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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Pretty good, if a bit annoying for Jake's maudlin self pity early on.

Jake had a pretty terrible start to life, enough to drive anyone insane. Combined with years of hard drug abuse and the understanding he has ruined his life, I'd say his levels of self pity are quite justified

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Put the Network on tonight with a few mates. One who watched in the early 2000s, one who stopped watching when Shango cursed Warrior and one who's never watched it.

Started with Rock vs Austin at 17, which everyone loved. From the massive crowd to the Rock's selling to the story and bigger than life characters.

They found some of it hammy but laughed with it and not at it.

From there it was Shane vs Vince and that went down well too because the story and mad spots carried it, but they all laughed at Shane's strikes because they're shit.

This ended up with a conversation with how Shango mate tried watching recently and liked Cena and Reigns but thought Ambrose, Rollins and Owens were shit because "I have bigger arms than Kevin Owens, and he has a shit name. Dean Ambrose is about 4ft."

When asked if there are any "characters" now, I showed them Nakamura vs Zayn and while they enjoyed him because he was "different" and "camp" and "like a Manga character" and loved Zayn's music, they despised the NXT crowd and we spent the entire match ripping them and their shit chants. They thought Nakamura has crap strikes too, which watching back he kinda does.

From there we watched Hogan vs Sid at Mania 8 and it was much the same as The Rock vs Austin, laughter at Hulking up and Papa Shango and stuff but everyone was invested enough to laugh with it and cheer it on.


Strange watching with casuals because it really opens up a new world of how good/bad the business is or was.

Edited by FelatioLips
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It's funny you say they didn't like Nakamura's strikes. I've stuck NXT on while tattooing lapsed casual fans who stopped watching when they hit puberty quite a bit. American Alpha always get the "oh, I didn't know it took this much skill" reaction and Nakamura is always deemed brutal and cool as fuck.


Lucha Underground by far gets the best reaction from non fans though. It is so fast paced and mental that most people find it easy to get caught up in. The backstage production makes it a lot easier to take seriously, even if the storylines are usually pretty daft. If it ever gets on Netflix then I can imagine a huge number of people developing/reviving an interest in wrestling

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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I think it's because two of them are big into boxing/MMA, so when they watch wrestling they don't want a shit version of that, they want over the top grappling and not back slapping knee strikes.

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I'd never noticed that the "Yes Yes,No No" in Booker T's/Harlem Heats WCW theme is the same as the intro to 'Sex Object' by Kraftwerk


Yes it is. Two French guys are responsible for it after that. Rene De Wael and Didier Leglise "Rap Sheet" are who the song is credited too, even with the cheeky sample.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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I think it's because two of them are big into boxing/MMA, so when they watch wrestling they don't want a shit version of that, they want over the top grappling and not back slapping knee strikes.

That's a fair enough reason. The people I'd shown had no interest in either of those so I guess the his moves looked a lot more impressive to them.

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Anyone else notice how often Bischoff would mouth the words of the person he was doing an in ring promo with? He was terrible for it.


Jesse Ventura did this with every interview he ever did. In my house I termed it "doing a Jesse" when I spotted it on other contexts.

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Is that not the 'CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! AT LAST YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!' one? There were three versions I believe. Not sure if you're confusing the first, bouncy one: 



With his second, slower one:



Or is it this monstrosity?



(sorry for YouTube spammage)

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Thanks Daaaaaad, having listened to them it, it is the first one that is on the Network, I dipped in and out of wrestling in 2001 due to other things going on at the time (life getting in the way!) and I always remembered "Christian at last your on your own" having a really thick guitar rift, but that is the 2nd version of the tune.


WWE must have changed the version fairly quickly.

Edited by Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz
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News site are always a haven for dribbling nonsense and barmy 'stories', but 'updates' regarding the release of Booty-Os cereal is a new low ebb. They're fucking cereals for fucks sake! Anyone parting with $13, just under £10, for what is essentially a box of ASDAs own Wheat Hoops is clearly fucking mental and the biggest mark going

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