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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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New Nightmare is the best so you're right not counting that, I'd say the second is my least favourite out of the lot but I give them props for making a mainstream homosexual movie at that point in time, it's just a shame that it was so boring. Three and four were both great and I can barely remember the other two, possibly for good reason but I think I'll give them a download and come back and see if my choice changes.

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2 is the worst by far. Half the people thought they were making a straight (hehe) horror film, the others thought they were tackling teen sexuality issues and they managed to fuck it all up with a horrible mish-mash that manages neither. Freddy went very cartoony and camp very fast, Dream Warriors being batshit mental which is a shame because sinister peado, killer Freddy was an amazing creation.

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Got the complete DVD boxset but been 3 years (I think) since I've done a complete watch of them all. Will probably do a marathon later in the year during the days before Halloween. From what I can remember, 6 is the worst. I remember getting some amusing moment out of the crapness of 2, but 6 is just plain awful.

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Yeah, I don't remember the sixth "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" at all. Seemed a very lackluster ending if I can't remember it.


I watched "NOES 2" a ton of times in my youth and didn't spot the "Gay subtext" stuff at all, until I read it on the Internet.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I've spent the last couple of days watching the original Plant of the Apes films. I forgot how much death was in these films (ignoring the whole world blowing up) you loose best friends, couples, sons, parents. The first four films especially, not one had a happy ending.

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Caught Godzilla last night and it was a mixed experience. The characters and dilemmas they face are so formulaic and predictable that it's hard to get invested in what they're talking about. The cast try their hardest, but the dialogue is a bit ropey and dull. The non-monster element reminded me of recent episodes of Raw where Evolution end it with standing over The Shield or vice-versa; you know it should engage some response that gets you invested in the story, but you've seen it so often that the response is indifference.



<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I avoided all spoilers in regards to the story, so I had no idea it was Godzilla v Muto's going in. In regards to that part of the film, it was pretty good. Godzilla looked great and the radioactive breath parts made the old willy tingle. Godzilla wins, btw!


I thought Cransten was good during his brief time on the screen, before he dies. Like I said, he tried his hardest when faced with some dross.


[close spoiler]

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Just saw Godzilla and I thought it was a piece of shit. I can't believe reviews have been so positive. It's very dull and Godzilla himself only has about 10 minutes screen time. Every director who makes a monster movie should watch Jurassic Park 100 times in a row beforehand so they can see how it's done. This movie is so lifeless and complete lacks any fun or wonder which is what these movies are supposed to be for. The lead actor in the movie is the biggest charisma vacuum since Hayden Christiansen and you've got the wonderful Elisabeth Olsen there just being wasted as a damsel in distress with no personality whatsoever. The film has 3 parts really. The first takes up most of the running time and that's the lead characters running around being boring and doing boring stuff, the second is loads of CG buildings being blown up just like every other movie you've seen in the past 5 years and the third is the smallest which is Godzilla being awesome (the look and sound design for Godzilla is the only good bit in the film) but like I said that's only about 10 minutes on a 2 hour movie.


Save your money.

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