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Given that they just reunited the Dudleys, and are bringing Matt in to reunite the Hardys, I can see them doing a Hardys vs Team 3D match, or maybe even a Hardys vs Team 3D vs Wolves TLC match at the NYC tapings.


They're clearly going all out to try to make these NYC shows half-way decent. The tickets weren't selling well by all accounts.


Rumour has it that they need these shows to be a success, to impress the NYC-based Spike tv officials, so that they can get a new tv deal.


By the way, Matt is still wrestling on the ROH ppv on June 22, a few days before going to TNA on June 25th. He just confirmed it on his Twitter.


That will be an interesting reception from the ROH fans!

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That will be an interesting reception from the ROH fans!


If they make a fuss then they're just children. No-one is making enough money in ROH (or TNA) to be in a position to refuse outside bookings if they become available.

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I'm really pleased that TNA are going to attempt to offer something a little bit interesting. Bully and Devon in peak physical condition will be great as other than A&8s where I don't think they tagged on TV, they have been apart since 2010 so that is interesting. I'll be thrilled to see The Hardy Boyz reunited, firstly because it will mean that when I want to see Jeff he wont be being silly with an umbrella and two - I just love The Hardyz, regardless of whether they become drug addled fat men that go on in to their 50s (ignore past dabblings) I will always have a soft spot for the two of them as a team.


The Dudleys and The Hardy Boyz are big time. This is miles away from Lashley, Kenny King, Spud and EC3. Hogan, Sting and Angle are nowhere to been seen now, this is as good as it will get in terms of star power and if they are used compellingly then it is not a bad thing.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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Bully Ray and Devon definitely did team up on Impact during the Aces and Eights Run.


Yeah, but it didn't feel like the Dudleys. the music, the gear, the "whassssup" and the tables shtick hasn't been done in a while, plus first time in the Hammerstein in 9 years? Yeah I'm excited.

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I really enjoyed Slammiversary. It was surprisingly really good and even the likes of Lashley had their super working boots on, not a single person didn't go above and beyond on that show. A good show is what TNA really needed, it helped having a super hot crowd too which was bigger than usual (due to Kevin or not, still great!). My only gripe is that I felt Aries should had won the main event.

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Ah, maybe they did team together. Bully didn't become a fully fledged A&8 until March and Devon left by the summer so I must have missed it during that time. I just remember lots of multi man matches involving Brisco and Bischoff.

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TNA have posted on their Facebook and Twitter to ask fans if they want a 6 or 4 sided ring going forward. The reveal will take place at the NYC tapings. Judging by the comments, 6 sides is winning by a LONG shot.


Dunno if i want to see the 6 sides back, be interesting.

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They might as well ask the fans to book TNA like an e-fed while they are at it, that'd be one hilarious experiment to be fair.


Watching Slammiversary and it isn't too bad, I've enjoyed almost all I've seen and it's great to see the Dudleys back together, Bully Ray is scarily good and seems to be a class above everyone else. I hope we get to see him heel it up in WWE at some point, he'd be perfect against Cena.

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Imagine if Matt Hardy, Devon Dudley and a shitty six-sided ring turned TNA's fortunes around. They won't, like, but imagine if they did. Fair play to TNA, they're three things that won't break the bank and might stop the company from losing their arse on the New York run.

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Imagine if Matt Hardy, Devon Dudley and a shitty six-sided ring turned TNA's fortunes around. They won't, like, but imagine if they did. Fair play to TNA, they're three things that won't break the bank and might stop the company from losing their arse on the New York run.

They should never have got rid of the ring. It was the only thing that really set them apart from WWE. When they got Hogan and Bischoff, they needed to find ways to look different, not the same. Really was a ridiculous move.

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Imagine if Matt Hardy, Devon Dudley and a shitty six-sided ring turned TNA's fortunes around. They won't, like, but imagine if they did. Fair play to TNA, they're three things that won't break the bank and might stop the company from losing their arse on the New York run.

They should never have got rid of the ring. It was the only thing that really set them apart from WWE. When they got Hogan and Bischoff, they needed to find ways to look different, not the same. Really was a ridiculous move.


Can't say I agree. The ring did help differentiate them a bit, sure, but I think it was more down to how they pushed the X, KO and tag divisions at the time. Plus, when Hogan and Bischoff came in, they didn't do a bad job of differentiating themselves with the reality TV-style segments and Reaction. TNA did have a different feel in a positive way, even with the four-sider.


EDIT: Personally, I'd only bring back the six-sider for the X-Division special events, like Destination X.

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