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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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For what it's worth, I love crossfit. But, I don't think it's an adequate training system for someone who is also a professional wrestler and also needs to maintain a modicum of 'bulk'.


Whilst I agree with Branquey that 6 days a week is excessive, if crossfit is your bread and butter then that's fine. When your wearing your shoulders down with crossfit movements and then wrestling half an hour and taking big bumps you definitely shouldn't be training in that style 6 days a week.


*edit* what's Rollins out with? Because he's the crossfit cheerleader-in-chief.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Aye, Dazzlers spot on there! There's cunts doing crossfit 6 days a week which is far, far too much and will have you losing more muscle than you gain and leave you wide open to injuries and exhaustion, which lead to your nervous system becoming goosed.


Just to chime in here - I train in Crossfit 5/6 times a week and although I'm not even at the level of these guys I've never suffered any injuries. The guys and girls at the top of the Crossfit chain, train multiple times a day in "Crossfit style" workouts and again, in general, don't suffer any long term, severe injuries.

As with everything, if you over do it and train in an unintelligent fashion then you are bound to get injured. I don't think it can be put down purely to Crossfit or Crossfit style workouts it's probably just not training sensibly. If you follow a good, structured program you aren't doing heavy lifts every day of the week and are working all muscles of the body evenly.


Crossfit gets a bad rep but in reality it is just a form of strength and conditioning program. If the program is poor or the athelte doesn't listen then that's why injuries occur - it can't be purely down to "Crossfit".

Crossfit is precisely the reason why so many guys are getting injured as they use constant variation or randomness as its basis. It means that you are not following a structured training plan with consistent progression and overload. The competitive time based nature of crossfit whereby technique breaks down to appalling levels is a huge part of why people like bryan and Rollins would have likely been injured so bad. It's just not intelligent especially when your going out in the ring and getting battered every night.


And overhead pressing is much more likely to avoid shoulder injuries than causing them if done properly with a barbell as the upward shrug at the top of the movement causes the scapular to rotate upwards thus strengthening the deltoid a and avoiding impingement. It's more likely that benching with arms at parallel to shoulders has fucked everyone up as everyone wants great pecs!

Edited by honor87
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Probably would still do that with someone like Matt Cross. I think there's a reason why they picked Matt Cross over Austin Aries for that season. Because one is quiet and has a rep for being exactly what people think of when they think of small CZW type flyers. And the other is mouthy, can go and would stick up for himself because he'd happily walk away from the business. Matt Cross was perfect for the role they wanted in that sense. They picked a generic guy with a non-TNA or ROH indy rep. Matt Cross is far better as Son of Havoc than he is as Matt Cross/M-Dogg20. The beard, mask and fake voice adds to him.

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Probably would still do that with someone like Matt Cross. I think there's a reason why they picked Matt Cross over Austin Aries for that season. Because one is quiet and has a rep for being exactly what people think of when they think of small CZW type flyers. And the other is mouthy, can go and would stick up for himself because he'd happily walk away from the business. Matt Cross was perfect for the role they wanted in that sense. They picked a generic guy with a non-TNA or ROH indy rep. Matt Cross is far better as Son of Havoc than he is as Matt Cross/M-Dogg20. The beard, mask and fake voice adds to him.

I assume it was probably intentional, but every time I ever read his name in Powerslam or on EWR, it'd always remind me of this delightful beverage we used to drink down the park when we were 16...


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I was clearing out a cupboard at home and found loads of old wrestling DVDs...


King of Europe Cup,

ROH: Hell Freezes Over, Tag Wars 2006, 4th Anniversary, Supercard of Honor, The 100th Show, Ring Of Homicide, Death Before Dishonor IV, Undeniable. Bloodlust Vol 1, Best of Brian Danielson

PWG: Zombies Shoudnt Run

Chikara: Planet of The Grapes, Grape American Bash


Half way through watching the King Of Europe Cup, I remember looking forward to it at the time due to the 16 promotions putting a wrestler forward for a 2 night tournament.


So far it's been a massive shambles, Cesaro and Chris Hero in the opener, 5 minutes into the match they break the ring with a simple back suplex, it led to Evan Bourne and Sami Zayn having a few funny moments in their match later on, Neville Vs Trent Acid was just a ridiculous spot fest that randomly turned into a No DQ, Jody Fleisch nearly killing himself doing a springboard shooting star press to the outside where he landed onthe tiny entrance way which were just a few steps - He broke his jaw due to it.


Anyways, I haven't watched these DVDs in nearly 10 years so can anyone recommend which ones to watch as I've completely forgot all of the match cards, I do know most of the ROH shows take place durin ROH Vs CZW

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Supercard Of Honor has some great stuff on it. The Dragon Gate six-man is great fun. Skip the main event though, it draaaaaaaaags.


If you enjoyed the ROH/CZW feud, watch DBD IV for the Cage Of Death blow off.

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