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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He also referred to Big Show as his "slave name".


That's mental. What a ridiculous thing to say.

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At the start of an episode of ECW Hardcore TV in late 2000 the show begins with a load of medics and police standing around and you see these legs hanging out of a bloke dressed in red. Heyman is there looking on and a police officer kicks off saying "what do you want to cover, missing parts moron?" to the camera man. Turns out its the Sinister Minister lying there after his gun exploded and blew his fingers off and shot a hole in his stomach. Its madness. Everyone is looking worried and the ECW staff are desperate to get footage of poor James Mitchell with his guts hanging out. This by far has to be the most odd opening to a wrestling show ever. Its quite surreal. Everyone walking around out of character looking concerned (apart from Heyman who is desperate to get his camera man up close).


The Sinister Minister was quite hilarious in the dying days of ECW. Especially when he started wearing this gold and black pimp suit in the final few shows. His old perv character was quite an interesting take on the devil worshiping gimmick.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Turns out its the Sinister Minister lying there after his gun exploded and blew his fingers off and shot a hole in his stomach.


Jesus, what’s the story here? I never watched ECW (my parents didn’t like me watching wrestling full stop, let alone ultra-violent hardcore wrestling), but why did Mitchell have a gun, let alone fire one?

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Clearvision have announced this morning that they will no longer be producing TNA DVDs for the UK with the One Night Only World Cup event being their last release. All preorders for Bound for Glory and the Best of Sting have been cancelled and refunded and they have reduced most of the DVDs they previously released down to £6.99

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What the fuck was going on with Angle's music in 2006? I assume they were trying to get rid of the part the crowd would usually sing 'You suck' too. It sounds a mess, like the CD's skipping - the first part repeats five times against Orton at Vengeance '06!

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They should throw together a new Wyatt Family, bring back Harper & Rowan (this looks like it's already happening), chuck in Adam Rose as Leo Kruger and Bo Dallas as Bray's long lost brother who lost his way coming back home and one of the divas as his obsessed sex slave.

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Mike Awesome - wrestled like the baddest man on planet earth, had a mullet, had great music, sounded like a cretin. Odd how that works. A man who had a million things going for him and against him. ECW did such a great job hiding his weaknesses. This guy seemed to only have good matches in ECW and was poor in WCW and WWF (not like it was all his fault, though). Its funny the difference between Heyman and Russo/Bischoff was noticable within 10 seconds of Awesome debuting. ECW kept his promo time minimal (and usually backstage where he could be produced), always had him as the biggest man on the roster, always had him working smaller, althetic men who could bump for him and he was a star for them. WCW debuts Awesome by having him attack Kevin Nash (who dwarves him) and then cuts a shite promo on a live Nitro. Amazing how it pretty much shined a light on WCW's ability to protect people.


Still say he should have won the Hardcore title at WrestleMania instead of on Raw. A week after WWF bought WCW, seeing a WCW guy win a WWF title at WrestleMania would have been unreal at the time.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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