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The actual proper Wrestlemania 29 Thread

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Not sure if I am posting this in the right place or not, but I have decided to go Gun Barrels in Selly Oak tonight to watch. Has anyone ever been there for Wrestlemania and is it worth leaving my house for?
I went the first time they did Mania a couple years ago when I was a student there, was great fun, was with friends. Food and drink all night, and the atmosphere was good. Even a few dressed up for the occasion.
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Former champions are always entitled to a rematch though, they dont need to set one up


I'd completely forgotten that it was for the title, I've got too used to the big matches being more important the championship.

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Predictions, copied and pasted from what I wrote somewhere else because I can't be arsed:


Sir Wade vs The Miz

I feel for both, because this deserves to go on the card proper. Barrett's been having solid matches for a while now, and Miz has busted his backside since January and has done a ton of promotional work for them, and he's not even on the show. Quite a fall from grace from 2 years ago, but I'm guessing they're testing his attitude to see if he has what it takes to get back up to that level. Ditto Barrett, who only had about 2 minutes of ring-time on the show at 'Mania 27 and he was injured last year. Real shame. I think Miz will get the duke to get the crowd going and be at least partially rewarded for his recent hard work. Chin up, Wade lad, there's always next year.


Team Funk vs Rhodes Scholars/Bellas

Team Funk. Think this either should've gone on the pre-show or had some of their usual celeb fodder. Could've had Diddy involved in this instead of performing a set. Or just not have him around altogether! Dancing faces for the win.


Y2J vs Fandangogogogo

Apparently Fandango is Vince's new pet project. With Jericho off again after the show, it makes sense to put Fandango over here so he can continue to be braggadocios and annoy as many people as possible. He's a terrific heel character, and while we're on the subject of character, I like how he's so arrogant that he's deliberately put off his debut until Wrestlemania (I know Jericho had it booked via Vickie, but you get my drift). As for Jericho, it's a pity he didn't get paired up with a Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan for instance, but having Jericho on the show is better than not having him at all. Should be interesting if nothing else. Fandango all the way.


Mizark vs Ryback

I reckon the crowd will crap all over this unless we get some kind of holy shit moment, i.e when Big Show busted out an elbow drop from the top in the match against Henry back at Survivor Series '11. No idea what to expect from it. I'm guessing Ryback gets the W.


Shield vs Orton/Sheamus/Show

Anything less than a Shield victory will kill their momentum. I said after the Chamber PPV that the six-man tag on that show wasn't nearly as important as how they built them up afterwards. Initially they looked strong, then it became something of a mixed bag. Now they need to kick things up a gear again. Give them the win here, then watch the sparks fly between Orton, Sheamus and Big Show as frustration kicks in.


Team Hell No vs Ziggy/Big E

I actually really like the dynamics here: You've got Kane and Big E for the hoss-fest and Ziggler/Bryan for the speed and technical factors. Team Hell No for the retention. If Ziggler doesn't cash-in tonight, which I totally think he should, then this is merely a means to get him on the show and keep him ticking over until the inevitable.


Swagger vs Del Rio

I wasn't sold at first, but they build for this has gradually gotten better and better. Those crutch shots on Raw were nasty. If anything I'd have ran with that angle sooner rather than just a week before the show. I still think Swagger is an absolute idiot for the DUI stuff, but the match itself should be good from a technical standpoint. Bertie's been doing ok as Champion, but they need to put their matches higher on the card if they want more people to care about him and the belt. Fingers crossed for a Ziggler cash-in.


Taker vs Punk

Totally not a fan of the exploitation of the Paul Bearer stuff, but that's just me. With regards to the actual match itself, I'd like to see Punk get a victory of some kind during it. Undertaker is winning, naturally, but if you have something like a ref bump and Punk actually pins Undertaker, or even makes him tap, behind the referees back, only for it not to be seen, Punk's character has a legitimate axe to grind for the next few months. They say the best heels believe in everything they say and the evidence would be pretty indisputable. But hey, he's taking time off for two months and that telegraphs this result even more so than the fact he's facing Undertaker.


Brock vs HHH

The No Holds Barred stip should suit these guys and a wild, chaotic brawl shouldn't disappoint in the brutality stakes. The career stip is unnecessary, but for whatever reason they obviously felt they had to add it to the proceedings. Heyman has been masterful on the mike in building this up. HHH to save his career!!!!


