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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Berberian Sound Studio is on on Saturday on Film 4 at 11pm. I know a few people wanted to watch this, myself included. So thought I'd just put the heads up here.


Not seen a great deal of films recently, however I did catch Argo, recently which I thought was very well done and entertaining all the way through


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Loved that the guy you thought was going to ruin everything turns up trumps at the last minute meaning the escapees can board the plane


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Berberian Sound Studio is brilliant. As a film, a work of art, an acting masterclass by Toby Jones and a love letter to sound design. Everyone should watch it, but don't tell me if you didn't like it.

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I thought similar about Gravity, Colin, really glad I saw it on IMAX in 3D for the experience, but not sure if I'd have enjoyed it as much if I'd been watching on a TV or laptop or something.

I went the whole hog and watched Gravity in IMAX 3D at the weekend. I really enjoyed it, and will probably take the mini Digby to see it this weekend, albeit in regular 3D. I'd made a point of not clicking on the spoilers for the "disliked bit" so that I wouldn't have any preconceptions going in, but as soon as it happened I knew that was what was being referred to. Overall though, good film. Looks pretty, doesn't get too stupid, and the small cast keeps the story focussed.


If you're going to see something in IMAX 3D though, make sure you don't sit too near the front. The screen is too tall, so everyone's head is too far away (although a spinning Bullock goes some way to compensating for this), and the bit directly in front of you looks decidedly low resolution in comparison.

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Berberian Sound Studio is on on Saturday on Film 4 at 11pm. I know a few people wanted to watch this, myself included. So thought I'd just put the heads up here.

I watched it late last year and was disappointed with the film. I was not impressed with any aspect of the film really, and while Toby Jones is fine in the lead role I don't remember there being much else that was all that good about it; certainly nothing that would lead to the high praise it has received since it was released. I might give it another watch to see if I like it any more on a second viewing.

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So my mate does top 'o the line pirate DVD's and I've decided to fund his criminal activities. What's everyone's much watch films of the last year or so? Mainly looking for the best blockbusters and stuff that's not readily available as I have Sky and Netflix but all suggestions welcome.

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Saw the new Hunger Games, and actually really enjoyed it. Jennifer Lawrence always comes across as totally genuine, both on and off-screen, and you can't help but root for her throughout. The genre isn't normally my cup of tea but the 2+ hours flew by.


We saw it last night too. Good for the mostpart. Peta is a dull sod though, and it did seem to end very suddenly without much of a payoff, but that's to be expected knowing that there are two more films to go.

Turns out my throwaway comment about District 11 being the black district was proven right in this film though.


On the way out I heard some girl say that she "propably should have watched the first one". Who does watches the sequel first? That's like watching the plothole ridden Back To The Future: Part 3 first and then wondering why nothing makes sense

Edited by KingOfMetal
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On the way out I heard some girl say that she "propably should have watched the first one". Who does watches the sequel first? That's like watching the plothole ridden Back To The Future: Part 3 first and then wondering why nothing makes sense

She'd get her face caved in with a fire extinguisher for that in some circles/fantasies.

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  • Awards Moderator
Saw the new Hunger Games, and actually really enjoyed it. Jennifer Lawrence always comes across as totally genuine, both on and off-screen, and you can't help but root for her throughout. The genre isn't normally my cup of tea but the 2+ hours flew by.


Yep, I'd agree with all that. Strong follow-up and it felt bigger and with more at stake without them having to massively exaggerate any VFX shots or anything like that, which is good. I've read the books and found the third one a bit of a disappointment, so I have to wonder whether there'll be a similar drop in the film series. Especially if they're turning it into two films.

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On the way out I heard some girl say that she "propably should have watched the first one". Who does watches the sequel first? That's like watching the plothole ridden Back To The Future: Part 3 first and then wondering why nothing makes sense

She'd get her face caved in with a fire extinguisher for that in some circles/fantasies.


Bit much, It's not like she raped someone in a subway or anything.

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