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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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What's everyone's experience of spoilers in real life? I've noticed that if someone's both a moron and over the age of forty or so, they don't seem to have any grasp at all of the notion that you might not want to know all the plot twists before watching something. I don't know if that's a coincidence or if it's genuinely a generational/intelligence thing, but I've got relatives -- and relatives of friends -- who'll happily recommend a film by telling you who gets their throat cut or whose body ends up in the river or who survives in the end. I haven't the heart to tell them to shut the fuck up, so I just sit there nodding and seething, hoping they die the next day.

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Borat is pranks and craziness in the real world with real people and full of racist jokes and crude moments. Nothing like Shadows. Would you compare Spinal Tap to Boray too? As there both filmed mockumentary style?


Don't know, never seen it.


Not sure why you're getting so upperty about it. I said the humour was very similar to Borat, which in my opinion it is. And it is filmed in a mockumentary style. That's the comparison I was making. I never said it was a like for like film, I was implying that if you liked Borat then there's a good chance you'd like Shadows. I would compare it in the same way that say, if you liked Taken you'd probably like John Wick. Both hard hitting, violent action films with the main character out for vengeance of some kind, but they're by no means the same film. 


What's everyone's experience of spoilers in real life? I've noticed that if someone's both a moron and over the age of forty or so, they don't seem to have any grasp at all of the notion that you might not want to know all the plot twists before watching something. I don't know if that's a coincidence or if it's genuinely a generational/intelligence thing, but I've got relatives -- and relatives of friends -- who'll happily recommend a film by telling you who gets their throat cut or whose body ends up in the river or who survives in the end. I haven't the heart to tell them to shut the fuck up, so I just sit there nodding and seething, hoping they die the next day.


There was a guy at my work who the day after he went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (which had only just been released) announced to the office that he had been to see it and that

Dumbledore dies.



The amount of anger sprayed towards him from people who had not yet seen it or read the books was a sight to behold. Most thought he was a cunt anyway, but this sealed it for the rest.

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Borat is pranks and craziness in the real world with real people and full of racist jokes and crude moments. Nothing like Shadows. Would you compare Spinal Tap to Boray too? As there both filmed mockumentary style?


Don't know, never seen it.


Not sure why you're getting so upperty about it. I said the humour was very similar to Borat, which in my opinion it is. And it is filmed in a mockumentary style. That's the comparison I was making. I never said it was a like for like film, I was implying that if you liked Borat then there's a good chance you'd like Shadows. I would compare it in the same way that say, if you liked Taken you'd probably like John Wick. Both hard hitting, violent action films with the main character out for vengeance of some kind, but they're by no means the same film. 



Not getting upperty. You just said it had a similar sense of humour to Borat, I disagree and explained why I disagreed. I just think if people go into What We Do In The Shadows expecting similar humour to Borat they are going to be mistaken/dissappointed. It's all good.


But if you haven't seen This Is Spinal Tap then you should. It's better than both Borat and What We Do In The Shadows.

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You really need to see Spinal Tap.


I watched What We Do In The Shadows and thought it was fantastic, not too long and a lot more hits than misses with the jokes and some genuine laugh out loud moments. I don't know if it was an intentional nod to Flight Of The Conchords but the opening house meeting gag had me worried it was going to be more of the same from them.

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One of my pet peeves is when people say "There is a great twist in this film" as I then spend the film looking out for it. If you know it's coming it doesn't have the same impact.

Yep. That's as bad as giving away an ending for me. Inexcusable.

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That reminds me of that ridiculous DVD artwork for Hancock where the front cover was a massive spoiler for the film, done in such a way that you wouldn't know it was a horrible spoiler until you'd started watching the film.


So not only would you waste your time watching that shitty movie, but it would be doubley ruined.

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