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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I remember Bret Hart doing a similar thing in 1997 where he moaned about every decision going against him, and that was to plant seeds for an eventual heel turn. You should never have your babyface moaning. Because generally if you come across like you are crying, nobody wants to be that. If you'd have kept Steve Austin out of the Royal Rumble, he'd have just showed up to get some satisfaction of his own. He wouldnt have cried about it. I just think they are booking him so wrong. Talk on the internet and loud cheers dont make stars. Protecting your acts and booking them where they come across as likable and a threat and (here's the big one) you aren't watching expecting a swerve is what makes people watch. Otherwise you become Sting. Sting should have been the next Hogan or whatever, but he never was. If he wasn't wrestling a big star, Sting rarely drew. And why would he? Everyone turned on him (you know like Orton, HHH, Scott Armstrong and Shawn Michaels and probably Batista did/will do to Bryan?) making him look like a gullible twat, he worked for a company that had no idea how to showcase his potential and popularity, he played second fiddle to Hogan or Flair or whoever they else was a better horse that month and when he eventually did draw the big PPV number, they buried him because he never had a tan and muscle definition after 18 months off.


The worst thing about the way he's booked is they are going to give him the belt probably either at the Chamber or Extreme Rules. But look at the way they are going about it. This isn't an Eddie Guerrero thing. Eddie Guerrero went "I'm not as tough as Brock, but my battles were twice as hard to overcome that beating him" and he beat him. They went to his hometown, they brought up all of the stuff he over came and he went through this journey with the fans and got his reward. He got over, they showcased him and they gave him his big moment. Bryan's been done over at every big match in 2013, they dressed him as a bin man and now he's a complaining after he got beat clean about a title shot. There's a massive disconnect in terms of what the people who accept its fake want and those who want to get lost in the storylines. Popularity means very little if you run off the people who put their money in their pocket. And even those chanting at the arenas weren't spending money to buy his PPVs when it was obviously there was a fuck finish coming every month last year. You can be as loud as you want, but until they start treating him better than he's been treated and overhaul the way they push their talent, he isn't going to be ahead of Punk or even Roman Reigns by the summer.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He lost his last match and then thinks he should walk onto a title match because he whines? Maybe if he'd have called Orton out and beaten him up or something. But he thought he was deserving of a world title match because the fans chanted his name a bit? He didn't even get screwed out of the rumble, he wasn't ever in it!


If you're basing this view on Bryan on storyline, you appear to be excluding the storyline that he repeatedly asked HHH & Stephanie to be in the Rumble and they did not let him. They claimed they were caring about his well being, that they didn't want him to wrestle a match more than once. As Bryan pointed out, they have routinely forced him to wrestle more than once on the same show over the past few months in gauntlet matches, so their reasoning doesn't really fly.


As for why he would think he 'deserved a world title match' - he was screwed out of the title at Summerslam when Triple H turned on him. He was stripped of the title the night after Night of Champions because Triple H falsely claimed Bryan had bribed ref Scott Armstrong to deliver a fast count. And he was screwed in his title match at Hell in a Cell when Shawn Michaels superkicked him. He's been repeatedly screwed in or after every title match he's been in over the past 7 months.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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To some extent, they're being loud because of the bad booking though, right?


To some extent, definitely... and if this "bad booking" pays off with his big win on the big stage then it becomes "great booking".


I think with how much he's been "screwed" recently, fans were hoping the big pay off would come at WM30.

When it became clear on Sunday that he's not winning the Rumble, it looks like that pay-off isn't coming. Hence people being rightly pissed.

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He lost his last match and then thinks he should walk onto a title match because he whines? Maybe if he'd have called Orton out and beaten him up or something. But he thought he was deserving of a world title match because the fans chanted his name a bit? He didn't even get screwed out of the rumble, he wasn't ever in it!


If you're basing this view on Bryan on storyline, you appear to be excluding the storyline that he repeatedly asked HHH & Stephanie to be in the Rumble and they did not let him. They claimed they were caring about his well being, that they didn't want him to wrestle a match more than once. As Bryan pointed out, they have routinely forced him to wrestle more than once on the same show over the past few months in gauntlet matches, so their reasoning doesn't really fly.


As for why he would think he 'deserved a world title match' - he was screwed out of the title at Summerslam when Triple H turned on him. He was stripped of the title the night after Night of Champions because Triple H falsely claimed Bryan had bribed ref Scott Armstrong to deliver a fast count. And he was screwed in his title match at Hell in a Cell when Shawn Michaels superkicked him. He's been repeatedly screwed in or after every title match he's been in over the past 7 months.


You're right, he's so pathetic he gets screwed over again and again and all he does in response is throw a bit of a hissy fit about it. God what a loser.

