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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Busy day today. Started with Filth. Really enjoyed this. James McEvoy played the lead in a dislikeable manner that kept you hooked. Was not the movie I expected, which wqs a nice surprise.


Bad Neighbours. This is the last Seth Rogen film I am going to watch. He repulses me. The film itself was not that bad, but most of the really funny bits were in trailer. Even Zac Effrontery come over well as the bad guy, but it was alls point for me by Rogen.


The Raid 2. More of the same, which is a good thing, but I found it over long at 2 1/2 hours. Not as much shooting as the first, but this was made up with twatting people with a stick, of which there is lots.

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Bad Neighbours. This is the last Seth Rogen film I am going to watch. He repulses me. The film itself was not that bad, but most of the really funny bits were in trailer. Even Zac Effrontery come over well as the bad guy, but it was alls point for me by Rogen.

I tried to watch this last night. Admittedly, I'm no fan of Rogen, but even my sisters couldn't stand it and they asked that we turn it off after about 20 minutes, and they'll watch any old shit.
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I thought The Raid 2 was boring aside from the brilliant bit with the car. It's a 90 minute film stretched out by an extra hour. Pointless bits of attempted plot and the fights weren't as good as the first one.


That said, they should totally make a spin-off film for Hammer Girl.

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Busy day today. Started with Filth. Really enjoyed this. James McEvoy played the lead in a dislikeable manner that kept you hooked. Was not the movie I expected, which wqs a nice surprise.


Yeah, it's a great film. It's quite a sad film really. It's basically how somebody starts off all nice and then at the end turns into a cunt, and the emotional reasons why he has turned into a cunt. Some bits are just hilarious though. Recommended.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Bad Neighbours. This is the last Seth Rogen film I am going to watch. He repulses me. The film itself was not that bad, but most of the really funny bits were in trailer. Even Zac Effrontery come over well as the bad guy, but it was alls point for me by Rogen.

I tried to watch this last night. Admittedly, I'm no fan of Rogen, but even my sisters couldn't stand it and they asked that we turn it off after about 20 minutes, and they'll watch any old shit.



I watched it recently too, I've whinged about the state of American mainstream comedies on here loads so I won't repeat myself but I really hated this film, why are parties in films so over the top? It completely ruins it for me, it's easy enough to show a party that's semi realistic look cool but the ones in this film were fucking stupid, a party where the whole place is pumped full of weed smoke and looks like a carnival? I wouldn't even have thought that was cool when I was 13 and I'm a heavy weed smoker. The fact that the film also wasn't at all funny, all the characters were hateable and it ended with cloying cutesy sentimentality didn't help either, fuck off.


Speaking of shit over the top parties in films I watched Runner Runner the other day, the thought of Justin Timberlake in the lead did put me off but I bum Batfleck so I gave it a watch, more stupid unrealistic parties with a wafer thin story underneath it. I didn't like it at all but I'm a skint illustrator so I don't think I'm really the target market for seeing people with loads of money acting like complete twats in a movie that's completely style over substance. I think it could've been ok if it was toned down a bit with a better lead and less of the lifestyle porn that left me cold. At least Ben Affleck still looked cool in it.

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I thought The Raid 2 was boring aside from the brilliant bit with the car. It's a 90 minute film stretched out by an extra hour. Pointless bits of attempted plot and the fights weren't as good as the first one.


That said, they should totally make a spin-off film for Hammer Girl.

Yes, agreed! The first Raid stuck to what it was good at ie the fights. The second one tried a story, but I weren't attached to anyone. From memory, the second's fights were less believable than the first too.

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Yeah Raid 2 went for BIGGER fights but because they were bigger the danger and roughness seemed to disappear. One guy fighting 30 guys in a huge open space never seems as badass and tense as one guy fighting say...three guys in a tiny cramped hallway. Plus the story was so convoluted and dull. No one cares about betrayals, conspiracies etc. just put the main guy in an extremely dangerous basic situation and then make him fight his way out. It's not rocket science.

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It seems like I'm one of the only people on here who really liked The Raid 2. I can understand people finding it too long at 150-minutes, but I was never bored watching it, I found the action to be great, and I enjoyed it to the point where it is one of the best films I have seen in 2014.


I have been meaning to give it a second viewing though (the above is based on seeing it when it first came out earlier in the year) so my opinion of it could easily change.

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The Raid 2's action is excellent but it's infuriatingly wedged into a crap mediocre crime drama that's legit an 1hr to long. The final fight is quality though.

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Just watched the new Arnie film Sabotage. Run of the mill auctioneer with no big surprises. It reminded me of one of Steve Austins more recent low budget movies for some reason. Felt Arnie was just wedged in there. Not too long, so a good watch if you just want a bit of action and gore.

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Went to see The Equalizer tonight. I really liked it. It is just a whole lot of fun with lots of blood and violence (cut from an 18 to a 15 in the UK sadly though) and just enough story to keep it progressing along . Probably a little style over substance at times, a little too long at over 2-hours and it has its flaws, but I really enjoyed it. Denzel Washington is great as usual as well.

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