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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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The steroid scene is also intact on Sky Movies too.  


A bit in the big training montage scene where Drago gets injected is in the DVD version I have. I don't recall him getting injected during the fight though. Don't think I've seen that bit.

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Funnily enough, I watched Rocky IV yesterday. It was weird because in this version they cut the scenes where Drago is being injected with steroids during his training, and where he is injected half way through the fight with Rocky.


It was on Blu-Ray too. It's not like it was a Sunday afternoon TV version.

i dont even think ive ever seen those scenes.


the only drug related thing i recall is where the Russian team are questioned about drug use during a press conference and the Drago team look a bit sheepish, so i've always thought the drug was implied but never actually shown.



Yeah, the press conference scene was on the version I watched.



This is the training montage. Everything from 0:18 to 0:32 has been cut.


Maybe I have imagined the steroid shot during the fight. I have a vague recollection of it. I hadn't watched this for a good 15 years prior to yesterday.

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The steroid scene is also intact on Sky Movies too.  


A bit in the big training montage scene where Drago gets injected is in the DVD version I have. I don't recall him getting injected during the fight though. Don't think I've seen that bit.



The steroid injection is only during that training montage scene.  Drago doesn't get injected during the fight. Steve's mind is playing tricks on him.

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Rocky 5? You mean Balboa, right...


Watched something called Best Laid Plans. As you can deduce from the title, it's based on Of Mice And Men with Stephen Graham and ADEBISI playing the leads. Maxine Peake is her usual brilliance but Adebisi is sensational, you really feel for him in some of the fighting scenes.


The end is quite hokey but worth watching for the performances from the main three, Big Si particularly.

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The bloke who plays Adebisi is a weird one. He's a fantastic actor but mostly just seems to go for peripheral side roles in big Hollywood blockbusters. Probably big money roles for not too much effort. You rarely see him in the lead role of anything good.

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It was multiple reasons I think. His parents died so he wanted to go back to London, he wanted to direct (which he hasn't done) and he didn't like living in Hawaii. When they asked him back for a guest appearance he demanded four times more than what they offered so I think he just didn't really like the show that much. I'm pretty sure he lives in LA now.

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Watched Ender's Game and Zombie Girl, quite recently. Ender's Game is a nice mix of Battle Royale, Full Metal Jacket,Starship Troopers and Harry Potter. It's never going to be anything spectacular, but it was enjoyable. Zombie Girl, was a fascinating documentary on how a 12 year old came to write direct and shoot a Zombie Movie called 'Pathogen' Worth a watch if you like to see how low to zero budget film making is done and how funding works.

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They Look Like People.


A low budget indie film that has a real Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers feel about it. Billed as a horror but it's more a psychological paranoia drama. I really liked it, worth checking out if you like that sort of thing.

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Don't ask me why, because I think I only watched it in the hope it'd infuriate me (I love a good moan, me), but I found myself watching The Football Factory over the weekend.


It couldn't be further from my usual pick, but it was on, I couldn't sleep and although it pains me to admit it, I've got a real soft spot for Danny 'fackin' Dyer even if not for the right reasons.


So anyway, the film.  What a thoroughly miserable affair.  I loved ID back in the day, and thought, naively from the synopsis that it might be some sort of modern take on that, with a conflicted character caught between two worlds.  Sadly not.


I'm prepared to accept this film isn't aimed at me, and there's every possibility I've completely missed the point, but it seemed to exist for no other reason than to glorify football violence.  Whereas I sat watching, hoping that Dyer's character would experience something terrible that would have been the catalyst for him to escape the thuggery and move on with his life, whilst that does indeed happen, it felt like a massive kick in the bollocks when ultimately, this made him even more of a LAD and as soon as he's up and about, he's off dahn the boozer getting the hero treatment.


That's probably the most emotionally involved anyone's ever got in a Dyer movie, but christ did watching that leave me feeling like existence was futile.  Not a bad film I should add, just a bloody horrible one that took everything I hate about that culture and delivered it straight into my living room.  They never even delivered on the Tointon sister showing a bit of sauce despite the early promise, I deserved at least that for my efforts.


As endings go, it was the most deflating I've seen since that brilliant Nicholas Cage film that turns out to be paedophile aliens.

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So I watched a flick called Precious Cargo with Zack Morris, Bruce Willis and Claire Forlani (who has morphed into Jennifer Garner) and it was fucking poxy.

Now, the last few low budget shitebags I watched over the last few months like I Am Wrath, The Trust, Heist, Criminal Activities, Solace and Momentum were decent, well made, nicely paced exciting flicks so I do have an open mind when it comes to the C and D grade movies, but this was horrendous and it didn’t make any sense. Not a lick of the cunt!


I – like many of us - love Zack Morris. He’s a childhood hero and he’ll always be a hero because of Saved by the Bell, Dead Man on Campus, Raising the Bar, Franklin & Bash and NYPD Blue! He’s a great, handsome man, fucking tremendous in the recent Heist, the only good thing here and deserves better than this.


What’s the story with Bruce Willis though? When did he take a Seagal/Liotta/Cage turn? I really don’t get it, lads. I mean, he still has name value. Women still love him, his name still oozes star power, The Return of Bruno is still a wonderful album, he’s a household name so why is he doing an exorbitant amount of shit? And knowingly doing an exorbitant amount of shit, too.


Basically, it’s about a mob boss who rips off a thief, who hires an ex to get it back. And they get a team together. Foolproof did it a million times better and that’s a kids movie, so that’ll tell yiz.

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Watched The Bourne Identity for the first time last night, after picking up the trilogy on blu ray for cheap recently. Enjoyed it a fair bit, pretty cool action & fight scenes, plus it has lots of random Actors in it that make you go "oh thats so and so". 


My only down points were:


1) The sound track/backing music is terrible. Generic 00's drum and bass which sounded very cheap. Was it a low budget movie at the time?


2) The whole point of the plot seems to be him not knowing who he is, and the CIA thinking he's gone rogue/trying to send them some sort of message. you'd think once they found out he's just lost his memory, it'd be "oh thank god, we thought you'd lost your mind and started killing for no reason" but it was more like "and now we have to destroy him". Might just be me on that one.


otherwise very good, got the others to watch so i'll give them a go shortly!

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Watched The Bourne Identity for the first time last night, after picking up the trilogy on blu ray for cheap recently. Enjoyed it a fair bit, pretty cool action & fight scenes, plus it has lots of random Actors in it that make you go "oh thats so and so". 


My only down points were:


1) The sound track/backing music is terrible. Generic 00's drum and bass which sounded very cheap. Was it a low budget movie at the time?



I think Doug Liman hated the original OST that had been recorded, so had the whole thing replaced on very short notice.


That Moby track is kinda iconic to me with the series though.

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