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What's going on with the Bro-Mans? One of the few things still worth watching. Make Zema Ion their DJ was a master stroke, especially as he's so damned good in that role as heel back-up/manager with his horn blasts.

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I'm all for TNA trying to create new stars but their main event heel group currently consists of Dixie Carter, Magnus, EC3 and Spud. It's like they are trying to out-do their own "worst faction in company history" record. It goes without saying that Dixie making herself the focal point of the company is the classic-case of the booker/owner getting themselves over on TV to the detriment of everything else, but her choice of new top heels is unforgivable.


Magnus has shown very little to suggest he's worth bothering with at the top level, EC3 isn't really over and still stinks of Derek Bateman and Spud (as much as I love him) is fine in his role, but he hardly makes them seem any more "Big Time".


They should just stick Aries, Roode, Daniels and Kaz together as the top heel faction. They are consistently entertaining in the ring and on the mic and all four are established, talented and over.

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The last thing TNA needs is yet another dominant heel stable. They've ridden them into the ground since, well, fucking forever. From the shit of SEX to the arse of Aces and Eights via Planet Jarrett. I'd like to see TNA sans authority figures or dominant heel stable, as they've done one or the other every fucking week since the summer of 2002.

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We should compile a list of how these groups broke up. I'll start:


Main Event Mafia V.1 - Kurt Angle came out the night after Bound For Glory as a babyface and said "well, that's that finished then".


Main Event Mafia V.2 - After forming the group because they wanted to take out the Aces and 8s, Sting disbands the group while the A&8s are still active saying "we've done what we set out to do".

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Dixie Carter, EC3, SPud & Magnus are even poorer as a heel stable than JBL, Jillian Hall, The Bashams and Orlando Jordan back in 2005.


Completely uninteresting.


"Title vs Title" feud and Magnus wearing two belts. I guess Dixie watches RAW on Mondays.....

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JBL's cabinet wasn't poor. The members were, but as a stable it more than fulfilled its role, i.e. as a device solely for pushing JBL as a main event chickenshit heel. It wasn't supposed to be a dominant stable of blue chippers - if it was, it wouldn't have comprised of such members.

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  • Paid Members
The last thing TNA needs is yet another dominant heel stable. They've ridden them into the ground since, well, fucking forever. From the shit of SEX to the arse of Aces and Eights via Planet Jarrett. I'd like to see TNA sans authority figures or dominant heel stable, as they've done one or the other every fucking week since the summer of 2002.



TNA has one idea and the memory of a goldfish with Alzheimers. The most original thing they could do right now is copy early 80's mid-south. Keep it simple, "real" and hit hard.

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I must have been the only one that liked SEX (oo-er). You didn't know who would show up every week and join them. Tony Schiavone was one, wasn't he? I only ever remember them feuding with Jarrett though.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards announced in a vignette on tonight's Genesis episode of Impact Wrestling that the mystery investor will be revealed on next Thursday's show from Glasgow, Scotland. Edwards and Richards will be there also



SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Austin Aries is X Division champion again


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