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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I hope we get Cersei going batshit crazy in the final episode, hopefully after Tommen throws himself from a tower, the horrid little cock. She'll try and burn the city to the ground with all the wildfire hidden under it, Jaime will strangle the life from her, therefore completing his full circle of stopping crazies slaughtering thousands with fire.

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The thing is though we just don't know now how far off book they are. George has obviously told them where he sees the stories going, they just haven't been published yet. I don't think we should worry about the books now. The only thing you have to really worry about are the tinfoil hat brigade of conspiracy theorists, of which there are many.

The "in the books" has ruined the trivia pages on imdb for this series , love reading it after i watch a show or a film, but it's now intolerable


Just for fun, your go-to response to people talking about the books should be "Yeah? Brienne and The Hound didn't have that fight in the books. So fuck off."

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Ooooh, Brienne and The Hound are both going to be up north now at the same time and place!


Got a feeling we'll get all the surviving main characters grouping up now for the last two series. I reckon the north will fall to the Whytes.

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I have read the books, and I try and keep the books and the show separate. There are things I don't like about the books, there are things I don't like about the show. On the whole both are incredibly enjoyable. Most of the book wankers don't feel like that, but that's their problem. A straight adaptation of the books would have been terrible television.

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So how do we see the Battle for Winterfell playing out? You would assume (hope) that Ramey is going to die a nasty death, but do we think he is going to kill Rickon in front of Jon first? Do we see Baelish and the Vale helping Jon out?

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And boat trips. Man, the fucking endless amount of boat trips in the later books. Luckily, they condensed the Sam/Gilly trip to a single scene in the TV show I think. Fucking tortuous reading.

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Hello there - haven't seen you post in ages!


All this kinda confirms what I thought about the books. I don't think I'd enjoy them that much even though I love the show. Also, I think reading them would be a waste of time when there's a lot of other good books out there that haven't been made into tv shows that I'd be better off spending my time reading.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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the books are worth a read, but you can skip large chunks of it.


As an example, the overall story is very good but you'll get several paragraphs of "and then he walked into the room, and he wearing a golden doublet made of the finest....etc etc." which goes on for aaaages. Every minute detail about what the people are wearing/eating/smelling, which you can pretty much skip past once you realise there isn't anything important until somebody starts speaking. 

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I haven't posted/lurked in ages to be honest!


I'd only recommend reading the books if you were struggling for something to read, I read them before I started watching the TV show but I lost the will to continue a few times, and they first books I have skim read because there is just so ooooo much over indulgent descriptive crap.


Back to the battle of the bastards, I feel like it's a forgone conclusion that Ramsey will get his commupence, so in true Game of Thrones style, I think we'll get a swerve of some description, though I don't see Jon dying again. If Ramsey does die, I'd quite like it to be at the hands of Sansa. Rickon is prime to be killed I think, though I'd like to see him survive and actually get a storyline

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