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I still have all TNA Impacts and PPV's from the Spike debut to Angle/Joe's first run. All on VHS. This is all TNA for me, I loved that product. Weird mix of vanity project, studio tv and Kevin Nash's graphs.

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Do you plan on posting a link to that infamously shit forum anymore? The same forum with a Women of Wrestling forum where they fantasy book going out to a restaurant with Paige?

Ralphy is signing up as we speak


So am I!



Ralphy. Phwooar. :wub:

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It's a decent enough alternative to WWE and you could argue a better TV show at the minute.

What other alternatives are there on proper TV?


Yes, TNA is "decent enough", however considering the resources available to them it should be far better than that.


"Decent enough" is how you describe supermarket brand pop.



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It's a decent enough alternative to WWE and you could argue a better TV show at the minute.

What other alternatives are there on proper TV?


Yes, TNA is "decent enough", however considering the resources available to them it should be far better than that.


"Decent enough" is how you describe supermarket brand pop.


Not sure what resources you think they have. They don't have a pot to piss in hence they're losing talent.

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They have had ( for a very long time) national and international tv deals, in house production, merchandise, a contracted roster, a near limitless cash investor, touring shows, PPV and mainstream media exposure.

With all that they have managed to develop a toxic brand which even their most long standing employees want no part of, that simply jumps from one station to the next every time it's realised that there is no way, as a business, that they can make money.

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I've watched it on and off since its inception, and although it has improved over the last few weeks and Matt Hardy is a hoot, it is nowhere near the level of NXT which is essentially a developmental program, so that speaks volumes of the TNA product.

Once it plops, it can't stop, indeed.

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That's the crux of it for me, TNA have had more than a fair chance. Be it the initial 2005-2006 rise on spike or where they managed to do most ppvs outside the impact zone in 2008-9 even hogoff. They even had people giving them a chance at intervals up until 2013 when they scored there biggest ever crowd. But they never capitalised and kept it sensible. Fans wanted an alternative that was A) alternative and B) going somewhere. Half of nxt's loyalty was built on people joining the band wagon seeing they like it and that it's cool (for wrestling) TNA never kept the bus moving and the seats filling

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It's a decent enough alternative to WWE and you could argue a better TV show at the minute.

What other alternatives are there on proper TV?


Yes, TNA is "decent enough", however considering the resources available to them it should be far better than that.


"Decent enough" is how you describe supermarket brand pop.


Not sure what resources you think they have. They don't have a pot to piss in hence they're losing talent.



Who's to blame for the lack of resources then? 


TNA is dead. Has been for years. 

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That's the crux of it for me, TNA have had more than a fair chance. Be it the initial 2005-2006 rise on spike or where they managed to do most ppvs outside the impact zone in 2008-9 even hogoff. They even had people giving them a chance at intervals up until 2013 when they scored there biggest ever crowd. But they never capitalised and kept it sensible. Fans wanted an alternative that was A) alternative and B) going somewhere. Half of nxt's loyalty was built on people joining the band wagon seeing they like it and that it's cool (for wrestling) TNA never kept the bus moving and the seats filling


I do wonder if NXT would be as popular if Raw, Smackdown and Impact weren't so up and down though, and it aired in the Main Event or Superstars spot on tv, not the network.


There's no denying it's mostly great (NXT). It came along at a perfect time when Impact was the shits. It probably gets away with more than it should. There are very average episodes sometimes but we let it slide. I mean I do, i rarely complain about it.


The enjoyable part of wrestling nowadays for me is seeing new talent. You never know who's gonna turn up on NXT these days. It's why i love Chikara. Impact has that potential if i go spoiler free. I wish i didn't know about the new signings. I think this weeks episode was the most NXT'y/LU episode they've done and i hope its going in that direction.

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It's a decent enough alternative to WWE and you could argue a better TV show at the minute.

What other alternatives are there on proper TV?


Yes, TNA is "decent enough", however considering the resources available to them it should be far better than that.


"Decent enough" is how you describe supermarket brand pop.


Not sure what resources you think they have. They don't have a pot to piss in hence they're losing talent.




TNA is dead.



It might be dead to you. And thats fair enough. No ones forcing anyone to watch. I'm pretty sure the company will be around in some capacity for many years to come, making small profits but never really bothering anyone who doesn't choose to watch.


Last i heard they were fine as there are pottering along not losing money. They've stepped up merchandising from an on screen point of view. A couple of months ago i couldn't have even told you what the online shop address was but i sure know it now. I bet there's people buying that 4 disc AJ Styles dvd in their droves. It's full of superior matches to what he'll produce in WWE (opinion but he's not 25 anymore). They've just freed up several large talent contracts and replaced them with fresh talent who probably cost a tenth of that but yet im more interested in as a tv product with more to come i'd imagine.


If anything the last two weeks have told me they're anything but dead and i should keep watching. And this is two weeks after I almost gave up. After 12 years.

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There's nothing bizarre. This place just isn't the "mindless sheep" sort of forum. Enjoy that other place if you want three pages of people agreeing with each other.

Best thing about this place is that you'll probably only agree with about two other people and you just want to argue with everyone else.
Keep in mind though that when you were wrestleuk's age, you were rage quitting because everyone didn't join in with the "Cena sux, push the cruisers" stuff. It takes a while for a young lad of limited intelligence to acclimatise when they've only ever been used to everyone around them agreeing with the Internet hivemind opinion. Some kid landing here now from other forums would vomit with confusion upon reading a post about Cesaro not being world title material.


Although in TNA's case, every fucker on the Internet has abandoned them for NXT now anyway, so it must be a right little pocket of resistance that are still living in the bubble of TNA being great.

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 And this is two weeks after I almost gave up. After 12 years


You sound like you're in a long term relationship with them. Christ. 


Basically, TNA did have something, they've always had "something", but its long past being a decent alternative these days that's it's laughable. You're correct in saying they'll be around until they decide not to be, but that doesn't mean they are any good. They are as much as an "alternative" as Tesco's own No frills Cola is to proper Coke. 0 comparison. Considering everything, I gave up on them a few years back when, after being mildly interesting for about 2 weeks, they went back to "same old shit" almost instantly. 


Fuck almost giving up on them, you should 100% give up on them, every one else has......including the talent.


Poor James Storm must be crying into his cowboy hat now Roode has gone.

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