Rock/Cena II

I actually think their TV output would be more interesting if Cena lost. After suffering another humiliating loss, it would open up a number of interesting possibilities for Cena's character. A Cena victory means that they go back to normal and play it safe, and throughout the spring he'll no doubt go back to facing the likes of Big Show again to keep himself ticking over until something else more meaningful comes along. I'm a massive Rock fan and he'll always be my all-time favorite, but Cena's getting his win back. As much as I respect Cena though, I hope they keep trying to expand and develop his character so we don't get the usual fluff.



Could go either way tbh, Don't think it looks quite as strong as last year. I've really enjoyed their first two PPV's this year though and if you're going to continue that streak anywhere, Mania is the place to do it.

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Well someone made a very good point the other day that the outcome to the big three matches are so obvious, that surely one of them must throw up a surprise, especially given that a lot of the big matches recently (Punk VS Rock twice, Cena winning the Rumble, for example) have gone the obvious way. It's not like the WWE to do this without putting a surprise out there at all.


Based on that, along with the fact that no heels seem to be going over in these three matches (ok one of which is a face/face match), I reckon Brock will be winning. It makes perfect sense for HHH, Cena & Taker to win- but I think the one they can salvage easily is HHH losing. It certainly won't be his last ever WWE match, so they'll think of something to bring him back in. You know he isn't packing it in after this, as they haven't really geared up for this to be his bowing-out moment like they did with the likes of HBK & Flair. Plus I can't see Cena winning as having The Rock humiliate him three Wrestlemanias running will be a right downer on him and I don't see Taker ever losing his streak.

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Can you not just do a manual record to record it if you ordered it online or by phone?


I'm giving that a go. I have a funny recollection I did so last year though, and no success. Not sure.

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It's been some time since we've had a collection of main event matches that all have the potential to be fantastic on one card. The trifecta of Cena/Rock, HHH/Lesnar and Taker/Punk could all be MOTY candidates. I'm expecting Jericho/Fandango, Ryback/Henry and Shield vs. Orton/Sheamus/Show to all be memorable as well. I keep forgetting Del Rio/Swagger is even happening, which is probably a bad sign. I'm predicting Swags gets a shitkicking in that one for his DUI, he's due that punishment.


Getting screwed over by the time difference here. Mania starts at 9am here, and I have a job interview at 10am (and only for a volunteer position to boot). I'll likely have to wait until the 4:30pm replay to catch everything. :(

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It's been some time since we've had a collection of main event matches that all have the potential to be fantastic on one card. The trifecta of Cena/Rock, HHH/Lesnar and Taker/Punk could all be MOTY candidates. I'm expecting Jericho/Fandango, Ryback/Henry and Shield vs. Orton/Sheamus/Show to all be memorable as well. I keep forgetting Del Rio/Swagger is even happening, which is probably a bad sign. I'm predicting Swags gets a shitkicking in that one for his DUI, he's due that punishment.


Getting screwed over by the time difference here. Mania starts at 9am here, and I have a job interview at 10am (and only for a volunteer position to boot). I'll likely have to wait until the 4:30pm replay to catch everything. :(


I know I for one would love to have Mania on at 9am.

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It's been some time since we've had a collection of main event matches that all have the potential to be fantastic on one card.

That's just bollocks to be fair. Rock vs Cena I, Undertaker vs Triple H in the Cell, Punk vs Jericho and Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan had more appeal that this lot. WrestleMania usually have a bunch of matches people want to see.

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I know I for one would love to have Mania on at 9am.


Absolutely, normally it's awesome, but I'll likely be spending most of today avoiding spoilers like the plague. If it's any consolation, I got up at 4am yesterday to watch the UFC event from Sweden.


That's just bollocks to be fair. Rock vs Cena I, Undertaker vs Triple H in the Cell, Punk vs Jericho and Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan had more appeal that this lot. WrestleMania usually have a bunch of matches people want to see.


Ah, fair, they're about even to me. I've been watching past Manias in the lead up this year though and the main events and overall card appeals to me more than Wrestlemanias 22, 25, 26, and 27. Last year's one had good main events, but a weaker undercard IMO, some of the "midcard" matches could be main event level in their own right as well.

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Out of all the matches on the card I'm probably looking most forward to Punk/Taker. However, unlike most here, I haven't actually been watching the build up, and I am told it has been bad. But from a stand point of how being interested in well Taker can go tonight, plus being a Punk fan, it appeals to me. Cena/Rock will probably be fine and Brock/Hunter is likely to be good, as well. Everything else, for me, is not exactly grabbing me by the balls, but fuck it, I'm not working tomorrow.


Also, is the actual PPV kicking off at midnight or is that the "pre-show" or whatever?

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