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just put Russo's 'Liones, Tigers...' podcast on and Vince basically announced that from next week on his podcasts will no longer be about wrestling because he's sick of it. I know he had a heavy week with his dog and cat dying but it seems a pretty drastic reaction, will anyone actually listen to his show if it's about wrestling? that's pretty much his entire fanbase. He'll probably change his mind :laugh:


note* i haven't listened to the entire podcast yet, so he may change his mind by the end of the show.

Edited by Egg Shen
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I listened to the first half hour or so this morning also, what a massive mong he really is, literally got the rope around his neck and stood on the stool because he's had a rough week, who the fuck will listen to a Vince Russo podcast that has zero to do with Wrestling. To come out and say he wishes he never had anything to do with wrestling ever Bro, what an ungrateful plank, he'd be selling hot dogs in central park if it weren't for fucking Wrestling.


I was listening to one last week when he went on some tirade about Owens being the Universal champ, he said his wife happened to see Owens and couldn't believe he was champ and then started saying "nothing against Owens but you have to look like you could be a champion, like you could beat people up and compete with the rest of the locker room", the same guy that put the WCW Title on David Arquette and himself. He has absolutely lost the plot to be honest, I have a feeling he might do something daft.

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My favourite weekly podcast at the moment is the Russo one that drops on a Monday with Disco Inferno, it's tremendous, Russo is like a mardy spoilt child and Disco is brilliant as the smartest guy in the room just cutting him to shreds. Disco ripping him for abandoning his audience and not discussing WWE any more, "what you going to do, come on here and talk about your family" :laugh:


That Jeff guy is just caught up in the middle of it all as Disco takes the absolute piss out of Rocky Mountain Pro wrestling and it's rules, I'd love him to get his own podcast.

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He's right about Owens though. Even I stopped watching when he became champ. When the dust settled and I realised he was a fat dad and also the worst heel in the company.

Edited by FelatioLips
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I'm not a massive Owens fan by any means, he's a shocking heel, cunt does frog splashes to the outside for goodness sake, and also rips Michael Cole, probably the most babyface thing you can do. It's Russo that gets me, I love him I do, he's literally the most child like adult ever, he is unintentionally hilarious. I was listening to one last week where he had his son on from his honeymoon location, such a weird podcast, talking to his son about shagging his missus and giving it "bro" this and that.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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My stomach done a turn when Owens was joking about blocking people on Jericho's show and all. Your flagship champion and top heel talking about blocking people on the internet. It's mortifying. I don't care if it's a different era, shut the fuck up and do being a wrestling champion.

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My favourite weekly podcast at the moment is the Russo one that drops on a Monday with Disco Inferno, it's tremendous, Russo is like a mardy spoilt child and Disco is brilliant as the smartest guy in the room just cutting him to shreds. Disco ripping him for abandoning his audience and not discussing WWE any more, "what you going to do, come on here and talk about your family" :laugh:


That Jeff guy is just caught up in the middle of it all as Disco takes the absolute piss out of Rocky Mountain Pro wrestling and it's rules, I'd love him to get his own podcast.

Im hoping it gets resolved and Russo goes back to as it was because its probably my favorite at the moment too. Russo & Disco's feud is all a bit of a work but there's been instances where they genuinely seem to dislike each other, especially in recent weeks with Rocky Mountain Pro stuff and Disco just seemingly giving up on the format of the show.

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Billy gunn on colt cabana was a good listen this week. Rvd two parter on Austin turns into a weed convo

Haven't listened yet, but Billy Gunn is fucking hilarious - always seems to be smiling. The Outlaws RF shoot is amazing.

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He's really open and honest. A lot if his story do heard as he done a shoot for icw earlier this year, but he doesn't shy back from any question asked.

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