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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Ron Conway, was he really popular on the Internet in the early 2000s? Adam Ryland rated him so highly on EWR that if you called him up to the main roster, he'd be main eventing very quickly. But in real life, they called him up and he was useless.

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Christ aye. I loved that 'Aint I a sight?' character, but only in the way the debuts of Adam Rose and Brodus Clay were curiously entertaining. The rest of it was a wash, but people REALLY wanted him to make it because...OVW or something? Same with how the Bashams should actually be working Iron Man matches AGAINST each other rather than as a team. Stupid Vince.

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Yeah - from what I recall, Rob Conway, Doug Basham and Nick Dinsmore were the three stalwarts of Jim Cornette-era OVW who were down there years and years while the likes of Lesnar, Cena and Orton came in, got moved up and became names. You'd hear them mentioned in JR's column on WWE.com (albeit not nearly as much as Shelton Benjamin, who JR loved to the extent I was a fan before he debuted despite never having seen him wrestle) and it was sort a precursor to the 'push the cruisers' mindset in the sense of 'Vince only loves massive muscleheads, why can't we have proper technical wrestlers like these guys who are stuck in OVW'. Then they became the Con Man, the gimpy Bash Man and Eugene and that sort of talk quietened down a bit!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Didn't that come after his debut, when someone put an old OVW hype montage of him doing judo throws online and the Internet went all "why is he doing comedy he should be serious bad ass, let him wrestle." And then died down when the likes of Regal spoke in interviews about how he couldn't wrestle, was called up too early and was having to be hand-held through matches.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Didn't that come after his debut, when someone put a hype montage of him doing judo throws online and the Internet went all "why is he doing comedy he should be serious bad ass, let him wrestle." And then died down when the likes of Regal spoke in interviews about how he couldn't wrestle, was called up too early and was having to be hand-held through matches.

That rings a bell actually. Just watched some of the matches on YouTube and the short squash matches make for a good highlight reel, but there isn't anything st all to show his ability to go more than a few minutes.


Saying that his strikes, throws and submissions look decent. Would have been nice for him to add that to his WWE character after a couple of years. Santino goes MMA training would be comedy gold. Or he could snap into badass mode after someone takes his snake sock etc

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Cody Rhodes has put a to do list on Twitter, looks like he has a 3 month no compete clause but after that, game on.


Spookily enough the first match that popped into my head when he left WWE was vs Adam Cole, something about that just appeals to me.

Rhodes Scholars vs The Bucks put that in PWG that could be really really good though it'd take 3 months to see it.

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Cody Rhodes... this must be a bit of a first, someone who leaves WWE on their own terms and immediately announces their enthusiasm to be involved in the indy scene. it's like what CM Punk always used to pretend he'd do


Looks like he's out to revitalize himself as a performer when I assumed he'd step into another line of work when he left, like Barrett did. good luck to Cody, as with Sandow, there's a very useful midcard name with some longevity behind it if he was given anything. I'd be pleased to see either of them back in the coming years.

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