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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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He's alive last we seen him in a cave talking to a man in a tree


The start of this season was dishwater dull, now it feels like they are trying too hard. The paedo bit was not needed , no one needed any more ammo in wanting to see arya kill him as we are all bored as fuck by her arc this series already. Hope next series is better paced, with the story given more thought than shock & awe of this series non book sections

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I know this will sound like I'm being contrarian, but I really liked the Shireen burning scene. We'll have to see how it plays out but I thought Stephen Dillane knocked it out of the park with his facial expressions. One part, "this is what I have to do to be king", one part, "maybe doing this means I'm no king at all". All in the eyes. If the complaint is it's uncomfortable viewing, I think that's fair, but obviously it's supposed to be, just as Robb's wife getting stabbed in the stomach was. It's a heavy show. If the complaint is that it was only there for shock value, I think people are probably jumping the gun. You can't say it came out of nowhere - they've been banging on about king's blood sacrifices for ages - and it raises interesting questions for the future. How is Stannis going to react to this? How are his men going to react to this? Will the king's blood sacrifice actually help him and, if so, what does that mean for Melisandre's overall prophecy? Personally I'm more interested in Stannis' story than almost anything else at the moment.

I don't actually think this will happen - if anything I expect the opposite -  but it would be great to see him kill Ramsay with his reinvigorated R'hilor voodoo. Seeing Ramsay die, the internet would suddenly be like, "burning Shireen was totally worth it!".

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Reek has to kill Ramsey does he not?


But then I also said the hound has to kill the mountain and that didn't work out to well. I agree with louch about the pacing got used to be amazing even when nothing happened.

If the Hound is actually dead that is. Cleganebowl is still a possibility!

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Well...that was fairly grim. Good though.


We are now officially up to date with the books. So unless GRRM pulls off a miracle and releases the next book in the next 10 months everyone will be going into the next season blind. Exciting but concerning times.


Overall I enjoyed the season but I would definitely say it was the worst yet. It was unrelentingly grim for the most part. Ending on Jon Snow's brutal murder was the ultimate fuck you to the audience. I'm not 100% convinced he's dead for good but interviews with Kit Harrington and the producers are quite convincing that he's gone. Seems a major waste as there is loads the character has left to offer. And it only leaves us with 5 major season one characters still in the show. It's a huge loss for the show and I think it will really struggle without him and I think this season struggled enough without Tywin Lannister holding the center. We've seen from the Sand Snakes that new characters coming in won't necessarily be loved by the audience. I don't think Stannis is dead as it wasn't on screen but it's hard to see where is left for him to go. The season ended with everyone scattered and no real clear direction for next year. If Stannis and Jon are off the show it will feel, for me atleast, that all the main storylines are pointless. If th end result of everything are your heroes dying in a pool of their own blood then what's the point? You can only kill off so many main characters before you tear the heart out of it.

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I wouldn't quite say the main storylines are pointless. For me, the biggest storyline and ultimate WrestleMania 30 go-home moment is finishing the show with Daenerys sitting upon the iron throne. That's still surely gotta be the ultimate planned ending, right? Also, I'm not sure what else was left for Jon Snow to do. If he was always going to stick with his vows, which he demonstrated in his scenes with Stannis, then he was never going to return to Winterfell and take over the North. Also there's always a plan B on that front- Melisandre has taken a shine to Jon and has returned to Castle Black. As a red priestess she can bring him back from the dead like Paul Kaye did with Beric Dondarrion, I presume.


Probably the second worst series for me (I find the first series quite boring in comparison now), but I knew it was going to be a step down from the previous series'. This was always going to be the 'difficult' series, it didn't really underdeliver or overdeliver for me so I'm feeling a bit indifferent about it. Hardhome was fucking awesome, but that was balanced out by the shitness of Dorne- which I was looking forward to the most. That said, the poison of Myrcella was a great way of actually making them relevant. Next season will be huge for them, you'd hope.


I like it how they've left plenty still open (who/what is this Khalassar circling Daenerys and where are they, Arya's blindess, Tyrion ruling Mereen, what's Littlefinger up to now, a potential war on Dorne, the trials of Cersei, Loras and Margaery etc) and how next season will be full of complete surprises for all viewers.

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The cast/crew interviews specifically state that Jon Snow is dead. To me, that specific wording seems to suggest him being brought back to life isn't out of the question. And if there was any point where they might get tricksy as far as being secretive or even outright deceptive about future storylines, to the point of filming any future Jon Snow scenes in secret to keep it a surprise, right now, where we've finally caught up to the end of the books and are going in blind (and will likely be spoiling the books), would be the time to do it.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Yeah, plus they reported last year how the main cast signed new contracts keeping them on til season 7. Kit Harrington was one of those actors. EW.com mentioned it in an interview and he replied that was incorrect. Plus the directors, producers etc. are all talking about Kit's tearful last day on set and how Kit has cut his hair short now because he's off the show (Kit explicitely said he wasn't coming back next year). But really...if Jon Snow is dead and not coming back then that is really fucking shit. But if he is coming back then they're not going to be able to keep it secret for 10 months.




Also, I'm not sure what else was left for Jon Snow to do. If he was always going to stick with his vows, which he demonstrated in his scenes with Stannis, then he was never going to return to Winterfell and take over the North.


I'm going with the popular "if he dies then he is freed from his vows, once they bring him back to life he can go rule the North/become a Stark/whatever".


Really if they don't use Melisandre to bring him back to life it pretty much renders the whole point of the Brotherhood without Banners story in season 3 (to introduce the concept of a Red Priest bringing someone back from the dead) a complete waste of time.

Edited by LaGoosh
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If you go by the idea that Robert was the legitimate king after his rebellion (and because he had some Targareyan heritage), who's the legitimate monarch now? It was Stannnis (Jothrey and Tommen being bastards), but he's got no kids left. His younger brother died childless. 

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If you go by the idea that Robert was the legitimate king after his rebellion (and because he had some Targareyan heritage), who's the legitimate monarch now? It was Stannnis (Jothrey and Tommen being bastards), but he's got no kids left. His younger brother died childless. 


Let's go with Gendry. Probably the last person alive with any Baratheon blood in him. In these chaotic times, that's as good a claim as any.

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