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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Off topic big time but I do like that anarchists have an established conformist symbol.

We need to have a symbol so other anarchists know which bus stops and public toilets we use. You wouldn't understand, it's all about taking down the government

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Im watchin the Brock Doc on the Network. I wasnt watching for the majority of his run, i saw upto SummerSlam and spat my dummy out when he beat Rock. So im watching hi fued with the Big Show and im thinking did anyone buy that "Brock couldnt beat the Big Show" or that the Big Show was this immovable object when he hadnt done f all since his debut? Or was it all about turning face against a bigger opponent?

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Im watchin the Brock Doc on the Network. I wasnt watching for the majority of his run, i saw upto SummerSlam and spat my dummy out when he beat Rock. So im watching hi fued with the Big Show and im thinking did anyone buy that "Brock couldnt beat the Big Show" or that the Big Show was this immovable object when he hadnt done f all since his debut? Or was it all about turning face against a bigger opponent?

The Big Show was always easy to build when necessary because his size conquers all. Memories of him jobbing fade really quickly when they put their minds to it. Heyman had enough credibility to make him backing a horse mean something too.


It probably needed to be Show to generate sympathy looking at the roster at that time.

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Honestly I didn't buy the "you can't beat the Big Show" stuff one bit, but I absolutely bought the "you can't F5 him" stuff because I had that belief anyway, so I expected Lesnar would win with the shooting star, just thought the story was Lesnar having to find a way other than throw him around to beat him. Was stunned when Show actually won..

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I watched the Bret vs. Bulldog match from SummerSlam the other day after hearing about it for years but not having actually seen it. I wasn’t impressed. Bulldog looked lost for most of the match and they just didn’t seem to click.


Is this a case of the match hasn’t aged well, I’ve heard too many compliments about it and thus had too high expectations, or that the match actually isn’t as good as people make it out to be?

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I watched the Bret vs. Bulldog match from SummerSlam the other day after hearing about it for years but not having actually seen it. I wasn’t impressed. Bulldog looked lost for most of the match and they just didn’t seem to click.


Is this a case of the match hasn’t aged well, I’ve heard too many compliments about it and thus had too high expectations, or that the match actually isn’t as good as people make it out to be?

I liked it at the time, and again when I re-watched around 10-12 years ago - but it is overrated. In Bret's book, he says Bulldog was really out of shape, did no training for it, and had to be carried.

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It is an excellent match but I much preferred the match at IYH 5 where Bulldog is in much better shape and Bret bleeding like fuck adds to the drama.


That said, the whole thing about Bulldog being blown up (or "lost") is bullshit that no-one ever said before Bret wrote his book. It's one of wrestling's great carry jobs if true but it wasn't that obvious.


It's definitely amongst the best one hour matches in WWE history.

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It is an excellent match but I much preferred the match at IYH 5 where Bulldog is in much better shape and Bret bleeding like fuck adds to the drama.


That said, the whole thing about Bulldog being blown up (or "lost") is bullshit that no-one ever said before Bret wrote his book. It's one of wrestling's great carry jobs if true but it wasn't that obvious.


It's definitely amongst the best one hour matches in WWE history.

Yeah, for someone who was apparently out of shape, he sure wrestled hard for a long enough (by WWF standards) match! But in wrestling, 'out of shape" probably just means you're putting in less effort in assisting your opponent - going up for slams, etc. Doesn't necessarily mean he was gassed & dying & couldn't move.

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So im watching hi fued with the Big Show and im thinking did anyone buy that "Brock couldnt beat the Big Show" or that the Big Show was this immovable object when he hadnt done f all since his debut? Or was it all about turning face against a bigger opponent?


Myself and my 4/5 mates that I watched the wrestling with at the time gave Show less than one in a million chance of winning that match. Absolutely unfathomable given the fact that Big Show had spent forever losing to Jeff Hardy, Booker T, Rico and any other fucker you could name, been on PPV about once since the spring and was essentially a "lost in the shuffle" midcarder. Not even an upper-midcarder, just kind of there. We thought it was a completely pointless defence that was just going to give Brock something to do since the Elimination Chamber was going to be the big selling point of Survivors, that they didn't have a big challenger ready for Brock yet. The whole build with Show injuring Brock and there being questions asked on TV about if he was right to be getting back in the ring so soon was very much "Oh, this is to try and make us think there's a cat in hell's chance of Show winning when we all know he's getting beat." It was the most shocked I've been about a result since The Kid pinning Razor, and until Lesnar beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX.

Edited by air_raid
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Good for its time, classic matches in WWE were probably pretty rare in 1992. Nostalgia. The general homecoming story. People who were there probably remember it very fondly.


This is probably true. I wasn't there but was completely taken up in the hype of that summer, the wallcharts etc. And I have the nostalgic feelings for it, whereas Savage vs Steamboat was about four years before my time and I think that's an overrated bland shite. In my experience, wrestling is very much a "you had to be there/in front of the telly at the time" kind of deal.

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I think it's a great match. Some of the nearfalls are cracking. Bret throws everything at Bulldog including stuff like a pescado and a German suplex but Davey clings on, then the rollercoaster of Hitman surviving the powerslam and then applying the Sharpshooter is the height of drama... then they go home, just when things have peaked.


If you only watch it retrospectively today after years of nearfalls from non-finishers (not including "interference distraction schoolboys") becoming less believable but simultaneously finishers themselves being diluted and stripped of their drama by everyone kicking out of everything, then I can see why it might be underwhelming. I don't really subscribe to "you had to be there" as I got into wrestling a few years after Ric Flair's NWA prime and had to watch all his best stuff retrospectively but really got into and appreciated all his biggest feuds, likewise Tully & Arn and basically any wrestling that pre-dates 1992. But you can either get into the drama of how matches were at the time, or you can't. I probably couldn't put up with a Lou Thesz 30-minute hammerlock either.

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I'd never actually watched any Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley before he came to the WWE, so I decided to check out some clips of his time in CZW. As someone who last saw CZW in the TWC days, so nearly 10 years since i've properly seen it. is it just me or did that get low rent as hell? it's crazy watching a now big name WWE guy, in this relatively safe era, stumble around back gardens and gym halls getting ceramic pots over his head and getting powerslammed onto light tubes. I've seen him have matches where they roam about in woods with a camcorder and about 50 fans following it

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Terry Funk in 1998 really is class. Something about a bloke in his 50s doing reckless asai moonsaults is captivating. Guy oozes charisma too.


Brawl for All isn't as bad as made out but it isn't great.


Ken Shamrock is a star, why did they avoid the Shamrock Vs Severn KOTR final though?

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