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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Out of interest, do people still buy DVDs and maintain a 'collection' or is it all these streaming gimmicks like KODI now? Do you buy anything and everything or just classics that you already love? For example, I have friends that mainly buy specific things like Foreign Cinema or Old School Kung Fu as that's their main area of interest


I'll buy any decent looking second-hand DVD from the 50p section at Missing Records any day of the week.

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Ben Hur:

Lads, don’t – under any circumstances – subject yourself to this shite. I wasted 2000 of my Odeon points on this bollocks because my missus has a damp spot for Jack Huston! Well, she doesn’t anymore due to his shit acting and the movies trite and shiteness.

It’s really fucking bad...I mean, absolutely septic.

I sat there thinking ‘Ah sure, even if it’s a 5th rate Gladiator, I’m sure I’ll enjoy the visuals and my nachos’ but no...it looks like a SyFy movie at points, is a 2/10 at best and that mark is only because of your one Fara from Homeland is in it.

The fucking ending didn’t even make any sense and Morgan Freeman looked ridiculous.

Even in the 30 second tv spot you get the feeling that Morgan Freeman was phoning it in good & proper.

It does seem to be a remake for the sake of a remake

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I've never been really fussed about most of the Disney movies but the new Jungle Book is really impressive.  A shit load of effort was put into it.  Baloo makes you chuckle as he's voiced by Bill Murray.


Yeah, I watched this on the plane back from New York a couple of weeks ago. Very enjoyable stuff, and yes, Murray is ace as Baloo.

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(*New" Ben Hur)


I sat through "Alexander" mainly because Vangelis phoned in a musical score. Anybody remember that one from Oliver Stone? Surely it can't be worse than that? Thing must have been 20 hours long. It certainly felt it.

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Right, I'm going to watch it, Rids. You're the third person who said it's quite good, because I'm a old fan and haven't enjoyed a Turtles movie since Secret of the Ooze, when I was 11.

There's only one Casey Jones though and it's Elias Koteas and his incredible bulge. Seriously, look at it...even just type 'Elias Koteas Bulge' into google. Fair oul upright on the chap.

I still love the original Turtles movie though, and this song to go with it:

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I watched Turtles last night too and I'd have to agree, it's much better than the first one and got a few chuckles out of me. I liked Be-Bop and Rocksteady, I think Sheamus did a good job. Megan Fox isn't great as April but did an OK job.

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I rewatched V/H/S 2 last night. Mostly nothing holds up worth rewatching bar 'Safe Haven' which is just and tense fucked up and balls to the wall as I remembered. Bloody 'Papa' line still made me shiver.

I watched all three a couple of months ago, and I agree that Safe Haven is the best of all the segments by some way. "Parallel Monsters" from V/H/S 3 is probably the best one after Safe Haven, but that is only really of interest because it is a very strange short (and because I really liked Timecrimes from the same director).

Slightly associated to this, does anyone know where I can watch/download the cut segment from V/H/S 3 called "Gorgeous Vortex"?

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I went to see Once More with Feeling last night, the documentary about the recording of the new Nick Cave album in the wake of the death of his son. As you might imagine, this is a gruelling watch at times. I've been a big fan of Nick Cave's music for years, but I've never really know a lot about the man himself, partly because I liked that he seemed like a fairly private, enigmatic figure and shining daylight upon that might have ruin it a bit. So watching this film I found to be extremely affecting, because it's clear that he and his family have been utterly devastated by the trauma, and he seemed broken throughout a lot of the film. At times I felt like it was too raw, and by extension, too voyeuristic. With all that said, there are some lovely, funny moments, the relationship between Nick and Warren Ellis is so heartwarming (my favourite bit of the whole film was a moment was when they have a discussion about Nick's hair). The music sounds like what you might a Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album might sound like after going through a tragedy, doom laden and intense. It's really good. 

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