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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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There's so many stories in Thrones that I would like to see spin offs. Like I'd love if they did a spin off series where you spent one full episode with minor players, one and done stories. The Brotherhood without Banners, Lyanna Mormont, the Blackfish, the travelling theatre group, the possibilities are endless.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Aw man I was so excited to see Lovejoy when he turned up as well. Gutted.


Still, another strong episode. This series is pissing over the last series from a great height. Just need to go out with I bang in the final three episodes.


How shit would it be if after all those Arya scenes training in the house of black and white she dies after these wounds? I mean, I doubt she will, but what a bastard that would be.

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She sent Brienne to them, who looks likely to clash with Jaime next week.


The worry is that she recruits Littlefingers mob, and he double crosses them. But fucking SURELY Ramsey can't survive another season?!

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Agree that the Arya stabbing was super cheesy. Most predictable assassination attempt ever as well, guessing that the acting troupe will be the ones to save her and be her ticket back home.


They Freys(sp?) are fucking useless, a complete joke of a house. Hope they get massacred by seasons end.


Davos is the man, Sansa on the other hand trying to give it the "big I am" was painful to watch.


Can't fucking wait for The Hound to ruin some fools day next week. They really are going through every fanwank fantasy this season aren't they?


Can't stress enough just how fed up of the Lannisters I am though. Shit, shit, fucking shit the lot of them.

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I just thought that the Waif stabbing Arya like that was a call back to the way the Grey's killed Robb Stark's wife. Also the Waif went against what Jaqen told her to do in the last episode. He told the Waif not to let Arya suffer, so she has disobeyed Jaqen as well. It could be interesting to see what he makes of that.


Strong episode though. Again. More advancing of story lines. The last three episodes should be good.

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I know theories have become like opinions, which are like arseholes, but I read an interesting one earlier; what if the waif doesn't exist, what if she's Tyler Durden in Arya's personal Fight Club, and is the Many Faced God, 'No One' side of Arya's personality, trying to kill the Stark?


No? ...fair enough.

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When Lovejoy said all the gods are the same it edged me one step closer to believing Bran is all the gods and has shaped history. Those pesky writers need to stay off forums and get their own ideas.


People seem to be able to move places much quicker this series. Previously it'd take an entire season to pop from Kings Landing to Riverun but they're moving at montage pace this series.

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