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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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He is such a weirdo, he has these little issues with certain people and all the while he's making out he's above criticising or personal digs he is actually doing that very thing in a sly understated way. This little feud he has going with Meltzer and Bruce Mitchell is funny as fuck, every week he sits there justifying himself to Conrad for ages whilst saying he is above all that and doesn't need to. I imagine if we ever get to know Kevin Dunn he'd be justĀ like Prichard.

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Jesse Ventura was on Rogan's podcast, last night. While he only briefly mentions wrestling, due to the silly amount of other career paths he's taken, I thought others might want to listen. Jesse is mental, but you can't deny he's a great talker.


Listened to this last night. You can tell Rogan is taking the piss a bit. Jesse has this habit of talking away and then starting to shake a bit once he has made a point, kind of to feel like he is completely ruffled and flustered by what he is taking about. It takes me out of the conversation at times but this interview was pretty good.

Edited by TheLowdown1987
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I've been listening to Flair's podcasts the last few days. I really love Ric but the podcasts are getting a little bit cringey because it always seems to come back to "We were so shitfaced that night! I didn't sleep for a week! We were doing an hour every night and then sitting in the bar until sun up. I spent four grand that night teeheehee!"


Obviously that pretty much IS Ric Flair but I can't imagine sticking with it too long at this rate.

Edited by Arn Anderson's Darb
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Jesse Ventura was on Rogan's podcast, last night. While he only briefly mentions wrestling, due to the silly amount of other career paths he's taken, I thought others might want to listen. Jesse is mental, but you can't deny he's a great talker.


Listened to this last night. You can tell Rogan is taking the piss a bit. Jesse has this habit of taking away and then starting to shake a bit once he has made a point, kind of to feel like he is completely ruffled and flustered by what he is taking about. It takes me out of the conversation at times but this interview was pretty good.


I think Rogan started to tune out a bit when Jesse kept interrupting him, so decided to just by wide for a chunk of it. Rogan said after on the Redban podcast he likes Ventura.


The shaking is distracting, but it can't be helped, sadly. IIRC, it's an horrific side effect of his time in the military; he's had it for ages.


I really enjoy Ventura. Proper talks rubbish a lot of the time, but such a charismatic speaker. Really no surprise he was successful at politics. His side of the Chris Kyle nonsense it heartbreaking.

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Jack Gallagher is on scroobious pips podcast this week. Hard listen though as pips questions are 2/3 of the convo as he talks himself in knots asking simple things which is unusual for him

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I think Jack and Pip came across as an interview rather than a chat which is when the podcast is at its best. It made me sort of question whether Gallagher is actually in some sort of character as when he speaks it sounds like he's trying hard to pronounce things correctly and wasn't very loose.

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It came across to me that pip didnt have confidence in him as a guest. So over asked questions and butt in a lot more than usual. Preffered his chat with Jim smallman that was more the loose convo style

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I really enjoy Ventura. Proper talks rubbish a lot of the time, but such a charismatic speaker. Really no surprise he was successful at politics.

Jesse is such a superb character and talker, I have a great fondness for him in the business. The interview was great, typical carny bullshit from bell to bell but so enjoyable. "Y'know, I coulda been the King of Siam..."

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