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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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If they bring back the Hound, though, we're going to be on his side, which means we want the High Sparrow to win... Which we don't want. I think.


They're setting up quite a few good conflicts for towards the end of the season. Someone should make a WrestleMania style poster for this little lot:


Jon Snow vs Ramsay Bolton


The Mountain Open Challenge


Arya vs Jaqen H'gar (presuming she knocks off A Girl first)


Triple Threat Ironborn Match with the three Greyjoys


And while I reckon they'll save Three Eyed Raven vs Night King for further down the line, I fully expect we'll get


Brienne of Tarth vs The Kingslayer


before the end of this season. We know they're both going to Riverrun, and I can't see both of them getting out of it alive. I think we're getting a (Renaissance poetry alert) Tancred & Clorinda thing coming up - two great warriors who like each other, but they're on opposite sides of the battle so they have to fight. He kills her, but she dies tragically in his arms and he feels really bad about it. You could reverse that, but either way I sense we're losing one of those two soon.

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I don't get why people are super excited fro the Hound to come back. He was a great character, but his arc is done. As much as I loved him at the time, I'd definitely be cheering for the Mountain to go over if that fight happened now.


Harmo - I didn't even twig that they were setting up a Brienne and Jamie faceoff. However haven't they done something very similar to that scenario you've painted with Jon Snow and Ygritte already? I think there's still going to be some twists and turns in that conflict that when it happens it won't be the fight that it's looking to be now. Walder Frey is a cantankerous old prick, the other houses of the north are rallying behind the Starks, I can't imagine that any southerners are dead keen to align themselves with Ramsey - there's a lot of factors at play before that showdown happens.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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The first time they went one on one she battered the shit out of him. I don't see them fighting, they have a bond. I expect we'll see something but I'm not sure what.


I get the feeling that for Cercei's trial that The Mountain is going one on one with Loras. And Loras won't be coming out alive.

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If they bring back the Hound, though, we're going to be on his side, which means we want the High Sparrow to win... Which we don't want. I think.



Do we not? I honestly don't know who I'd rather win out of the faith VS the Lannisters. It's a bit of a Shawn Michaels VS Rick Martel @ SummerSlam 92 affair for me.



The first time they went one on one she battered the shit out of him. I don't see them fighting, they have a bond. I expect we'll see something but I'm not sure what.



Exactly, there's no way Brienne wants to kill Jaime. Not only would she have done it by now, but as you say she has a bond with him. She's perhaps the only person that has really heard his side to the story of Aerys. Other than Cersei, perhaps.


I actually think it's going to emerge that Margaery mercy killed Loras.


That's an interesting theory, I hadn't thought of that. I naturally presumed we would have Loras VS The Mountain, with Loras coming out as surprise (to an extent) winner, given how much they've built him up as being this great tourney fighter. I hope Loras hasn't been killed off-screen though, it would seem a waste.

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Loras fighting the Mountain would make sense, since The Faith would win either way. Regardless of who actually wins the fight the Lannister/Tyrell Alliance is done. Either Loras or Cersei will die, and there's no way that the other side will just peacefully accept that.


Plus Loras has a grudge against The Mountain from all the way back in Season 1.

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I think King Of Swing mentioned earlier that he thought Tommen might end up as the Hampton for the Faith in a trial by combat. I agree. I think that the High Sparrow will get in his head and tell him that as the Faith and the Crown are now combined that he as King is the ultimate defender of the Faith and the gods representative of justice. Knowing Game Of Thrones he will probably be announced after Cersei names the Mountain as her champion and she will have to watch as Tommen gets sliced and diced by him. That would then bring Cersei's prophecy to completion that all 3 of her children would die before her.

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That is a very good question. Not Lancel, though. He is a Lannister. Although Tommen is Jaime's son he is technically a Baratheon. My guess would be that it would be The High Sparrow. He would claim that as the Crown and The Faith are as one, with no clear line of succession from the Crown, he as the leader of the Faith should take over. He has an army in the Faith Militant. He has a lot of support from the people. It could be a bold Power play that could work.

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I reckon Tommen will be the last monarch to rule the kingdom, or the last Lannister connected monarch anyway. High Sparrow seems to be all about tearing down the great houses that one way or another have controlled the kingdom for generations and Tommen falling in battle would create the kind of power vacuum needed to finally seize control.


Sparrow already has the people behind him. All that is left to oppose the faith is what remains of the nobles who have been destroying themselves and each other for 5 seasons now.


Cersai's ego has always been her undoing and that isn't about to change.




What Lion said pretty much lol.

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