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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Big "what if" here, but "if" HBK vs Mr Perfect was the match it had the potential to be and "if" Luger had won the title, would Summerslam 1993 be remembered as one of the best PPVs ever?


Great undercard on the show. A fantastic tag title match. A great little match with Doink vs Bret along with all the Lawler shenanigans. New blood Razor Ramon going over the veteran dibiase in the opener. Borger being made to look strong.


Its no WM17, but for 1993 they pulled this one out of the bag. Could have been oh so perfect.


**sub note** For everyone's own sanity, we can pretend Taker didn't have a match on this show.


It would have made for a brilliant show, and I think I've said as much when talk of this PPV came up on here recently, but one of the best ever' would probably be taking it a bit far. More realistically, it would have given the preceeding PPV a run for its money as best of '93. As you say, the undercard is generally great.


I wouldn't say that Borga being booked so strongly is a particular plus point though, not when it's at the expense of one of the most exciting, popular and dynamic babyfaces they had, who had been on fire throughout the summer. It served a purpose I guess, but it wasn't good viewing and I don't think a complete squash with Marty playing Sonny Trout was what most folk wanted to see. Jannetty's stock was at a decent level at that time, and any decisive win over him would have enhanced Borga's credibility for a feud with Luger, so they could at least have made a match of it imo. My preferred scenario would have been to quickly feed the outgoing Duggan to him, with Jannetty facing either the Model as originally planned or Diesel if he'd been an active competitor at that point (Maybe even combining the Razor and Kid v Money Inc matches to make room). 


Regarding Hacksaw though, If that match w/ Kamala v the Headshrinkers I saw the other night was anything to go by, he was such a dick that if he was to lay down he'd just have Herculesed it anyway, ruining any impact.

Edited by Reznor
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The mention of Chaz in the Vince Russo's Unsolved Mysteries thread reminded me of Lo Down. Wish they'd done more with them at the time - I liked the idea. Also, I think they missed trick by not having a Lo Down splash version of the Powerplex as their finish.

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I remember seeing the Road Warriors vs. The Steiners in the early 90s; the Steiners hit a piledriver in the first few minutes, and the RW they hit with it just no-sold it.

I watched a match from Clash Of The Champions 31 in Aug '95 the other day, Sting and Hawk vs Meng and Kurasawa, they were putting Kurasawa over as a big star and talking him up and fucking Hawk just no sold everything, it was actually hard to watch. One of the worst matches I have ever seen, went for 14 fucking minutes aswel. Sting couldn't be arsed. Hawk only played ball when interacting with Meng because he probably thought if he didn't Meng would flatten him.


Hawk is a dick.

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Also, I think they missed trick by not having a Lo Down splash version of the Powerplex as their finish.


They did win some squashes in that manner.

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Also, I think they missed trick by not having a Lo Down splash version of the Powerplex as their finish.


They did win some squashes in that manner.




Yeah was about to say - they definitely won a couple of matches with that in the Channel 4 Sunday Night Heat era.



That finishing combo is the only thing I actually remember about them.


Dang - don't know how I missed that. I think I must have only ever seen them losing.

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I don't know if this has been posted on here already, but something that sums up the Roman Reigns situation (I spotted this on Reddit, not trying to claim credit for anything):


"Imagine you are a 17 year old girl in High School. You're looking for a date to homecoming next month. You have your eyes on Kyle. You like Kyle. Kyle seems like a really great guy and you think you would really hit it off. You keep dropping hints that your really into him to try to get him to ask you out.

Then, all of a sudden, your friends swoop in. They have heard of Kyle, and they don't approve of you dating him because he's in Marching Band and is kind of a dork. They say you can do much better. In fact, they are actively trying to set you up with Steve. Steve is really good looking and is on the football team. Plus, he's pretty popular, so it would be a great pairing. Now, you like Steve... but you don't LIKE like him. Your personalities don't really mix well, and there just isn't any spark there. Kyle is the one your interested in. You can't put your finger on it, but there is just something about him.

Your friends are not going to put up with this. They manipulate the situation to try and get you to like Steve. First, they try to limit the amount of time you see Kyle in the hallways. Also, they take a lot of the qualities you like about Kyle and try to make Steve act that way. For example, they know you like how Kyle is in the band, so they make Steve start playing Guitar.... only he really sucks at it. They also try to point out all of Kyle's flaws in hopes that it will persuade you to stop pursuing him.

Eventually, you get sick of it all and just get new friends because clearly these ones aren't out for your best interest."

You're friends are WWE

Steve is Roman Reigns

Kyle is Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Kevin Owens, etc.

Roman Reigns is getting Friend Zoned by the IWC

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