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Daniel Bryans momentum is gone as well, circumstances have killed him. The next few weeks are massive for him if he's gonna stay at the top. Not looking good.

How many times has this been said before though? He's over as hell, and that isn't really going to change based on a three to four week distraction of a feud with Kane.

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Daniel Bryans momentum is gone as well, circumstances have killed him. The next few weeks are massive for him if he's gonna stay at the top. Not looking good.

How many times has this been said before though? He's over as hell, and that isn't really going to change based on a three to four week distraction of a feud with Kane.


Aye, its diminishing though. He wasn't nearly as over last night as he has been. Its not all WWEs fault tbf, but the way hes been positioned since wrestlemania has been awful. Feels a lot like Benoits run, he never got near the belt after his first run, where he was predominantly positioned under the "main eventers". More so like Punks first run I guess. It's a definite concern, I am starting to notice the crowds not be as loud towards him. It can all change next week tho if he's positioned well after the ppv. Adding Brie to his act is doing no good either

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Crowd last night were pretty usual for Bryan I thought,they even popped for Steph announcing Brie was getting a shot at the Diva's title sure.


Always felt like Benoit got that title run mainly out of courtesy/respect,more so than by being massively over.

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Part of the problem is a) no one cares about the match with Kane, especially with it being a foregone conclusion and b) he's got the title now. The crowd will be much more inclined to cheer him as the underdog, especially when undermining the authority, than him already being atop the mountain. I think the thing that'll keep momentum going is quality matches. I hope he's against top fodder again soon as Kane is such a comedown.

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The problem is we've seen too many guys over the past ten years get the belt an become anything but the focus of the company hence the panicking. There's not necessarily anything to worry about though. Bryan is in a logical feud wih a solid hand that should yield a nice, clean win to maintain his momentum while other potential opponents are busy in long running feuds.


The crowd reaction isn't a worry either. Bryan hasn't been super over with every crowd. They're all different.


No point putting Bryan in a box with Benoit, Misterio, etc. Let it play out.

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Also, Bryan hasn't really done a whole lot on TV since winning the title, which is understandable under his personal circumstances as of late. Once he becomes a bigger part of the show again, those reactions will be strong and sustained again.


I like the way they've rebuilt Kane. Yeah, it's retreading old ground, but it's being presented in a serious manner, and is effective in my book. The attack last week was strong, and Brie did a good job in selling fear this week. Bryan seemed strong on the mic, he's really getting that confidence under him and maintained his focus, no corpsing or anything. And Brie's line to Steph showed how effective an element of the "PG" era can be- saying "you bitch" on TV carries a lot more weight because you hear minimal cursing now. In the Attitude Era, calling someone a bitch wasn't a big deal. Now, crowds gasp and you know there'll be major repercussions. In a similar vein, Steph saying "you bastard" to Kane sold his persona really well, when was the last time "bastard" was said on WWE TV? Back when it was a term of endearment for Hornswoggle?


I enjoyed what I saw of the show. I was streaming it and it buggered up at the start of RVD vs. BNB, so if anyone has a good link, that'd be much appreciated. :)

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Bryan's just come off two clean wins against three big stars at a Wrestlemania, anything that they realistically came up with would be a bit underwhelming (no big part timers, Cena is feuding with Bray and they want to elevate The Shield with an Evolution feud). The Kane feud is hardly a major match, but it's clearly a small part of his larger feud with The Authority. Stephanie is sticking her nose in every week reminding us of that.


Bryan has come through a lot worse than a brief feud with Kane.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Crying about Bryan feuding with Kane is just clutching at straws to cling to the notion that he's being buried, I reckon. I think there are some people that won't like Bryan as much if they accept that WWE have given him the lot. They like him, but they like him more if they can convince themselves that liking him is a fuck-you to Vince McMahon and Triple H. So they'll jump on any perceived ill treatment of him.


In the show itself, Bryan was alright but unimpressive on the microphone. Stephanie was fairly great. Brie was Brie. The story with Kane was fine, it's better than I was expecting.


That opening segment was good, but it was a bit old by the ninth replay. I'm not sure what the point of the Cena interview at the end was, either. It seems like the idea over the last month is that Cena tries to convince himself that everything's fine and fun, but really he's coming apart at the seams... But they haven't told that story brilliantly. Great opener, though.


Barrett's really found his niche now, he's a lot of fun to watch.


The commentators pretending to laugh doesn't normally bother me, but in that terrible Jackman/Ziggler/Sandow thing, it really did. And Ziggler was terrible in that. He's a bit like Morrison in that he can't do wrestling ring talk (he's not wooden like Morrison, there's just something really unconvincing about him), and they'd be better off figuring out a different way to present his personality. At the moment, he's just bumps, bad promos and Saved By The Bell intro t-shirts. I felt like Jackman didn't fully get the back and forth of wrestling promos and responded too much, and Ziggler was the same. Sandow was fine with his bad material, but woeful bit overall.


Hornswoggle vs Torito in a weeLC match on the PPV pre-show could be a lot of fun.


Shield-Evolution stuff was fine.


Do any of the matches at Extreme Rules have any extreme rules besides the pre-show midget match and Cena vs Bray?


Like most Raws, what could have been a good two-hour show made a fairly weak three-hour show.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Like most Raws, what could have been a good two-hour show made a fairly weak three-hour show.

This is a good point. I thought the same last week when the show dragged loads but had a few good bits.


The problem is, I think if they went back to two hours, it wouldn't simply be a case of producing the hottest two hours. They'd keep the "variety" shit like the never ending Sandango feud and the guest stars.


Fairly bland show this week. I quite liked the opening but I think it'd have had more impact if the kids had goat masks on all the way through. I love a "coming through the ring canvas" angle. Shield promo was very good. Bad News Barrett is the dogs bollocks. In and out of the ring.

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I felt the same way about the Wyatt choir, while I liked it, it would have been infinitely better if the kids had been wearing the masks all the way through. Having them show their faces with cheesy grins before donning the masks made it far less creepy.

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I felt the same way about the Wyatt choir, while I liked it, it would have been infinitely better if the kids had been wearing the masks all the way through. Having them show their faces with cheesy grins before donning the masks made it far less creepy.


I thought it would have been even better if the lights went out, they all appeared around the cage all wearing CENA shirts and doing the can't see me gimmick. Cena doesn't know what to make of it,


Then the Wyatt music bit and it all goes dark again, wyatt appears on the stage and says "one minute the Cenation are with you and then..." the lights go out


the choir all start singing and when the lights come back on then don't have cena shirts on but have the sheep masks on.

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Like most Raws, what could have been a good two-hour show made a fairly weak three-hour show.

This is a good point. I thought the same last week when the show dragged loads but had a few good bits.


The problem is, I think if they went back to two hours, it wouldn't simply be a case of producing the hottest two hours. They'd keep the "variety" shit like the never ending Sandango feud and the guest stars.

They'd do less "let's have Cesaro and Swagger on about five times tonight" though. They'd have only had to replay the opening segment seven times instead of eleven. They wouldn't have to do the video of what The Shield did on Smackdown five times. They might not have done that second Cena interview.

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