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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bray Wyatt has taken over as the WWE's only face of fear, stealing Undertaker's light show tricks. The Undertaker is seemingly just coming back to slap Wyatt about for being a cheeky bugger. Therefore it makes sense to me that the Taker we should be seeing on Sunday is the American Bad Ass. Just come down in jeans, t-shirt, bike and swagger and knock Bray about the arena for 10 minutes. I'll be in the minority but I'd love it if we got that version of Taker instead as a nice swerve.

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I remember thinking be was a right twat for not appearing at WM. Did he give any reason for the no show?


I vaguely recall he had some distinction in his mind where appearing on WrestleMania would count as performing on a WWE show and at that point he felt that was a step too far in the 'I'd never go back after what they did' stakes.




is not with us tonight.

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Bray Wyatt has taken over as the WWE's only face of fear, stealing Undertaker's light show tricks. The Undertaker is seemingly just coming back to slap Wyatt about for being a cheeky bugger. Therefore it makes sense to me that the Taker we should be seeing on Sunday is the American Bad Ass. Just come down in jeans, t-shirt, bike and swagger and knock Bray about the arena for 10 minutes. I'll be in the minority but I'd love it if we got that version of Taker instead as a nice swerve.


Funny you should mention that, was chatting to a mate about that being a great idea just a few days ago. Wyatt's promos have all been about how the deadman is done and has nothing left etc etc. So the ABA turning up rather than the deadman would be completely unexpected by Wyatt. While regular Taker style mind games wouldn't shake him, turning up as the ABA would likely lead to Bray losing his shit. Would make for a great moment. While a lot of folks might argue against it, i dont think it's a bad idea at all. The more human ABA version of Taker is a more realistic option for the hall of fame ceremony also. As i figure he would have a match the night after his induction (next year as it's Texas?), and It just wouldn't work to see the deadman giving an acceptance speech and then going back to being spooky 24hrs later.

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Just watching the second episode of WrestleMania Today, which is great, and they showed a clip of John Cena hyping up his match on Jimmy Kimmel, which was brilliant. I think Cena-Rusev was the match I was most looking forward to anyway, but Cena was just superb on Kimmel. Can't wait to see him win now - the man watched Rocky V TWICE to prepare for this match, he's earned the win.



Edit: Unrelated. I like Roman Reigns, but I hate those contact lenses.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Just watching the second episode of WrestleMania Today, which is great, and they showed a clip of John Cena hyping up his match on Jimmy Kimmel, which was brilliant. I think Cena-Rusev was the match I was most looking forward to anyway, but Cena was just superb on Kimmel. Can't wait to see him win now - the man watched Rocky V TWICE to prepare for this match, he's earned the win.



Edit: Unrelated. I like Roman Reigns, but I hate those contact lenses.


Rocky IV yeah?

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Watched Rock Hogan from WM18 on WWE Network. They cut out a moment where Rock has Hogan in a sharpshooter and taps out whilst the referee was down. Anyone have a clue why this is, and have you seen any other random edits?

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Just a fleeting thought. WWE seems stale and not on the pulse - how many African American writers and producers do they have? I know it's been seen as redneck trash before, and the Attitude era gives much ammo for that notion, but they want to have a diverse audience. They're more than capable of drawing in that market, as they do, but it could be pushed more and seem much more relevant than it currently is.

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Just a fleeting thought. WWE seems stale and not on the pulse - how many African American writers and producers do they have? I know it's been seen as redneck trash before, and the Attitude era gives much ammo for that notion, but they want to have a diverse audience. They're more than capable of drawing in that market, as they do, but it could be pushed more and seem much more relevant than it currently is.


I don't understand the question - "that market?" What market? The "redneck trash" market? What does that have to do with having black staff?


Struggling here.

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