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Was TNA Matt's last proper run then? He's going to be the Marty Jannetty of his generation. Except he was never really that good.


For that analogy to work Jeff would of had to do much better, and Matt would have had to do far worse....


In the same post? Hell, the same sentence! How?? air_raid? Ronnie?

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Was TNA Matt's last proper run then? He's going to be the Marty Jannetty of his generation. Except he was never really that good.


For that analogy to work Jeff would of had to do much better, and Matt would have had to do far worse....


Hence my use of the future tense in there, champ. Keep up. It's a prediction.


What an anal reaction to an innocent comment.

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I disagree with Show Off. It's already come to pass. Jeff's been a WWE main eventer and World champ three times, is a two-time and current World champ in TNA, and is always over even when he's not at his best. Matt has held midcard titles, gotten fat, lost his mind and is swapping razorblades with Masada on the indies.


I'm not entirely sure how Jeff could do "much" better, or Matt "much" worse.


The only thing to come to pass is that Jeff is more successful than Mat, I don't think anybody would argue that, despite the fact that for a couple of years it looked like the pendulum may of swung the other way. But Jeff has never been at the level of a Shawn Michaels nor has Matt been to the depths of Marty Jannety. I get this whole "the Marty of the team thing" but you can't force that into every tag team break up direction just for the sake of a goofy little saying.


You're going off wrestling accomplishments on paper. In reality there is a world of difference between winning the world title in 1996 in contrast to 2009. I love Jeff Hardy - but he isn't in Shawn Michael's league in terms of how he is presented to the audience, or by what he can do in the ring, or through his body of work.


Matt was a solo act in the WWE for years with varying success rates and also had additional tag runs with Jeff that were a success. He's been in countless computer games, had countless action figures - the guy made his money despite what anybody may think of him. Marty didn't reach the level of a Matt Hardy frankly.


Apples vs Oranges.

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