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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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11 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

It reminds me of far too many professional photographers I've dealt with - again, there's a lack of regulation, and anyone who can afford a fancy camera can create a Facebook page, stick a watermark on a photo and start calling themselves a "professional". Way too many of them seem to have portfolios made up of little else other than photos of young girls in very little clothing - good work if you can get it, I suppose - yet them presenting themselves as a "professional" makes people think it's all automatically above board and kosher.

It is rather disturbing the lack of regulation in the photography industry. I studied photography and work as a photographer part-time now & then, and although working with minors was never really something I did, I was always covered by an enhanced DBS certificate in case something came up that required me to work with young people.

If I recall correctly it cost me around 50 quid, and wasn't hard to get. But the amount of photographers I'd speak to who were like "why bother with that?" was insane, although they were technically correct, you don't need it.

I guess the fact that the parents are always there (or should be, anyway) means you don't have to be covered, but I figured it would add a bit of peace of mind to any clients I had.

Some of the characters you see who claim to be "model" photographers and suchlike can be extremely creepy. It seems the way it goes is the less clothes you're required to wear in a shoot, the creepier and weirder the photographer.

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I finally got around to deleting mine today! (After failing to properly run the script to delete my full activity history before doing so). Let's see if I log back in during the two week cool off...

I think the only things I'll miss are Sergio now he's no longer here, and maybe Keith's neighbour's cat.

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Facebook isn’t going anywhere. The amount of people who actually have “deleted” their Facebook is nothing but a rounding error on the number of active users Facebook has. It’s not made a dent.

Sure, their reputation and share price is going to take a little hit, but the beast hasn’t been slain yet.

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I think there's not many people at all deleting their Facebook pages, but their engagement is undeniably down.

People are using it a lot less even though they still have their accounts, and young people don't bother with it at all.

It'll be a slow decline rather than an overnight switch off. I wonder how successful marketplace is for stickiness? I imagine it's pretty good.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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What do you reckon the Facebook replacement will be?

I don't think engagement being down has all that much to do with recent scandals, and more to do with just a demographic shift, or a move to different sites/apps - not really any different from the migration from Myspace to Facebook in the first place.

Most of the students I deal with, and 16-18 year olds I know through the wrestling, seem to use Messenger for group chats and that's about it. Otherwise, they're on WhatsApp, Snapchat, maybe Instagram at a push. Facebook's boring to them - their parents are on there, which just makes it sad and old.


What I find interesting is that the apps they seem to be switching to don't have any more functionality than Facebook, and if anything they're moving to a more diverse range (one app for messaging, one for photos, etc.) rather than Facebook's approach which seems to be to try and be a one-stop shop for everything you could possibly want from a social media platform. I've no idea where I'm going with this.

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I'd delete my FB, but I'm running my own business now, so it's rather necessary to have that, Twitter and Instagram. 

Bring back original GeoCities and Bebo, I say.

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39 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

What do you reckon the Facebook replacement will be?

I don't think engagement being down has all that much to do with recent scandals, and more to do with just a demographic shift, or a move to different sites/apps - not really any different from the migration from Myspace to Facebook in the first place.

Most of the students I deal with, and 16-18 year olds I know through the wrestling, seem to use Messenger for group chats and that's about it. Otherwise, they're on WhatsApp, Snapchat, maybe Instagram at a push. Facebook's boring to them - their parents are on there, which just makes it sad and old.


What I find interesting is that the apps they seem to be switching to don't have any more functionality than Facebook, and if anything they're moving to a more diverse range (one app for messaging, one for photos, etc.) rather than Facebook's approach which seems to be to try and be a one-stop shop for everything you could possibly want from a social media platform. I've no idea where I'm going with this.

Think you're right in the sense that different apps are providing a more convenient individual function than Facebook's one-stop-shop approach. A lot of the photos on my timeline for instance are posted via Instagram when the accounts have been linked up. As well as the parents thing, it's also a melting pot now for rubbish memes which I think is becoming a major turn off for people. 

Two things which I think will ensure it'll be around for a long, long time to come even with a decreasing lack of physical engagement with it. 1) There's still potential with Facebook live in terms of streaming things like live sports. Depending on what kind of packages they bid for across the different sports across the globe, it's such an easy, free and convenient way to tune into them that people will watch and keep spending time on the platform. 2) Just good old fashioned stalking, it's basically the modern day Friends Reunited and so people will always go back and look for old connections and half-heartedly keep in touch through it, or perv on their exes, etc. 

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They have an earnings report coming up, which'll be interesting. I believe they've actually lost users in the US for the first time since their inception, and I could see things like the GDPR & this public furore having a knock-on effect on their value.

They're obviously not going to die, but if the Western market starts to diminish for them they really have nowhere to go. China and the like are already absolutely dominated in their social market so it's unlikely that they'll see major inroads there. 

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2 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Keith's neighbour's cat

Ha!  He is very popular, the little scratchy bitey bastard!

So, update on that groomer guy.  He ran a competition where the prizes were his "Treatments".  Obviously all the winners were female.  One of them posted asking if her prize was ok for her as she is pregnant.  He was all "Yes it's perfectly fine, sweetness.  I came up with this treatment myself so I know it is ok.  What is your invisible illness and I can help with that too with the massage"

It was well suss, so my girlfriend tagged the woman in her reply to him, saying that any complimentary medicine that is administered to someone who is pregnant has to be okayed by the patients GP first, so why is he saying it is fine without consultation?  He replied to her (without any kisses or sweeties or huns) saying of course he consults GPs and anyone who has one of his treatments is given a questionnaire to fill out first.  He ended his comment with "I hope you consult GPs too like I do".

A different woman pulled him up on something too, he replied to her saying if she accepts his friend request he can message her and go into more detail.  She told him she isn't adding him as a friend as she doesn't know him.  He didn't like that.

He has now started a new group called "Only The Lonely, a group for people on Facebook who for whatever reason feel lonely to chat and possibly meet up".  Nope, nothing dodgy about that at all.

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It sounds really dodgy that, Keith. It always worries me when you see these profiles of blokes that have thousands friends that are almost completely female.

We had a situation recently in Barnsley where one of those "peodo hunter" groups live streamed themselves confronting a bloke that they had caught(allegedly) "grooming" 13 and 14 year old girls online. It turned out he had multiple Facebook accounts that had thousands of women on them(one was exclusively girls under 15). It was almost like he was hiding in plain sight. 

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22 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

It sounds really dodgy that, Keith. It always worries me when you see these profiles of blokes that have thousands friends that are almost completely female.

Transphobic bullying on the UKFF again.. :omg:

Seriously though, it's such an awful situation because there's so little you can do about it. Good on your missus for keeping on trying to get the women in the groups to question his bullshit.

Yep,  @BomberPat  I definitely think reducing engagement is because it's just not as cool anymore. This privacy stuff will have very little overall direct impact on them, I think. That said, hopefully it is part of a general growing awareness and concern about data privacy on the internet and will help to shape future platforms. Also, this current news cycle certainly doesn't help their image in terms of coolness.

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Yeah, I just feel that in a year or so I'll see him on the news or something and wonder what I could have done.  Trouble is, as mentioned, he isn't doing anything illegal at the minute and the industry is so poorly regulated it's not like he has a license that can be revoked.

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