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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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He would have to be legitimised first. Bastastards can't inherit.


There's no living Baratheons so presumably it would go down the Lannister line - Verse, Kevan, or Lacel.


Or, for the loyalist, Dany

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It could be that the throne lays vacant as Dany sets of to Westeros, she arrives all angry with an army of snarling Dothraki and the city folk just point to the chair and say 'there you go love, your chairs ready' and it will be a massive anticlimax.

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I think Cersei would make a claim but have no support following her naked walk/impending trial and Jaime is now off to Riverrun so not around to support her. Margery will make a counter claim as wife of the king and no living heirs (or claim to be/quickly get pregnant) causing a nice little in-fight between the current ruling Lannisters and Tyrells while Dany walks in to whatever is left.

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Who's next in line for the throne after Tommen? No children, no younger siblings... Would it be Lancel as his cousin?

I read a article the other day that came to the conclusion it was Jamie, they went through the family tree and everything, will see if I can find it later





Actually claims it's Cersei

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Was the blackfish not more Scottish first time around?


The hound stuff was good,got a bit like the flashbacks in lost a few times though. When did the brotherhood turn into mindless murderers?


Sansa, silly girl


And Lady Mormont was fantastic

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