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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Loved the music, was waiting for Koyannisqatsi to bellow out or something.


Jon has to be Rhaegars right? The only thing that shrouds it in mystery is the fact they all but confirmed it with no real reason to leave it open. I loved dirty uncle Pete revealing his true intentions, Sansa didn't exactly tell him to get fucked either, I reckon she'll lwarn of Jon's lineage and keep it from him.

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I think the only reason they didn't explicitly say it was Rheagers was so Bran can turn up at Winterfell and say:


"Jon, you were never a Stark you were a....Targaryean!"


*cue dramatic music*

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Maybe they'll run into each other....


That reminds me. I enjoyed Bronn and Pod reuniting the other week. Don't think it was mentioned on here with everything else that was going on, but Bronn teaching him how to fight dirty was a nice moment.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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That reminds me. I enjoyed Bronn and Pod reuniting the other week. Don't think it was mentioned on here with everything else that was going on, but Bronn teaching him how to fight dirty was a nice moment.


Yeah, I especially liked it when Pod eventually gave him a smile as if to say 'yeah, we're still lads, we go back'.


With all this rowing, Gendry's arms must be so fucking huge that he could end up decking The Mountain no problem.

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With the way time lapses now I can't imagine it'll be more than five seconds in to the new season that Dany and co rock up at Kings Landing. Can't see Cersei putting up much of a fight and she's played the wild card already. Maybe they take the army and flee up north out of spite so every fucker is in the same place for the Whytes.

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I reckon Cersei gets the chop quite early in the next series. She's clearly not the main baddie as she's too obvious and not subtle. As Mr Danger says, she won't put up much of a fight and Littlefinger will finally fulfil his role as the biggest shit in the seven kingdoms.

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