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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Watched SummerSlam 91 recently, and Piper, Heenan and Monsoon are like a swarm of bees on commentary. The combo is shockingly misjudged looking at it through adult eyes. Piper is desperately trying to be the funny one, and Heenan just out wits him at every turn. Piper's like Daffy Duck to Heenan's Bill Murray. Piper just cant shut the fuck up. Monsoon is just getting his shit in and Heenan is as great as ever. Having a show off like Piper trying to compete with a master like Bobby Heenan is a daft move.

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90's Piper was just an abhorrent commentator. He turned fully into Bruce Prichard's impression of him at Wrestlemania V. The fucker just could not shut up, couldn't decide if he was a heel or face, and just generally talked bollocks. The best announcers know when the time is to just let the action breathe and speak for itself. That's why Tenay was dogshit in TNA and Lance Russell is the best ever. Piper, however, just couldn't let the actual action get a word in.


Shame as his work in GCW with Solie as an innovator of the heel colourman was great.

Edited by PowerButchi
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They need to have more people join The Authority, it'd freshen the roster up no end


I'm not proposing a turn every week like in the '90's but you could do easy heel turns with someone like Kofi or Zack Ryder wanting to join or a heel like Barrett turning them down and turning face


You wouldn't even have to push them, Ryder could be the Authority equivalent of Vincent, it's not like the Authority is full of over, red hot heels so it wouldn't water them down but it'd make Raw a bit less boring

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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They need to have more people join The Authority, it'd freshen the roster up no end


I'm not proposing a turn every week like in the '90's but you could do easy heel turns with someone like Kofi or Zack Ryder wanting to join or a heel like Barrett turning them down and turning face


You wouldn't even have to push them, Ryder could be the Authority equivalent of Vincent, it's not like the Authority is full of over, red hot heels so it wouldn't water them down but it'd make Raw a bit less boring


Agree. Ryder as there version of Eric Young in Team Canada could work. Kane being the fall guy all the time doesn't work.

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At least it'd give some fresh matches you don't see now, as you say Reigns vs Kane or Show is a foregone conclusion as you know Reigns is going over, put him against a heel Ryder and that doesn't necessarily change as there's no way Ryder is winning but at least they can do the interference for a dq or a squash without it being Kane/Show all the time


It's the equivalent of Austin feuding with the Undertaker and the Corporate Ministry and having Austin go over Triple H every couple of weeks on Raw

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There's loads of possibilities, so many of that 'lost generation' of wrestlers still on the books (the 2007-2010 lot) could be freshened up loads


Plus it'd be a good way to bring up and protect some of the NXT lads, imagine Balor debuting on Raw and doing the usual 'debuting babyface gets all his signature spots in' match then walking up the aisle after winning, The Authority music hits and Triple H offers him a handshake which he accepts, better than him facing off against a load of heel midcarders before being fed to Rollins/Show/Wyatt/Rusev, plus you can turn him face 6 months down the line and he'll be over with the crowd (hopefully)

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I think that's been a massive missed opportunity with the Authority. The fact that all that heat has been placed on two guys who absolutely do not need it is a real shame. I'd still like them to sack of those two lumbering muppets and give the opportunity to two guys who could be seriously enhanced by it. Sheamus and Harper in suits would be a great look.

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The Authority definitely needs some fresh faces. I literally can't be bothered watching Raw because of the never ending Kane/Big Show tedium.


Thing is Big Show has shown over the last few years that, in the right scenario, he is one of the best performers on the show. They've made me not care about him (or Kane) by doing their auto-pilot routine with them. I guess the fear is no matter who they get in to fill those roles it will still be monotonous after a few weeks.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Bring back Val Venis as Chief Morley! He was ace as a heel authority enforcer - beatable enough, but also believable as a tough guy and definitely a threat, especially with back-up, so that it wouldn't be too throwaway to beat him.

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Just thinking, I'd like to see Big Show retire as an in-ring competitor and turn full-on manager. In storyline he's with the authority to provide stability in his working life. Backing up Rollins means he doesn't seem to want a final title run any time soon. I think he'd make a great traditional manager who can talk, bump and provide a genuine threat on the outside to any of his client's opponents.

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