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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Not to be a nitpick (even though I am), but wasn't the Light Heavyweight Title around during Michaels claim of being the "Grand Slam" champion, and thus isn't really a grand slam. I remember that irritating me at the time.


(P.s. I know it's splitting hairs).



Shawn used "Grand Slam" for all four titles shortly after he won the European title in September 1997. The Light Heavyweight title bumped the fed's quota to 5 belts and was first won in December 1997.

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The Light Heavyweight came into being in December '97, and Shawn won the European to complete the Grand Slam on those terms in September '97. Also, he was billed as being 230 or whatever despite being around 210, and the Light Heavyweight originally had a weight limit of 215 as opposed to WCW's 225, so he wouldn't have qualified. So, Shawn Michael's Grand Slam is legit, even if I can't ever remember him defending the European title.

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Not including losing it to Hunter, he defended it against Owen Hart in a title v title on Raw while Owen was Intercontinental champ. I was on holiday and missed it, so I want to say it was 20th October. Half term week, sounds about right. Same show when Kane chokeslammed Dude Love on the ramp, I think.

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Honestly don't remember it, so with it being shown here on a Friday night it must have either:-


A) Been shite,


B) I was watching something dirty on RTL 2 or World of Wrestling on DSF.

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I think it was also the show where Bret wrestled Farooq and if I remember right, the inconcruous sight of Steve Austin attacking the Nation and thus Austin helping Bret win a match.

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No drawing a blank there, although I'd probably remember some fucking match like Salvatore Sincere vs Kevin Quinn on it and draw a blank as regards stuff that, you know, matters.


"Oh cool! Tommy Rogers! Awesome, not seen him in ages. Against Bobby Fulton? The Fantastics take each other on? Fucking right!"

" Who's Tommy Rogers? That Austin interview before this match was awesome, wasn't it? Especially when he stunnered Owen."

"Austin Interview? When was that?"


That pretty much sums up how I've watched wrestling for the past 26 years. I can tell you more about Flash Flanagan in 1998 along with Buchanan and Poirer wearing singlets with swords on than I could about Austin vs McMahon during those same spring months.

Edited by PowerButchi
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No, I don't remember it. It any good?


I remember the Owen Hart crutch match because I got annoyed that he and Jeff Jarrett were passed over for a title shot at the Royal Rumble as Owen had a DQ win over Michaels in it, and Undertaker got a shot yet "The World's Greatest Wrestler.... MEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Jeff Jarrett beat Taker at IYH:DX

Edited by PowerButchi
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  • Paid Members

I see WWE have started putting those LED boards on the ring skirts on main shows now like they have on NXT.

They've been doing that a good while, now. Since Mania, I think.

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Love the LED ring aprons. Can never have to many bits and bobs knocking about the arena. Love the LED scoreboard thing NXT has hanging above the ring as well. I want to be on the verge of an epileptic fit when watching wrestling. I wish they'd get some electronic advertising boards instead the barricades.

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