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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I watched Nitro on the network earlier and during the Hogan/Savage feud, Bischoff brought up that Lanny Poffo would be living in a dustbin if it wasnt for Hogan. When Bisch referenced Leapin' Lanny, Hogan did the "oooo ducky" hand gesture. Poor Lanny wasnt even on TV when he was getting heat for sucking his own dick.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It's "EKKKK PWWWAAAAAAAAWWWWKKKK"...and that's it. Nothing else.

No "Make some noise" nothing.


The fucking theme is CALLED "Make Some Noise"! Don't take away my SmackDown 2 memories!


I'm also pretty sure it's an adapted version of that Mike Tyson-DX theme. The chorus at least is the same.



This has blown my mind. From memory I would have sworn that Scotty's post was bang on the money, because that's exactly what I've always heard it as and how I've remembered that music. But having just listened to it again, you can clearly make out 'Make some noise... X-Pac'


Benno and gmoney are both absolutely spot on about the 'X-Pac heat' thing too. He had become pretty stale at a time that the roster was chock full of talent that was fresher to the WWF environment in the wake of both WCW and ECW going out of business. I remember Edge making that '1998 called' joke in about 2002. Four years felt like forever back then. If you did a '2012 called' joke now about Dolph Ziggler people would barely react.

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Randomly watching WWF Wrestling Challenge from July 16 1989 on Dailymotion.


By the numbers show for that time until the final match when Heenan. Annoyed at Monsoon's needling and Tony Schiavone being added to the booth ups and quits in a glorious tantrum at Monsoon while Schiavone tries desperatly to call the match. Worth a look if your willing to search the show out.

Edited by stevieg1980
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Benno and gmoney are both absolutely spot on about the 'X-Pac heat' thing too. He had become pretty stale at a time that the roster was chock full of talent that was fresher to the WWF environment in the wake of both WCW and ECW going out of business. I remember Edge making that '1998 called' joke in about 2002. Four years felt like forever back then. If you did a '2012 called' joke now about Dolph Ziggler people would barely react.



It's totally true, it felt that so much had changed in that small window. Looking back at Extreme Rules 2012 Lesnar vs Cena main event doesn't feel like 4 years ago and the undercard hasn't changed too much either in 4 years

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I was thinking something similar whilst listening to Jericho's podcast interview with Brian Gerwitz. At one point they talk about the Jericho/Michaels feud from 2008. And I thought to myself, "fuck me that was eight years ago" and then thought how little things have changed in that time to now. Contrast that with how different the timeframe was the other way. 2008 was totally different to 2000 and 2000 was a world away from 1992.

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I guess you could say wrestling has hit a brick wall in terms of presentation, well, probably all aspects of it really, for the most part. At least WWE has. And it's not even trying to 'climb over' the wall or get a lift over at this point, it's just slumped at the bottom twiddling it's thumbs having given up. It is weird how we've just been in a standstill pretty much since 2007/2008, basically since the Benoit incident really where everything had to change. The periods between 1992, 1998 and 2002 did feel like ages back then as mentioned, like it was a whole different product each time.

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You know how they say that time passes quicker the older you get... I wonder if there's teenagers out there who have been watching since they were kids who also think the product's stale and doesn't progress or if because this is all they've ever known, they're fine with it.

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I wonder what wwe will do when they bring out 'The Club' merch, as we know merch is important and a good Tee can make or break you (well kinda), I cant see them doing anything similar to 'The Bullet Club' logo or even have bullets on it especially with the recent shootings.


The Balor Club logo and font is great so maybe if/when he joins them have 'The Club:Worldwide' or something similar, Who knows.

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That they haven't put merch out is really telling. When new wrestlers debut they get the t-shirts out before their entrance music has even finished these days. "The Club" just can't be the final name.

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