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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Good episode the week, lots of stories moving on, a death to care about, and fire! They are fair rattling at a pace this year, some of the language being used is showing there is no book to refer to.

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Someone needs to recreate that scene with Donald Trump walking out of the White House.


Anyway I'm wondering how Cersei's scheming will backfire this time. I suspect that High Sparrow actually wants the Nobles to make the first move.


High Sparrow is a scary old bugger I'll give him that. Scary but strangely captivating, great performance.


Ramsey's letter was a highlight this week. He's really hung up on the whole Bastard thing isn't he?

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I genuinely don't understand how that episode can be called a snoozer. You must genuinely like only 1 or 2 episodes a season.


The character and storyline development was exemplary.


The High Sparrow is quickly becoming the best thing on the entire show.

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I think it's because I'm only still watching more out of morbid curiosity more than anything. Once you get over the initial "anyone can die at anytime", thing, and it becomes "everyone dies", I've struggled to be as bothered about the characters, because what's the point? They're all just treading water until their inevitable grizzly demise. As a storytelling device, plentiful death of characters is a bit lacking. To me, anyway.


Plus you have George "Rated R" RR Martin's boner for unnecessary allegories of the modern world, and it's all a bit meh. Frankly I'm bored of the high sparrow shit, it's completely run out of interest to me and I'm just waiting for him to get mullered. It just felt like an exposition heavy episode and the "explosive" ending was nowhere near as impactful as they probably thought. Dany emerging naked from the flames? Seen it. Dany gaining instant control over a nation of "foreign" peasants? Yeah yeah.


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the spectacle and artistry of it, I'm just not as invested as I was once was. I'll still cheer when high sparrow gets kerspoojed, mind.

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That whole nude scene had an air of stick her head on a double about it.


It was great to see 2 of the Starks finally reunited. The thought of a Jon Snow led Wildling army tearing up Ramsey's shit is great. Although it's Game Of Thrones so probably wont happen for 2 years. Also considering they all have giant badass wolves as guards they seem to get picked off very easily. I want full on wolf carnage!

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Emilia Clarke has said it was all her 'proud and strong', apparently.


They were definitely her baps, even if they did airbrush her or something.


I think the reason it looked so CGI was because everything around her was.

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That was the most fun episode of the season so far, probably. I'm quite liking the pace and more written-for-TV tone of a lot of this stuff compared to the dredge of last season. The idea of a Snow/Ramsay Bastardbowl is brilliant. His angry letter reminded me of the brilliant Harry from In Bruges.

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