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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Insidious turned into a really shit Beetlejuice towards the end. 


I thought The Conjouring was quite tense and didn't rely on jump scares. Particularly towards the end.


I think a lot of horrors fall flat and don't know how to finish properly, or even well. If it can pull it off whilst still having a good to decent opening and middle, it can be classed as a successful horror. Very few pull it off though.

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Pan's Labyrinth is one that comes to mind, and you've got any version of Alice In Wonderland you like. Wizard Of Oz is an obvious one. Depends how strictly you define 'real' and 'fantasy' - you could argue for things like Planet Of The Apes if you were being more tenuous about it?

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I'm after any films that are about people going from the "real" world to a fantasy world -- Labyrinth, Pagemaster, Neverending Story, that one with Fred Savage and the monsters. What are some of the best examples? And are there any decent ones for adults?

Return to Oz, for a kids film it's very dark, Little Monsters ( that's the Fred savage one), Hook, Enchanted ( that's the idea reversed) Cool world ( the best example of an 'adult' take on the idea. really only watch it if you're desperate)

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Whilst researching this issue (as someone had already mentioned Pan's Labyrinth, which reminded me I need to watch that again (that and the fact, I have very little going on in my life)),  I found out Shia LaBeouf is in a 10 minute short film involving Sigur Ros, which was a little like going to a alternative reality. (not the film itself, just the fact that Shia LaBeouf and Sigur Ros have worked together on something)

Anywho.. Beasts of the Southern Wild might float that boat you fancy sailing. (I base this entirely on this list: http://itcher.com/mag/movies-like-pans-labyrinth/ , as it's the only one of those I've seen)  Also, I seem to remember enjoying Big Fish quite a lot, and that being a similar sort of thing.

Oh, and watch Being John Malkovic anyway if you haven't as it's great.


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