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Yeah, that sums it up. Last year was really good. The shows were consistently good and the Round Robin was 50 times better than the previous year. Granted the James Storm push got completely derailed (although he was dead on his arse going into it anyway), but the BFG Series was a very well planned out format and even the James Storm thing sort of had logic built into it because Bobby Roode cost him his place. I can even buy that. But this year has been a huge mess. Organisation seems to have fallen off a cliff since Bruce Prichard left. It cant be a coincidence. TNA used to only have the criticism where you go "stuff at least makes sense, even if the angles have no impact and nobody will care in the end". At this stage TNA cant help the fact nobody gives a shit about them. So at least before, the shows were individually alright. Now stuff has went completely off the wall. For all his faults in terms of handling talent, Prichard was a disciplined office guy for years under the WWF banner. He isn't Bob Ryder or Matt Conway, who sat under the Russo learning tree or the worked in WCW for years. It must be his departure why this BFG series has went off a cliff and TNA have suddenly went back to 2007 with shoot promo-mania running wild again.


Right now you have Eric Bischoff and Dave Lagana in charge on TNA's creative. Eric is doing Q&A's on the road where Hulk Hogan is openly campaigning for the president of the promotion to be shitcanned. And Dave Lagana goes on twitter and blames the fans for assuming the obvious. This is not the type of people a thriving company should have in charge.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Just noticed the line-up for some upcoming taped PPVs. The show that starts airing next week has a tag tournament with Bully Ray and Devon. The show airing in November has Team Aces & 8s, including team member DOC.


At the time when those spoilers came out I said that it either meant those shows would have matches that didn't make sense or fuck all of importance was going to happen between the taping and air date. Turns out in some cases both were right.


Imagine next year when they tape PPV's in January and Knux or someone else pops it only to rise from the dead 6 months later to team with Bully Ray against Sting/Kurt Angle despite Kurt joining Aces & Eights to feud with Bully who's been kicked out. Actually that's more logical than what they do now anyway.

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I wonder if they'll even bother with the taped shows again. They're covered until February and there doesn't seem any point whatsoever taping more shows for US PPV. The only real reason is whatever international agreements they have and I'm sure they'll have a look at the wording to see if they can just send some archive comps, particularly given there'll be a bigger expense in taping the new shows now.

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Just like to say I think TNA is an absolute, absolute bag of pish. Complete crap. Personally, I seem to find the less Jeff Jarrett around TNA, the worse it is. Impact fuckin Wrestling? Whits that all about? TNA was a shite name, but this whole "wrestling matters here" is just kiddin themselves on. What was the point of it?

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Do they still push the 'WRESTLING MATTERS HERE (and, by this we mean it doesn't up North)' tag line? They'd be mad to, considering that WWE has had the absolute best quality in-ring output in North America, if not the world, for at least 18 months..

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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The 'Wrestling matters' thing was only mentioned for two or three months in addition with TNA deciding to change the colour of their ring ropes to emphasize this mantra...or something. The slogan (?) would have been a bit more appropriate about five or six years prior when TNA were putting on fantastic wrestling matches fairly frequently but this arisen during the days of the twenty minute Immortal promos in the ring.

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They don't do the wrestling matters thing anymore, and they'd be stupid to considering the only reason they started it was because WWE were phasing the word "wrestling" out, and since that word has been all over Raw for the past 2 years it would only serve to make TNA look even more retarded.

Jeff Hardy: I beat Samoa Joe by submission last year. *Camera cuts to Hardy pinning Joe*.

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AJ Styles has signed a three month contract with TNA. What an odd amount of time to sign a contract. I guarantee he's winning the belt then. They did it last year with Jeff Hardy to get him to stay. But a three month deal? Who signs three month contracts?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It gives them breathing space to discuss a proper long-term contract. Probably the best move for all concerned, as things stand.

Why would they need breathing space? They've know for months his contract is due. They aren't deal with Brock Lesnar.

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Can't help but think they would love him in Japan, I know wrestling's all bullshit and such but TNA really are idiots if they let AJ walk away over money, he's pretty much the TNA guy. Surely TNA need AJ more than he needs them at this point? It's been mentioned hes saved his money and I can't imagine he'd be short of work (excluding WWE) if he left.

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Judging from the reports, I'm glad I've not watched for the past couple of weeks; sure, one shouldn't go from reports to gauge show quality, but when they're this bad, it's probably a safe bet.


There is one potential silver lining from all this, though: hopefully we get Jarrett back soon. He's the one main-eventer they could have who would be less of a headache to have on board.

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He's the one main-eventer they could have who would be less of a headache to have on board.

The fact he's off TV because he is a headache for them probably means he wont be back anytime soon.

Wasn't there something recently about him being brought back to help with the running of things, especially with Pritchard gone? Would've thought it wouldn't be too much of a jump for him to come back to the ring from there.

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