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That opening is fantastic, but it really does highlight how they absolutely fucked this company up. They had the most potential ever to be a super hot promotion. Who could possibly have those television outlets and the roster they had at one point every again? Its a shame. They had Hogan, Sting, Flair, Dusty, Angle, AJ, Joe, Daniels, Kaz, the Machine Guns, the Young Bucks, Nash, Eric Young, Low Ki, Beer Money, The Hardy Boyz, Bully Ray, Austin Aries, Mickie James, Awesome Kong and a shit load of others on their roster. And now they have Alberto Del Cokefiend and an owl.

Add Booker T, Christian (when he was decent), RVD, Raven, DDP, Steiner etc to the list.


They've had the talent, never been in question.

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Read some reviews that last nights impact was the worst episode of a televised wrestling show ever. Anyone watch it yet? I am morbidly curious now.


Csonka of 411 once again with his bullshit. It wasn't bad, main event was good. Josh is REALLY pissing people off its an angle to write him off as he is leaving the commentary table. Wasn't a home run but it wasn't as bad as Csonka or Voices of Wrestling make out.

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Read some reviews that last nights impact was the worst episode of a televised wrestling show ever. Anyone watch it yet? I am morbidly curious now.

It wasn't that bad at all. Commentary was very distracting though which made it difficult to watch.

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I thought the show was decent enough it certainly looks a lot better back in 21 better lit and a much improved set


A lot like other people I find josh irritating so the sooner he's off the commentary table the better I wasn't a fan of the dusty finish and think el patron could/should have been used differently coming in

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Not watched, but the graphics at the end of iMPACT in 60 seconds on the YouTube channel are pathetic, proper amateur shit which needs to be cut out or delayed until it looks professional.


Anyone expecting iMPACT to all of a sudden become good again needs a reality check. Plus it can't be THAT bad as the Hardys were on the show and they are amazing good and the company needed to bend over backwards to re-sign them

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Read some reviews that last nights impact was the worst episode of a televised wrestling show ever. Anyone watch it yet? I am morbidly curious now.


Csonka of 411 once again with his bullshit. It wasn't bad, main event was good. Josh is REALLY pissing people off its an angle to write him off as he is leaving the commentary table. Wasn't a home run but it wasn't as bad as Csonka or Voices of Wrestling make out.


Thought as much, did sound a bit like hyperbole especially compared to WW-ECW. I will leave it for a bit and see how they get on, I hope they succeed. Seems a bit weird to write off a commentator though.

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Aesthetically, I liked the early changes they've made in the short time they've had. The new graphics are indeed much improved. There's a lot more to come as I understand. They need to get that video wall back above the crowd opposite the hard cam for sure. Nice to see the old soundstage packed full.


The first show of a new era is always going to be talk heavy, and that it was. Issues needed to be addressed to the viewers although i'm not sure the way Dutch and Prichard went about it was the right way. Far too many mentions of WWE and former talent who are now doing very well in the other universe for my liking, but hopefully that's all out of the way now.


That aside, the in-ring was much of the same bar the introduction of the new talent. The X-Division got no time at all. Both women in that match were godawful. Sienna has been since she arrived. I hate Alberto and he's probably the last person I want to see here. What happened to Josh Barnett's title win last week because it never aired? Probably for the best. What happened with the Hardys transforming into the Decay??!!! Why are there belts from other promotions on the show? Still a big issue with the World Title having TNA prominently splashed over it.


They've taped 6 weeks right, up until the April 20th live show?

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Way too many references to WWE on this show, borderline ridiculous, comes off to me as desperate to be honest.


Along with that I just don't know what they are doing having Dutch and Prichard out there, there is simply no response, the people in that building have walked in from the Harry Potter ride, they just see 2 old men, one on a scooter, making a load of inside references and jokes and they must look and think "the fuck is this", and it comes across on TV. They editing was shitty also, cutting to the crowd enthusiastically clapping when Dutch was mid sentence, it all was just weird. That Hardy's/Decay thing, what was that all about?


I enjoyed the main event.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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