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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The hair cutting stuff was between 2002 and 2004/5 I believe when Christian, Test, Hurricane and possibly a few others had the snip. I'm not sure there was any real big conspiracy but didn't people say some were asked to cut their hair because Triple H had long hair and they looked similar?


That line just seems like it was made up by all the people who blamed Triple H for holding everyone back around that time, I'm sure there wasn't people seeing Christian with flowing long locks and confusing him with HHH

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Yeah, but that was the first thing to go. He was bleached again within a couple of weeks.


I'd always put Val's haircut down to impending balding, to be honest. It wasn't too long before he had to go chrome dome.

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I watched a few old CM Punk promos yesterday. It's odd, I reacted differently to them. He was talking about ice cream bars and WWE knocking back wrestlers because they weren't bodybuilders.. and said to HHH 'this isn't CM Punk talking to HHH.. it's Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque'


Back then I was thinking it was a top top promo.. but now I just cringed through the lot. What a whinge!

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I watched a few old CM Punk promos yesterday. It's odd, I reacted differently to them. He was talking about ice cream bars and WWE knocking back wrestlers because they weren't bodybuilders.. and said to HHH 'this isn't CM Punk talking to HHH.. it's Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque'


Back then I was thinking it was a top top promo.. but now I just cringed through the lot. What a whinge!

That line was always cringeworthy as fuck. I still like the "pipebomb" promo and some of his other stuff. It stands up. It was a good angle. One of the best they've done for ages.


He's a funny one, Punk. I never thought he was anything special. Good but not great. Then when I really did start to think he was really, really good, a lot of people who'd been bumming him hard started to go right off him. Then everyone went off him.

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It all went sour when Triple H and Nash got involved and refused to sell his gimmick and let him look like the cool shooter character. Never underestimate how incredible and generous Vince and particularly Cena were just sitting back and pretending Punk got them.

The promo Murtz mentioned will always stick in my mind as one of the worst they've ever done. Punk came out and did his gimmick, Triple H refused to sell any of it, so Punk got flustered and lost, leading him to go from "you lot only love bodybuilders" to "erm... ice cream!".

Nash wouldn't even sell his offence and Punk's big pay back for Nash beating him up was to point and laugh at Nash after Triple H Pedigree'd Nash. Proper reeked of a sabotage job the entire feud.

Nash calling him a short order cook and pretending he was changing the channel with his remote after killing Punk was funny, though.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Punk set out to convince everyone he was the best in the game and for the most part kind of did that, but in such a way that the feeling washed off most people pretty sharpish. So his act... sort of worked. But as an act. Something about him being CM Punk always went against him for the type of fans who will champion moral dirt because they were childhood favourites but couldn't get behind Punk because he seemed like an itsy bitsy bit of a jerk. Not that I blame them or anything. It's an odd one. He's one of the biggest stars of the last 10 years though and anyone who said the business wouldn't miss him when he upped sticks I thought were being very overzealous.


Triple H tried to cut the legs out from under him fo'sho. Making him face champion was a mistake. His stuff with Johnny Ace was sewage but he found his calling again when he shaved his head and hooked up with Heyman. He's not terribly likeable. He rode the Summer Of Punk as a bit of a let the fans decide tweener. He should never have went full face after he got the title. Death knell.

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I was pretty critical of Punk at times but to be fair to him, the good stuff from his time at the top actually makes for pretty choice watching these days.


Like so many nearly-men, for better or worse his truly great moments were sharing the screen with Cena. The pre-MITB stuff with Vince and Cena was really, really gripping wrestling telly for the time (and it still watchable now), and as ColBol said, it can't be underestimated how much they did for his schtick.


His finest moment for me (and I think my favourite moment in his entire WWE run) was the promo when he'd gone full heel but hadn't hooked up with Heyman (I think?) and it was just him, Cena and Bret Hart yapping before a big singles match at Night of Champions. That was the best use of his shooty-shooty remarks but more within the context of a wrestling storyline, and Cena as he's so often able to do, talks arses into seats in response. Punk takes a swing for Bret at the end too, exactly like the proper snivelling self-riteous twat he was actually intending to play by then. It's a fucking magnificent segment.

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Him never getting one over on Nash was hilarious and the way it should be. You can't out work the king of workers. Especially a king who pretends to have heart attacks when they have to job.

Edited by PowerButchi
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