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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Finally got my to see 10 Coverfield Lane. I had not seen the previous 9 instalments (though had seen Cloverfield) so not sure how canon they are.


Anyway, I found it really enjoyable. Very compelling and thought Dan from Roseanne was awesome in it. But all were good (even Bradley Cooper).


I rate it 9.5 out of 11.


Also saw Grimsby. I think that maybe the last time SBC is given a film like that. Had some lol bits, but also some uncomfortable bits too. I don't think I ever need to see it again but glad I saw it. 6 out of 11

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I'm gutted I couldn't find it in the cinema near me. Where did you watch it?

First time I saw it was at a screening a few months back, Chokey, and my pots were rinsed watching it in the dark.

Last night I got it on a website that does indeed, Kickass.

So if you're not of the guilty disposition when it comes to watching movies, I implore you to get it down asap.

One scene in particular was Duane Hicks incarnate. I'm not spoiling anything but you'll know when you see Yelchin and Poots talking on a sofa, and it's actually impossible not to say, or think, "Hicks!!!".

Just watched. What a fantastic, nasty film it is. Totally with you on the Hicks thing as well. Bit gutted we don't get to see Yelchin playing that every-man lead in slightly more grown up roles :(


Oh and Poots! Probably the most attracted I've ever been to a nazi.

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Saw the new Ghostbusters last night. In brief - I really liked it! Great fun, and Kate McKinnon is fantastic.

I went to see it Sunday and it is a fun couple of hours. The jokes are very hit and miss and the director has done better (Spy), but it's nowhere near as bad as the trailers make it look or "the worst film of all time" like some reviews are calling it.

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Still on the topic of Ghostbusters, Leslie Jones has been getting some vile racist messages sent to her on twitter:





I wasn't too impressed with her in the film (I thought she was the weakest of the main four), but she doesn't need or in any way deserve any of the abuse she has been getting over the last week.

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I went to see it. It's not too bad. 2 of the 4 main characters are terrible. Leslie Jones' character is horrible, borderline offensive and I think it was mentioned in one of the reviews (possibly The Guardian) that its bordering on 'blackface' The zany character is just that, whacky one liners and nothing else.


First half actually has some good lines, great special effects and moves along at a decent pace. The last half / third is a CGI mess with no tension at all which is a shame and its missing a decent villain 



Oh and some of the cameos are cringe inducing. (But its still not as bad as the internet wants it to be)

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Have no interest in it but glad it exists because of the hysterics from both sides of the fence.


If you dislike/have no interest in it then you are a womend hating scumbag and if you enjoyed it then you are a SJW Feminazi.


The internet is a cesspit.

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