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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Just watched Wolf Creek 2. Not bad survival horror type move, but I have never seen a direct to video films that has been shot so well. The cinematography is incredible in this, and it's worth watching just for the amazing vistas.


It went straight to video? Surprised at that, the original was a sleeper hit. I'd have imagined it would have done quite well at the box office.

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Watched Pulp Fiction at the weekend. Still dont understand all the hype, I feel like I must be missing something. I get that the characters are fairly interesting and its good to see them develop, but one of the best films ever? Nah. I had to watch it in three instalments as I kept falling asleep.

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Wolf Creek 2 isn't a direct to video film. What it is, though, is a very commendable sequel. I preferred it to the first film. Mick is an absolutely brilliant character, and you get more of him here. It drags a bit in the middle, after the British guy gets involved, but it's pretty great up to that point, and it never goes too long without a good bit. I wasn't too fond of the ending.

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What are your opinions on "Westworld"? I was quite disappointed in it. I thought it was going to be a full on "Terminator" like action thriller. Very slow paced. It did lead me to this bloody heartbreaking Yul Bryner 1989 Anti-Smoking Advert though.


Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Wolf Creek 2 isn't a direct to video film. What it is, though, is a very commendable sequel. I preferred it to the first film. Mick is an absolutely brilliant character, and you get more of him here. It drags a bit in the middle, after the British guy gets involved, but it's pretty great up to that point, and it never goes too long without a good bit. I wasn't too fond of the ending.


I really liked the original, looking forward to this.

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Took a well known horror sites world as gospel. It was direct to video in the uk, but had a big Aussie release and a limited US one. Either way a treat for the eyes, and the kind of film HD was invented for.


Just finished Under the Skin. I saw the same film In the mid 80's. Can't remember the name, but it was a low budget british movie. Similar to the type Norman J Warren was making at the time. Driving me mad.

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No, way lower budget than that, and way earlier. I would have been about 14, which would have made it 82 or older. It was the same time I saw Norman J Warrens Prey, in fact I think it was a double feature video with them both on it. It was like young aback in time and watching the same thing again.


Lifeforce was a cracking movie. Crazy plot and possibly the finest knockers ever committed to celluloid, and plenty of them too!

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Watched the Japanese thriller Confessions on Mubi last night. Simply one of the best films I've seen for years. Absolutely amazing stuff from start to end. You come in to expecting the usual sort of Asian revenge thriller but it really is nothing like you expect.

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Watched Lucy on Saturday night, underdeveloped and a bit Akira-lite, but aside from that decent romp, decent action flick Not sure what people's problem is with it to be fair

Pat, is that the Wizard of Speed and Time on your avatar?

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