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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I really thought Ambrose might beat Rollins at Elimination Chamber and lose the title back at MITB. A 2 week reign wouldn't have changed their long term plans but might have added to both the credibility of Ambrose and the heat of Rollins when he won it back via nefarious means.

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Has the Money in the Bank briefcase ever changed hands before it was cashed in? If not, that could make for some new, interesting storylines. Wrestlers fighting over an anytime title shot. Or even a wrestler selling the briefcase a la André the Giant.

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The WWF had it about right around 2000.


For me they almost got it right. Backlash was so perfect that Rock should have immediately had the decent length reign he ended up having after King of the Ring. As fun as the Iron Man match was, I was rather perplexed that having had to wait so long for Rocky to win the belt back that he lose it a mere month later, and then winning it back by pinning Vince was bollocks in my book.


Naah Sandow cashed it in and got battered. Altough your right about Edge getting it off Kennedy I'm sure


Yes. Undertaker got hurt, and Kennedy was booked to take the belt from him.... except being Kennedy, HE got hurt, and they had to shunt the briefcase onto Edge. LOL.

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I was always under the impression that they realised he was shite and wasn't ready to take the belt so gave it to Edge. Altough now that you mention it i do remember him being out for a while. How very Kennedy.

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Naah Sandow cashed it in and got battered. Altough your right about Edge getting it off Kennedy I'm sure

Ahh, so he did, he had the match with Cena on Raw if I recall.



Cody did steal the briefcase for a bit before chucking it in the sea, which might be what you were thinking of. Sandow might've been better off if that had been the end of it actually. He never quite recovered from losing the cash in match.


The mad thing with Kennedy is that he got wrongly diagnosed was only going to be out a matter of weeks, rather than months. He could've cashed in, won the Title and just made non-wrestling appearances until he was fit again.

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The mad thing with Kennedy is that he got wrongly diagnosed was only going to be out a matter of weeks, rather than months. He could've cashed in, won the Title and just made non-wrestling appearances until he was fit again.


Thank God for that wrong diagnosis, eh? Otherwise we'd have a Kennedy title run on the title history to try and pretend never happened, and Undertaker coming back to seek vengence on Ken wouldn't have been quite as good as the Edge feud that came out the tail end of 2007 and ran into 2008.


The doctor that made that diagnosis is definitely in my top 3 best Doctors in rasslin history, along with "Death" and "Of Desire."

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Kennedy's WWE career is just mad, isn't it? He was on the brink of being a made man so many times but always lost out to fuck-ups and bad luck. I was completely on board with him in 2005 as well, I'd have agreed with anyone saying he was the next big star. I think it was due to how awful lots of the other 2005 call-ups were. Lashley, the Dicks, the Heart Throbs, rookie Chris Masters, etc.

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When you get garbage booking like Nash winning the belt from Jarrett on Nitro, then giving it to Flair at the start of Thunder and then at the end of Thunder Flair loses it back to Jarrett.... so you end up with three title changes in four televised days, the belt back on the bloke it started on. Net gain for any of the wrestlers or storyline advancement - FUCK ALL.


Yeah. WCW in 2000 was booked as though they WANTED it to fail. One for Keiran's Konspiracy Korner.

I'll pass it on to the man...


It really is tough to come to any other conclusion when you use rational thinking, and thats surely the answer in itself. Watching WCW late 99 back (which I don't recommend), its quite clear to me that Russo didn't actually have any ideas for WCW at all in the big picture. Reforming the nWo, constant WWF references and shoot comments, he didnt know where to go or what to do. In 2000, with the pressure on, its title changes and turns that make no sense because there was no such thing as an end game, just "what can we do this week". Oh the humanity.


As for Kennedy, it almost became a funny thing by the end - as soon as he got close, you're looking out for what was going to fuck it up. Amazing, because as mentioned, I think they really thought he was gonna be THE new top heel.

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I remember Power Slam championing the cunt as the next Rock.


Fin's exact words, I recall, were "Rock-level mic skills." Which was gigantic hyperbole for what Ken had shown on TV. He had gravitas, of a sort. He wasn't The Rock.

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Looking back on it now I can't understand how he was seen as the next superstar. I mean I though he was the next superstar, actually everyone I knew at the time thought he was as well but looking back now he was an average talker, average to poor look and a sloppy worker. What was the appeal? I don't deny he had charisma but can't for the life of me work out why I thought so highly of him in 06.

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I never got the love for Kennedy even at the time. Thought he looked shit with his Bart simpson hairdo and that fucking awful tribal tattoo and really didn't think much to any of his matches, yet everyone seemed to rave about the guy. I thought I must have been weird or something but I stick by what I thought at the time, and then he went and fucked himself over anyway and has been doing fuck all for years in that Mickey Mouse promotion

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