode of Raw, to be fair it was shite


Also no Paige and I'm tired of every episode ending with one of the Shield or Evolution standing over the other lot so all in all a shite episode of Raw

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Adam Rose was fun for about two or three weeks and then he was exposed as a one trick Pony with shit finishing moves, it also doesn't help that his promos leading up to his Raw debut make him look a right plank. Comedy dance segment filler on Smackdown by the end of the year.


Those Bo Dallas promos on the other hand are fucking great.


I like Paige but I can't shake the feeling that she has been rushed into the Title scene because AJ Lee was fucking off for a while. Still better than being in development forever though.

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Adam Rose was fun for about two or three weeks and then he was exposed as a one trick Pony with shit finishing moves, it also doesn't help that his promos leading up to his Raw debut make him look a right plank. Comedy dance segment filler on Smackdown by the end of the year.

Anyone else see JTG and Curt Hawkins as part of the group that came out with Rose?



Those Bo Dallas promos on the other hand are fucking great.

I still think the idea of having Bo Dallas as the newest member of the Wyatts would have been a much better use of him.



I like Paige but I can't shake the feeling that she has been rushed into the Title scene because AJ Lee was fucking off for a while. Still better than being in development forever though.

I am kind of glad that Paige was not on Raw this week, as it feels like she has already fought half of the divas division over the past month since she won the title. Also, she would have probably just been in a rematch against Tamina if she was on Raw.

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I thought Bryan's peak was mania, amd this Kane feud shows that it is. Coming back a week after the 3 tombstones was too soon, and this week was awful too.

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WWE realised America has never had political tensions with Bulgaria, then. Quick, make him Russian!


What percentage of 'Russian' wrestlers in the big leagues over the years have actually been Russian?

Edited by PunkStep
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Despite all of the rumours about Sheamus, etc, I don't believe the plan was for them to do anything but Bryan vs. Triple H at WrestleMania. There was nearly a year of build up for it. The title thing I agree was a late decision.


Agreed. There always seems to be thousands of rumors of what matches / results were meant to happen and never come to pass. Usually half start out as someone saying "I think Bryan vs. Sheamus" would be cool, and that then evolves over time into a "fact" that something was meant to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they had options, but that isn't the same thing.


Bryan vs. HHH was always on the card in my opinion ever since Summerslam, and that WWE did a great job of building up Bryan for that match. However I am worried about where he goes now.


Annoyingly (and in contradiction to my earlier point) I feel WWE do fail to make long term plans sometimes. If they had known they needed Kane as a serious contender, they should of built him up accordingly. Ah well...

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What a load of shite that Daniel Bryan story was. Brie Bella's an absolutely woeful actress, Bryan's acting is poor at best, and the writing and concept was wank. It kind of portrays Kane as a threat, but it never explains why Bryan's suddenly so worried about the same man whose arse he kicked 24 hours earlier. It wouldn't have been half as bad if Bryan and especially Brie weren't shit, but even half as bad as that is still very, very bad. It just doesn't make sense, not in a blarting that Bryan's being buried way, just... He battered Kane the night before, what's he got to be scared of?


I liked Adam Rose's NXT debut better than his Raw debut, the NXT one had a good flow that was lacking last night. Still enjoyed it though and looking forward to more from him.


Sheamus starting to go heel is more interesting than anything he's done lately.


It was a really weak show altogether, loads of rematches, feuds being dragged on when they shouldn't. If Shield vs Evolution and Kane vs Bryan was the planned direction -- or even if it was just a possible direction -- then the babyfaces shouldn't have had decisive clean wins at Extreme Rules.



WWE realised America has never had political tensions with Bulgaria, then. Quick, make him Russian!


What percentage of 'Russian' wrestlers in the big leagues over the years have actually been Russian?

Rusev isn't billed as Russian. He's just got the "resides in" billing. And the more they can do to draw some kind of emotion towards him, the better. He seems really miscast in this role.


Cesaro is the perfect opponent for Bryan after Kane. Believable as a main event player on the same level as Bryan



If you really believe that, you either don't think much of Bryan, or you've got a ridiculously inflated sense of Cesaro's status. If Cesaro went the next two months beating everyone he faces, he might be a decent opponent for the July PPV which could then segue into Bryan vs Lesnar at SummerSlam. But if Cesaro was Bryan's feud right now, it'd be a certain indication that Bryan's having a midcard World title run.

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What a load of shite that Daniel Bryan story was. Brie Bella's an absolutely woeful actress, Bryan's acting is poor at best, and the writing and concept was wank. It kind of portrays Kane as a threat, but it never explains why Bryan's suddenly so worried about the same man whose arse he kicked 24 hours earlier. It wouldn't have been half as bad if Bryan and especially Brie weren't shit, but even half as bad as that is still very, very bad. It just doesn't make sense, not in a blarting that Bryan's being buried way, just... He battered Kane the night before, what's he got to be scared of?

I didn't think he looked that scared. He flew into the back of the car to attack Kane and he booted him on the roof. The point seems to be that Brie is terrified and so Bryan is worried for her safety. In fairness, her reaction to Steph knocking on the window was pretty good. I jumped!


I agree that they haven't gt the balance right at all. I think it's redeemable if, now they've established Kane is scary, they leave the lass out of it and let Bryan stand up to the monster.


Wasn't there another Bella?

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