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He lost his last match and then thinks he should walk onto a title match because he whines? Maybe if he'd have called Orton out and beaten him up or something. But he thought he was deserving of a world title match because the fans chanted his name a bit? He didn't even get screwed out of the rumble, he wasn't ever in it!


If you're basing this view on Bryan on storyline, you appear to be excluding the storyline that he repeatedly asked HHH & Stephanie to be in the Rumble and they did not let him. They claimed they were caring about his well being, that they didn't want him to wrestle a match more than once. As Bryan pointed out, they have routinely forced him to wrestle more than once on the same show over the past few months in gauntlet matches, so their reasoning doesn't really fly.


As for why he would think he 'deserved a world title match' - he was screwed out of the title at Summerslam when Triple H turned on him. He was stripped of the title the night after Night of Champions because Triple H falsely claimed Bryan had bribed ref Scott Armstrong to deliver a fast count. And he was screwed in his title match at Hell in a Cell when Shawn Michaels superkicked him. He's been repeatedly screwed in or after every title match he's been in over the past 7 months.


You're right, he's so pathetic he gets screwed over again and again and all he does in response is throw a bit of a hissy fit about it. God what a loser.


He's not really throwing a hissy fit is he? He's asking for a fair opportunity, which is what a good babyface does. What's he going to do, kick HHH or Stephanie in the face? They belittle and bury everybody, that's their schtick.


There's a difference between being a loser and being an underdog, and Bryan is clearly being portrayed as an underdog.

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To some extent, definitely... and if this "bad booking" pays off with his big win on the big stage then it becomes "great booking".

No it doesn't. It comes a "diminishing return". You have to be booked well to get that great moment. Bret Hart winning the WCW title wasn't a great moment. They'd battered him down to the point where he couldn't make a difference. You have to be a blind clown to see Bryan's not getting the belt eventually. But he's had the belt twice before and both times were ruined by what came after it. Nobody is immune to bad booking. Not Austin, not Rock, not Hogan, not Cena and definitely not Daniel Bryan.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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What's he going to do, kick HHH or Stephanie in the face? They belittle and bury everybody, that's their schtick.

That's almost the worst thing - they don't seem to know. Triple H wants to have his cake and eat it when it comes to his character - on one hand he wants to be the evil Authority heel but then often enough he comes out all 'hey everyone, I'm in DX, are you rrrrready?' with no real motivation to do so.

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The problem is that Bryan is not convincing as someone who would just come out there and twat people when he doesn't get his way, like Austin would have done. Punk had the same problem. In fact, WWE is really short of people who would do that right now. Put the fucking mic down and hit someone.

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Triple H and Stephanie right at the start were absolute gold with their trolling. Wasn't a huge fan of how they wrote Daniel Cryan on the show, but it was interesting to watch.


Shield vs Wyatts at Elimination Chamber? Yes please!


The Orton/Batista/Lesnar stuff was very weird and a flat. The Outlaws were glorious.


I guess that was some of the appeal Ryback had. Punk and Heyman were running their mouth while he went about his business by battering everybody.

It definitely was a large part of Ryback's appeal. A babyface that wasn't going to come in and make lame jokes or name-drop ROH, but was going to fuck someone up.

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I've never been a big Bryan fan and I'm particularly not enjoying his current position with the company. As it stands it looks like they're gonna throw up Batista Vs Brock Lesnar for the strap at WrestleMania which is fantastic (I got this impression from there stare down and lack of interaction with each other in the ring. Plus I'd like to think with the reaction Orton/Batista the WWE wouldn't dare to take a feud between the two further). Plus Batista Vs Brock Lesnar sounds like a massive match. People may ask why should Batista main event Mania? He's been in the WWE longer, he's a massive star, B Star Movie Star, a sexy motherfucker - he looks the part, he's best mates with Triple H and he can move the numbers. Fuck Bryan. I have no interest in Bryan main eventing Mania. He could have a 5* match at Mania and I couldn't care less. I'd rather see Batista any day.


Raw was good this week. Really enjoyed Lesnar. The man of the night has to go to Seth Rollins. It's amazing how this is the same Tyler Black from the indies who has transitioned into Seth Rollins. He is by far the best bang for your buck at the moment (apart from tripping himself up on his first entrance of the night). It's mad to see the New Age Outlaws with those horrible ugly belts in the year 2014. Bad News Barrett is getting better each and every week. The Usos are hot at the moment and continue to impress me on a regular basis. Miz looked like a little boy wearing his dads jersey.

Edited by Professor Paul's Bin
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As it stands it looks like they're gonna throw up Batista Vs Brock Lesnar for the strap at WrestleMania which is fantastic (I got this impression from there stare down and lack of interaction with each other in the ring).

Who would Orton and Undertaker fight then if we end up with Batista vs. Lesnar?

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