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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Doing the turn the night before would've been same old same old to me. Especially if they did the "I'll fight you for twenty minutes and THEN I'll turn on them yeah?" thing, which they would've had to or it would've been a really quick Main Event.

So instead he fought them for the full thirty minutes and THEN turned on them the following night yeah?

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So instead he fought with them for the full thirty minutes and THEN turned on them the following night yeah?


Er, yes, because that's piss easy to explain away? Evolution lost twice, so Triple H made Rollins an offer he couldn't refuse and he turned on his brothers in favour of solo fame and fortune. It's not as if Trips was going to hand him a cheque mid-match at the PPV is it?

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When it's right a the end of the match someone turns, I'd agree with you. When it's night after, that's given plenty opportunity for negotiations Inbeteeen

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The silliest thing to me is when somebody rocks up to spoil a match 20 minutes in, having apparently had psychic confidence in their chosen man to kick out of all sixteen near-falls he's been subjected to so far.


"Thank fuck he reached the ropes in that STF. Both times. Now I'd better make sure he doesn't lose!"

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The silliest thing to me is when somebody rocks up to spoil a match 20 minutes in, having apparently had psychic confidence in their chosen man to kick out of all sixteen near-falls he's been subjected to so far.


"Thank fuck he reached the ropes in that STF. Both times. Now I'd better make sure he doesn't lose!"


See that makes sense to me, "20 minutes in and he's still not won, I'll go help him".


What doesn't make sense is waiting 20 minutes to cost someone a match rather than costing them it right away.

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The silliest thing to me is when somebody rocks up to spoil a match 20 minutes in, having apparently had psychic confidence in their chosen man to kick out of all sixteen near-falls he's been subjected to so far.


"Thank fuck he reached the ropes in that STF. Both times. Now I'd better make sure he doesn't lose!"

See that makes sense to me, "20 minutes in and he's still not won, I'll go help him".


What doesn't make sense is waiting 20 minutes to cost someone a match rather than costing them it right away.

Well that's the same thing really, if there have been times in those 20 minutes where he's still not won that he could potentially have lost. Interfering sooner eliminates that risk, whatever your motivation for affecting the outcome.

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No idea why but sitting think this morning that I loved Curtis Axel when he was doing his "Axel-Mania" stuff and felt like he was really getting over. No idea why they didn't run with that.

He cut a good promo this week on Raw, actually mentioned his heritage and albeit in his hometown got a good response and the crowd participating. Saw the other day security were confiscating Axel signs, what the fuck is that all about.

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I've had a soft spot for the Ax-Man for a while (pretty much since the name change, he was dire in the tag team with Otunga) and I thought AxelMania was great until for no apparent reason it shifted from being about him going to WrestleMania to being a parody of Hulkamania. Obviously then it was kiboshed when Hogan became a massive racist overnight.


I think he's serviceable in his present role, there seems to have been an acknowledgement that he's closer to his grandfather (rough, tough bearded mountain man) than the Mr. Perfect persona.

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