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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Yep. Especially as outside of Trish she was the hottest woman on the roster probably.


Seconded... I always thought she was cracking. I just checked to see what she was up to, she's still only 38!



She was at the Hall of Fame last weekend - Jacqueline name checked her and they cut to her in the crowd. Wonder if they'd ever be able to tempt her back?

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I'd love to see the Wyatts feud with Stardust and the Ascension. It's probably just a one-show Smackdown squash of a feud, but still.



The man who eats world's vs he man from the 5th dimension. Stardust kicking off because Bray ate his planet... Yeah I could have some of that.


Fuck it, I'd be up for The Wyatt Family forming an alliance with the Cosmic Wasteland to form one big gang of mad space hillbillies to run roughshod through the midcard for a bit.

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Matt Hardys ex was Lita. That says it all.


Shit. Easy to forget about that.


Anyway, I watched UFC 196 last night. The first full UFC show I've watched since about 100. This will come as news to nobody but the difference in presentation of its fighters/performers, and its entertainment value as a whole, is lightyears ahead of WWE. As somebody who was only vaguely familiar with most of the fighters on the card, the pre-fight videos told me all I needed to know. I enjoyed that show more than I've enjoyed a WWE show since last year's Wrestlemania, save for a couple of Takeovers. That's a company who knows its audience and is of its time.


tiger_rick posted a video in the Raw therad of an AJ Styles sit down interview with Michael Cole that was shown on WWE.com/YouTube - those videos do 10x more for progressing the development of a character/getting the character over than anything we see on Raw. In fact, not only does Raw not seem do anything positive, it can be outright regressive and damaging to a performer.


What makes it more frustrating is that WWE can be in a league of their own, when they decide to be. UFC have got me back as a fan after one show - I doubt I'll watch any main roster WWE outside of SummerSlam until the Royal Rumble now.

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First off, Lita looks amazing.


Just watched the last 2 years 'WWE 24 Wrestlemania' docs and it really put into perspective how this years show just didnt click. I feel like i'm being harsh on it because i'm sure they'll bang together another 40 minutes making it look great too. Is it just that 30 and 31 were so impossibly awesome that they couldn't keep up the trend? Anyway regardless of this year these docs have made me salivate at what will probably be a brilliant one next year.


Also, there can be no God, for taking that awesome child Connor at just 9. Cunt.

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The main harridan from Britain First, Jayda Fransen (sp?) has just been trolled spectacularly on Twitter, getting her followers to retweet an image apparently of three 'Syrian hatemongers' who are here and ready to spread the bad word.


The picture of the supposed baddies in question is of the Dudley Boyz and Tommy Dreamer!

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I think you've all been trolled spectacularly. I don't think that Twitter account is any more likely to be her than the other five or six with a few hundred followers.


Granted it's hard to tell which tweets are parody versus the actual things Britain First people think.

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