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Breaking Bad - Season 5 part 2

Chilly McFreeze

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A absolutely brilliant finale and probably the best outcome all round. So glad to see Jesse escape even though it wasn't looking good at the time. Agreed with the others that him choking Todd was the best moment and hugely satisfying. Looking back maybe the Mr Magorium reference in Granite State wasn't just a dig as one of the most important quotes from that movie is from the title character, a dying man looking to leave his legacy to a younger protege, Molly.


When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? [Molly shakes her head] He's written "He dies." That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is "He dies." It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with "He dies." And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words "He dies." But because of the life we saw prior to the words. [pause, walks over to Molly] I've lived all five of my acts, Mahoney, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I'm only asking that you turn the page, continue reading... and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest "He died."
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In my opinion I thought the music was a bit on the nose. It was like a college project where your film is called Photograph, so you look for any song called Photograph.


Not really,once you actually listen to the lyrics of the song and consider Walt and Jesse's relationship and history.

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Personally I loved the music choices even the Groucho Marx song as Todd's Ringtone. :nerd:


Wonderful final episode, bitter sweet in that I didn't want to say goodbye to a show I have been emotionally invested in for the past few years. But now I've had some time to reflect on it I thought it was just perfect.

Edited by Dash X
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I liked the last episode a lot but I'm sad to see it go. I always wanted Walt to live but after Hank died I changed my mind, even though I was always team Walt it just didn't seem fair for him to make it after Hank bit the dust. I didn't feel the sympathy lots of people seemed to for Jesse and I really disliked him in the first couple of episodes of the second part of series 5 but after all he endured at the hands of the nazis and his brave escape attempt he had my full support leading up to the end and I was happy to see him get away, glad he got a last moment with Walt too and didn't kill him or something.


Having Walt say he enjoyed the buzz of being Heisenberg and potter around the lab a bit right at the end was great, I felt it gave him a certain dignity of making his own decisions, obviously he was trying to make money for his family and stuff but the fact that he enjoyed the ride made him slightly less tragic and he got to make it to the end on his own terms. I'll really miss the show, Walter White is a phenomenal character.


*edit - Oh yeah, getting Lydia with the ricin was so good, I didn't see it coming, it tied in the ricin and stevia perfectly and I was dreading her making it out alive.


Although there is the official Spanish language remake coming out so there's something to look forward to!



Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Obviously I watched the final episode on Monday, but it's still with me today. I've watched it twice now and it's still fantastic on the second viewing. It really was the perfect ending to the greatest show i've ever seen.


I'm trying my best to get into some other stuff now, but nothing is living up to this. Everything else just seems shit in comparison?


In reference to the above post, Steve, surely you must have seen Lydia getting ricin'd from a million miles away? Not that it was any less epic as it is was extremely satisfying the way Walt got it into her tea, but for during season 4 and mainly in this season, Vince Gilligan really pushed Lydia's tea drinking into our faces, especially the scene with Todd a few episodes ago when they met in the meth lab.

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I ended up only starting to watch Breaking Bad on 19th September and actually loved it so much I managed to watch the whole six years worth in two weeks as I saw the finale last night, kinda bad idea though as I couldn't get to sleep after watching it as it was so brilliant (same sort of feeling I get after watching a really good PPV or an awesome main event/swerve on a PPV).


As I've watched it all in such a small space of time it's really easy for me to recall a lot of moments and I must say my favourite character of all has to be Jesse, the first season or so I felt he was a bit of a wally but as time went on he became such a sympathetic character, taking the bullet (metaphorically) for his little brother's spliff, his strong view on not involving kids too and just the heartbreak from Jane's death which Walt could have prevented and then when Andrea gets killed by Todd. In my opinion he was kinda used by Walt and although there was a really good bond between the two of them there was always a feeling that Walt was using Jesse and didn't really care for his well being as much as he should have, if he did he wouldn't have allowed Jane to OD in front of him but he saw Jane not as an important part of Jesse's life but as a distraction to Jesse helping him build his meth empire. I was just really hoping Jesse would make it out alive as he had such a shit time throughout pretty much the whole show and seeing him used as a slave who was locked up to make meth was the most upsetting part of the show for me, well that and seeing Gale getting killed. When Jesse finally choked Todd to death I was actually cheering him on and I'm so glad he didn't shoot Walt as it would have left a bitter taste in my mouth.


But yeah the other most upsetting moment was seeing Gale get shot by Jesse, Jesse is obviously really cut up about it and the moment just before it when Gale is pleading with him not to shoot him I was just feeling so bad for the two of them. But Gale was such a nice guy, probably my second favourite character in the whole series. Oh and third had to be Hank's death.


Must say the freakiest moments that stand out to me were when the junkie wife crushed her junkie husband's head under the ATM, Gus' zombie face, when he freaked out as he realised what was happening was such a mark out moment as he seemed untouchable before it, plus Tuco's death as well was pretty awesome as he seemed untouchable too.


But yeah what an absolutely awesome series. Can't wait to pick the whole thing up on bluray. I know they're doing a prequel about Saul but it'd be great to have a one off sequel and show how all of the characters are getting on following the events, or maybe not, I'm not sure as it finished so great and just the fact that we know the bad guys were all killed, Jesse got away, no more of the family got killed and Walter got his payback on Lydia and the bad guys before he ended up dying seems like enough. Maybe the Saul prequel will be good but in all honesty I'm not really going crazy about it.

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Norm McDonald (remember him) has a theory on the end of Breaking Bad all being in Walt's head. It seems like he's just pointing out a couple of things that happened that are a little far fetched but it's still an interesting-ish read.


Breaking Bad finale theory


I'm looking forward to Saul's show as I love the character, I'd rather it wasn't a prequel though, there's a lot they could do with him starting a new life in a new town with his past and he's a bit old to play a ten years younger version of himself for 8 years.

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How do you know it's going to be 10 years earlier? Remember all 5 series of Breaking Bad only spawned 2 years. They could easily set it 2 years before that and squeeze out a few series for that period (if it does well enough).

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The past few weeks have been agonising. I just can't do single episode TV any more, so I was waiting for the whole thing to become available on Netflix before binging. Incredibly I didn't bump into a single spoiler.


I'm not as crazy about Breaking Bad as a lot of people seem to be, but I think that might be one of the most perfect endings to any show ever. All tied up, with just enough open ends for certain characters for you to predict their destinies. It seems fitting that Walt "killed himself" rather than succumbing to the cancer, so his actions in some way caught up with him. So yeah, pretty much perfect.


There's an interesting article on USGamer discussing Breaking Bad as a video game. You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy the article. Honking spoilers for both BB and GTA V abound.

Edited by Black2
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