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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I had it taped of channel 5.

Must still have it some where, I'm still sorting through hundreds of tapes and discs.


That and weekend at Bernie's 2 used to get watched loads in my early teens, which is really odd looking back.

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"Weekend at Bernies" is hilarious. It's like "Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach", it always gets me in a good mood because the two films are filmed next to the beach in the height of Summer.

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Dracula Dead and Loving It.

I used to have a life sized cardboard Dracula Leslie Nielsen from that film up in my room throughout my teenage years, I asked my video shop for it.


crazy that that film is 20 years old and it's the most recent film Mel Brooks directed. I know he's ancient but he's been active doing other stuff.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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So I'll preface this by saying that I am a MASSIVE Scorsese fan. I mean, out of everyone in film, and all that I have seen and read, I idolise this man.


I am also a huge Leo Di Caprio fan. I think he is an excellent actor with a diverse range and I have enjoyed watching pretty much most things that he has been in. Seems like he is a lovely lad too.


I have finally watched The Wolf of Wall Street, and I FUCKING hated it. Hated it. I had heard a lot about, read a couple of indifferent reviews, friends and people who's opinions I respect spoke highly of it, so I was looking forward to seeing what the fuss was all about.


There is nothing redeeming about this film. Usually, when I don't like something, I try and find something that I like. For example, I hated Avengers Assemble but enjoyed some of the performances.


This film is overblown, too much style over substance and is terribly directed. If you're going to use a 'break the fourth wall' narration style, then you either use it all the way through, or not at all. Not once or every so often or whatever. And the crash zooms around the offices...Marty what are you doing to me!!!


I get what the film is about, and I'm no prude obviously, but fucking hell, where are the sympathetic characters or the empathy? Everyone is an absolute cunt. Even the little bit of sympathy that they tried to extract, when he faux leaves the business and talks about Kimmie, and her little story, was overwrought and had no real emotion behind it. This was such a try hard scene. 


It wasn't funny, it wasn't interesting, it was too long, and the end arc (SEC and FBI get involved, he has a shit time, gets jailed etc) was cobbled and rushed in my opinion.


The soundtrack was terrible, and the best performance in the films were Matthew McConaughey and Jon Bernthal, with probably overall screen time of about 20 minutes.


I think also, what I hated the most, and maybe where the most of the vitriol for it comes from, is that I work in recruitment, and whilst I work for a very well known business which is incredibly professional, I can imagine all the little recruitment consultants, estate agents, shits in finance, Apprentice wannabees, wanking all over it, and thinking "YEAH!!!I'm like Jordan Belfort!!! I'm going to post his pictures and phrases all over bloody LinkedIn, and fuck my customers by being The Wolf of Walthamstow" or whatever. 


What a shit fucking film. I cannot get over how much I hated it. Someone said to me yesterday "Oh but what about the bit where they take the quaaludes in the house, that's hilarious"


If your idea of funny is watching literally 2 minutes of Leo Di Caprio crawling into a car, then you need to re-evaluate your life.


It's really annoyed me. 

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Saw Pixels today. Not going to change lives, but entertaining enough, and spawned several hours of conversation with my 13 year old about classic gaming which was a wonderful side effect. Thought Peter Dinklage could have been a bit more evil In his obvious Billy Mitchell character.

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Fuck that. Billy Madison is one of his better films. (Though that still isn't saying much).


I would ask where it is on Kevin James's shitness scale, but he's never made a good film. Zing!


Pixels looks like absolute garbage, but I can see why that might be a little different if you're taking your kids to see it.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Fuck that. Billy Madison is one of his better films. (Though that still isn't saying much).

I would ask where it is on Kevin James's shitness scale, but he's never made a good film. Zing!

Pixels looks like absolute garbage, but I can see why that might be a little different if you're taking your kids to see it.

Wasn't my first choice, not even my third, but it was her treat, so you have to do what you have to do! 4 years ago she chose the Smurfs over Captain America, so it is getting slightly better.

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I would ask where it is on Kevin James's shitness scale, but he's never made a good film. Zing!


Wash your mouth out!  Hitch is excellent.


As for Adam Sandler, Big Daddy is his best.  Mind, I'm an unashamed Sandler fanboy, and I even liked Click.

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Chalk me down for a liker of Hitch. Shit, I didn't even mind Here Comes the Boom. I think with these types of comedies it depends what sort of mood you're in when you watch them.


What were people's thoughts in Blended? Terry Crews steals the show but you can't deny Sandler can even make Drew Barrymore watchable. Plus, Beverly Goldberg is in it.

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