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Also ICW is beating TNA on the same channel in Italy. Impressive.

Aren't icw doing bigger numbers in Italy than TNA do in the states?

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Also ICW is beating TNA on the same channel in Italy. Impressive.

Aren't icw doing bigger numbers in Italy than TNA do in the states?

Yeah. They were steadily catching up last I heard. Is there any more recent ratings available?
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Mark Dallas posts them each week on his own twitter


Setalight- quite a bit of stuff on YouTube, but for shows it's icw on demand which is about 5 quid a month

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18 million. You just picked a number there didn't you

Does TNA even have 18 million viewers?


. . . it did that night.

I will applaud this even if no one else does.


I'll even take credit for it. Cus thats what you do - gotta take credit for everything



Thanks. I was disappointed how quickly Nash-isms seem to have been forgotten. 

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Does Raw even get 18 million viewers worldwide?


Genuine question.


Major guesstimating here, but WWE used to make a big deal of being on in 500 million homes. They're doing two million viewers among 93 million homes on USA Network, so if they were getting the same proportional level of viewership in 500 million homes worldwide, they'd get just under 11 million viewers. In practice it would probably be lower as they aren't in prime time in every country.



Ooh, I mixed up the ratings and audience here, so it's just under three million viewers, which by this rough and ready measure puts them in the 16 million range.

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Thanks Louch, where would you suggest starting?

The big shows are fear and lothian 8, square go and Barramania. Those will give you the biggest names and matches. Friday night fight clubs from December onwards will give you more of a raw style show. I wouldn't start any further than fear & lothian 8.


YouTube wise, I end up lost in watching joe Hendry entrances. There is an icw discussion thread in uk events section if you have any more questions so tho thread can be left on topic

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This weeks episode of Impact drew 210,000, down from last weeks 326,000 and 346,000 two weeks ago for the replay, scraping into the top 150 at #144. The first run didn't rank because of the technical problems, which in all fairness wasn't TNA's fault.


Oh, and that one legged army lad has left the company

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I have to say I'm really enjoying Lashley in TNA. I've always found him to be the most wooden promo in the world but this cocky MMA based heel persona has got me hooked, I think playing this role, with a good build up he'd be a very credible opponent for Lesnar, playing off both guys MMA stuff. Obviously it would mean maybe Lashley beating up someone like Tank Abbott in Bellator so WWE can say it's the clash of the MMA badass types.

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I've not watched TNA for a few months now when I visited my brother and he had Impact on. It was the Feast or Fired episode where Grado was fired.  (Jan or Feb?)


I might give it another watch out of general, possible morbid, curiosity. 

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How many YouTube subscribers do TNA have, wrestleuk?

739,124 subscribers




Compared to WWE's 11,642,204. #2 company, yeah right


In relation to this, TNA is not in the top 500 channels on YouTube [in relation to ammount of subscribers], where as WWE is the 34th most subscribed channel.

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